Victimology Syllabus

Quarter long – On-campus and Online

I. Locator Information:

Instructor: __TBA______

Course # and Name: __TBA

Class location: TBAOffice Location: TBA

Semester Credit Hours: 3 credit hoursOffice Hours: TBA

Day and Time Class Meets: TBAOffice Phone: TBA

Instructor email address:

II. Course Description: This course covers the topic of Victimology. Specifically, students will learn about the history of Victimology, theories explaining victimization, victims’ rights and remedies, and will cover specific crimes and how they affect crime victims. (Oftentimes the course description must match what is listed in the course catalog).

III. Textbook and materials:

Daigle, L. and Muftic, R. Lisa (2016). Victimology. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

IV. Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

- Define Victimology and describe its origins

- Discuss victims’ rights

- Describe the extent, risk factors, consequences and response of officials to specific types of victimization.

  1. Course Requirements and Evaluation Criteria:

Grading Scale –

TBD by Instructor

  1. Attendance Requirements – TBD
  1. Value of Each Assignment:
  2. Discussion questions
  3. Quizzes
  4. Tests
  5. Internet resources
  6. Policy on Missed or Late Assignments -
  7. Students missing class must provide the professor with a valid excuse within 24 hours of the missed class or consideration of late submissions and/or make up assignments will not occur. Emergency situations will be considered on an individual basis by the professor.
  8. Specific criteria for excused absences:
  9. Discussion questions
  10. Quizzes
  11. Tests
  12. Internet resources
  1. Other – Academic Dishonesty policy:

Acts of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and can result in the failure of a course and dismissal from the University. Academic dishonesty includes: cheating on a test, working with someone else on an assignment when you’re not allowed to, using someone else’s work as your own (or doing someone else’s work for him or her), and plagiarism.

  1. Graded Assignments– The assignments for this course are listed below:
  1. Discussion questions – (15 chapters)
  2. At the end of each chapter are a number of discussion questions. Students should prepare answers to the questions and bring them to class to assist in the class discussion of the chapter assigned for the day.

B.Chapter quizzes (15 quizzes)

Each chapter has a quiz that will assess students’ introduction to the materials.

C. Tests (15 tests)

Each chapter has a test that will assess students’ overall understanding of the materials.

D.Internet resources (15 chapters)

At the end of each chapter are a listing of internet sources that provide students an opportunity to review activities of victim service organizations, victim rights and remedies, and other resources related to Victimology.

  1. Course Outline and Assignment Schedule

Date / Topic / Reading / Assignments due
Week 1 / Introduction to course
Course expectations / None / None
Week 2 / Introduction to Victimology
Extent, Theories, and Factors of Victimization / Ch. 1 & Ch. 2 / Discussion questions
Internet resources
Quiz 1 & 2 – Beginning of week
Test 1 & 2 – End of week
Week 3 / The Victim–Offender Overlap
Consequences of Victimization / Ch. 3 & Ch. 4 / Discussion questions
Internet resources
Quiz 3 & 4 – Beginning of week
Test 3 & 4 – End of week
Week 4 / Recurring Victimization
Victims’ Rights and Remedies / Ch. 5 & 6 / Discussion questions
Internet resources
Quiz 5 & 6 – Beginning of week
Test 5 & 6 – End of week
Week 5 / Homicide Victimization
Sexual Victimization / Ch. 7 & 8 / Discussion questions
Internet resources
Quiz 7 & 8 – Beginning of week
Test 7 & 8 – End of week
Week 6 / Intimate Partner Violence / Ch. 9 / Discussion questions
Internet resources
Quiz 9 – Beginning of week
Test 9 – End of week
Week 7 / Victimization at the Beginning and End of Life / Ch. 10 / Discussion questions
Internet resources
Quiz 10 – Beginning of week
Test 10 – End of week
Week 8 / Victimization of Special Populations / Ch. 11 / Discussion questions
Internet resources
Quiz 11 – Beginning of week
Test 11 – End of week
Week 9 / Victimization at School and Work / Ch. 12 / Discussion questions
Internet resources
Quiz 12 – Beginning of week
Test 12 – End of week
Week 10 / Property and Identity Theft Victimization / Ch. 13 / Discussion questions
Internet resources
Quiz 13 – Beginning of week
Test 13 – End of week
Week 11 / Victimology From a Comparative Perspective / Ch. 14 / Discussion questions
Internet resources
Quiz 14 – Beginning of week
Test 14 – End of week
Week 12 / Contemporary Issues in Victimology / Ch. 15 / Discussion questions
Internet resources
Quiz 15 – Beginning of week
Test 15 – End of week