Physical Education Expectations for Grades 7-12

Mr. Ward

Richardton-Taylor Public School’s Physical Education program will focus on fitness for one’s Health and Well-Being. Students will learn skills and rules of various activities in both individual and team sports. I expect all students to participate to the best of their ability. This is the student’s opportunity to build a healthy body and mind to be successful.

1)Classroom Expectations

a)Come to class dressed properly with a pair of tennis shoes(Non-Marking Sole), T-Shirt and gym shorts. You must have a change of clothes other than your school clothes.

* If you are not dressed properly for class, you will be assigned a packet on the day’s activity or another duty from Mr. Ward.

b)Be on time.

c)RESPECT- Classmates, teacher, and gym equipment.

d)Participation-Do your best.

e)Sportsmanship- Positive Attitude.

f)NO GUM!!!


a)Daily Points: 10 points

b)Point Break Down:

c)1 points for being ON TIME.

d)3 point for dressing in Appropriate Attire.

e)3 points for Appropriate Behavior/ Sportsmanship.

f)3 points for Participation.

g)Fitness testing. We will use the Fitnessgram Standards.

3)Grading Scale






4)Locker Room

a)Locks: Will be provided upon request until all are handed out. It is a First Come, First Serve basis if you wish to use a lock.

b)Lockers: you may choose your locker. Please tell Mr. Ward your Locker Number if it is available!!

c)You will have 5 min. to get dressed in gym clothes and report to the gym.

d)Make sure you DO NOT SHARE your lock combination or locker.

e)Close/Lock your locker. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!!

f)If there is anyone caught DEFACING LOCKER ROOMS OR HARRASSING OTHER STUDENTS, are subject to action of discipline in accordance to the Richardton-Taylor Public Schools Handbook.

5)Electronic Devices and Valuables

a)Any form of electronic device, (Ex. Cellphone, iPod, Cameras, Recording Devices) are NOT ALLOWED in the gym at any time. Any form of electronic device, (Ex. Cellphone, iPod, Cameras, Recording Devices) are NOT ALLOWED in the gym at any time. Please refer to the Richardton-Taylor Public Schools Handbook for further questions.

b)Any valuables such as MONEY, JEWLERY and other valuables must be locked up in locker and out of plain sight. Richardton-TaylorHigh School is not responsible for Lost or Stolen items. THIS IS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY!!


a)A Doctors or Parents note must be provided to excuse the student from activity until an updated note is provided stating the student is able to participate in activities.

b)You may be assigned a task or asked to complete a packet to stay busy in class.


a)Make-up work will follow the student handbook. If you are gone without any prior knowledge, you will have 2 days to make up any work for 1 day. This means I will give you a packet on the activity you missed and you will have 2 days to return it. Example: If you are gone on Monday, you will have to hand in your packet on Wednesday by the end of the school day.

"True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are united."
--Alexander von Humboldt

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