EAHS All Sports Booster Club
November 1st, 2017
Meeting Minutes
Those in attendance: Kathy Davey, Jo Ann Schaffer, Julia Ingersoll, Cindy Smith, Cindy Papenfus, Stacy Jacobs, Lindsey Rozinski, Jean Grochowski, Shelly Higgins, Tim Franz, Dave Welsh, and Eric Larsen
1. Review of Last Month’s Minutes: Approved as submitted, motioned by Cindy Smith, seconded by Julia Ingersoll..
2.. Treasurer’s Report - Reviewed by Eric Larsen. Approved as submitted, motioned by Jo Ann Schaffer, seconded by Stacy Jacobs
A. City of Elkhorn Recreation Programs- We did receive the bill for the t-shirts from the summer camps. Moving forward, we will have to decide if we want to continue to sponsor this.
3. President’s Report -Dave Welsh
A. Tim May has accepted the position of Vice President.
B. Dave is still working on writing a letter to Walworth County Fair about parking for next year.
C. The final numbers for expenses of HOF are still coming in, but currently we have broke even which is a big improvement from the first 2 years. Next year need to consider moving it to a different date than on homecoming. Considering having a separate Hall of Fame Weekend.
4. AD Report - Dave Welsh for Dan Kiel
A. Shirts for Coaches - Discussion had about purchasing shirts for all current coaches. Decision made to order just for the winter sports coaches for now and the new ATC. Will then revisit this in the Spring and next Fall for those sport seasons.
5. Old Business:
A. Sports Program Update - Starting on Winter booklet. Also, still collecting money from our sponsoring businesses. We will have the HOF members pictures in winter booklet.
B. Golf Outing Chairperson - Still need to speak with Mark Malvitz about this.
6. New Business:
A. Fan of the Year - Cindy Papenfus and Stacy Jacobs offered to head up this committee. Ideas discussed about making sure to include all sports and all seasons of sports. Will as head coaches for nominations.
B. Started a needs / wants list for equipment and will discuss at future meetings.
Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, January 3rd, at 6:30 pm
Meeting adjourned by Jo Ann Schaffer , Seconded by Shelly Higgins
Submitted by Kathy Davey