February 12, 2015 7:00 PM
CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/ROLL CALL: Chair Dave Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Those present: new PC member Scott Hendrickson, Brenda Silgjord, Dave Johnson, Greg Bennett, Board Liaison Yvette Adelman-Dullinger and Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk. Sign-In sheet attached.
Agenda: Brenda Silgjord moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Greg Bennett and the motion carried.
January 8, 2015 Regular PC Meeting amend/approve: Brenda Silgjord moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Greg Bennett and the motion carried.
Public Input:
Correspondence Received:
Tane Barclay – Letter of Interest – Planning Commission: Tane submitted a letter of interest for the open PC position. Tane has been a resident of Sylvan Township for 8 years and is retired from the Department of Corrections MN in St. Cloud. Tane also has a BA degree in Organizational Management. After discussion Greg Bennett moved to recommend the Town Board consider Tane Barclay for the open position on the Planning Commission, seconded by Brenda Silgjord. The question was called and the motion carried.
Cass County Permit Log: Cass County sent a permit log showing all the permits that were permitted in Sylvan Township for 2014. Dawn with Cass County ESD will be sending Sylvan Township a copy of each permit they process. We will make up a log for these permits.
WSN Legacy Grant Program: The Planning Commission received information from Widseth Smith and Nolting regarding the Parks and Trails Legacy Grant Program. The PC thought this would be helpful once the PC has decided what would be needed for the Carlyon Sylvan Park. The PC members decided to keep the information on file for future reference.
Correspondence Sent:
Paul Fairbanks, Cass County – Widell Variance: A letter was sent to Paul in regard to the Daniel Widell Variance recommending approval of the site committee’s findings and conditions which are:
1. Widell residence is a non-conforming structure located on a lot riparian to the Gull River, a tributary river.
2. Current residence is located 64 feet from OHW
3. Required setback is 100 feet.
4. Current impervious surface is approximately 2250 sf. (6.4% of lot square footage).
5. The addition would add 1120 sf., creating a total impervious surface of less than 10% of lot area.
6. Storage and outhouse building is located approx. 30 feet from OHW.
7. Lot is currently being mowed to the water’s edge.
8. Accessory buildings on a riparian lot .5-.99 acres have a maximum sf 1200 allowed. Existing garage and storage buildings exceed limit by approximately 280 sf.
9. Proposed building is 72 feet from OHW (4 feet behind current residence).
Recommendation considerations:
· The proposed project is consistent with the Sylvan Township Comprehensive Plan providing protections are put in place to protect the water quality.
· Granting the variance would be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the Cass County ordinance.
· The placing of the buildings in close proximity to the water was not the result of actions of the owner.
· Granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the essential character of the neighborhood setbacks are similar neighboring setbacks
· The proposed use of the property would be a reasonable use of the property, as it would not result in a structure closer to the water than currently exists
The Sylvan Town Board recommends granting of the variance for reduced setback with the following conditions:
1. A strict application of the no-mow buffer to minimize storm water and reduce input into the river.
2. Review by ESD staff to determine if a storm water detention area could be developed in the area currently used to store the pontoon. This depression could hold the fire pit reducing the contamination possibilities from the ashes.
3. The existing cabin would be certified by an architect or builder to be viable as a structure that could be added to. Since the existing cabin is the main reason for the close proximity to the river it should not disappear in the process.
4. 50% of the new impervious surface should be directed to a cistern or french drain to minimize the runoff of the addition.
5. The sewer must have been inspected in the past 3 years and certified for the number of bedrooms proposed.
6. Meeting all State, County and Township requirements.
Dave attended the Cass County Planning Commission meeting in regard to this Variance and stated they did add a mow zone to the conditions.
Dave stated he spoke with John Ringle with Cass County in regard to having two Sylvan Township PC members go with the County staff to inform the resident how they need to do their retention ponds, rain gardens, etc. John seemed receptive to that idea.
Yvette Adelman-Dullinger –Town Board Liaison: Yvette informed the Planning Commission members of the following items discussed at their last meeting:
1. Yvette stated the Board is working on some road projects. They put out a bid on 127th and Pine Tree Lane to have it paved. The 122nd St. bridge has some issues with extra material on top of the bridge due to it getting paved, the weight of it may be too much. Cass County will take a look at this and check the engineering on it. A resident on Shady Hollow Road is having problems with water running down into their property causing damage to the patio, etc. after improvements were made on the road.
2. Yvette attended the Fire Association meeting and Randy Lee, Fire Chief addressed an issue a resident of Sylvan Township had with the Fire Department.
3. Newsletter printing/ folding – since the Pillager Senior Center sold there isn’t anyone available to fold the newsletter, label them or sort them out so getting a quote from Insty Prints for printing and folding the newsletter.
4. Annual meeting is March 10, 2015 at 7:00 PM.
5. Board of Equalization is set for April 17, 2015 at 10:00 AM at the Town Hall.
Previous Board Minutes: You are receiving in your packets, please read them over for your information.
Cass County Meeting: Dave, Brenda and Arlene Schmit met with the Cass County Planning Commission in Backus to discuss items that came out of the Comp Plan, which consisted with the Commercial only zoning, the Variances and what the comp plan states in regard to preservation of natural amenities and water quality. Dave stated he thought the main accomplishment was the fact that Sylvan Township was willing to meet them in Backus to discuss the issues and it was a relationship visit.
One of the Cass County PC members stated if we want any type of grants for water quality Sylvan Township should get involved with the Cass County Lakes and River Association and see about a membership with them.
MPCA Report - Brenda: In the list of items discussed at the Cass County meeting was what authority does Sylvan Township have in regard to regulating feedlots. Brenda met with Rhonda Adkins at the Baxter PCA office. The PC can go to the PCA website which is: then the 720 rules where we can find answers to our questions. Brenda stated anyone coming into Sylvan Township regarding a feedlot would have to apply for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). There are currently two (2) existing feedlots, Crow Wing Feeders and Jenny O Turkey Store – Baxter Farm. The Jenny O Turkey store does not need MPCA permitting. They would need to have 25K to require a permit. Brenda handed out some printouts in regard to feedlot construction setbacks from open water and wells; 300 to 999 animal units, operation and management; and one on livestock and the environment. Colleen will make copies for the Planning Commission members and put in their packets for next month. Brenda informed the Planning Commission members that Rhonda Adkins stated Cass County is one of the undelegated counties.
Old Business:
Website: Check with BLADEC for some training for small townships, possibly in the spring. Scott stated he could check with their IT department at Anderson Brothers.
Commercial Exclusive Use: The Planning Commission members discussed having certain areas in Sylvan Township as Commercial only, especially at the major intersections. Dave went over the map showing the areas that are of a major concern. The Planning Commission members discussed identifying what properties should be commercial only and not doing it all commercial. After further discussion it was decided Dave will draw out a map showing what areas the PC is thinking should be commercial only and have it ready for Yvette to present at the next Town Board meeting.
New Business:
Election of Officers: It states in the Planning Commission By-Laws that an annual organizational meeting shall be held in February of each year with nominations for Chair and Vice Chair being held. Greg Bennett nominated Dave Johnson as Chair, seconded by Brenda Silgjord, Greg amended his motion to include Greg Bennett as Vice Chair, seconded by Brenda Silgjord. The question was called and the motion carried.
Road Ordinance: The Town Board asked the Planning Commission to work on the Road Ordinance to figure out the roads that are private roads by use and come up with some type of language that would provide criteria for when residents want the Township to take the road over and what standards the resident would have to bring up the road to that standard for the Township to take it over. This will be put into a packet for the resident so they know what is expected. Scott Hendrickson and Dave Johnson will work on this.
Carlyon Sylvan Lake Park: Greg Bennett spoke with Karl with the Pillager High School Forestry Program and they are interested in participating in this. Dave Johnson spoke with Larry Lundblade at the college who gave Dave a name of a person at the college but that person has not gotten back to Dave. The Planning Commission members discussed having a meeting in the spring with the interested residents, school, college and DNR.
Other Business:
Yvette asked about Carl Christensen’s sawmill. She has noticed some activity going on. Dave stated Carl’s son has taken it over but has not changed the use but he will talk to Carl in regard to this.
Annual Reviews:
Deposits held: Verizon Wireless
Announcements: Read
Adjournment: Brenda Silgjord moved to adjourn, seconded by Scott Hendrickson, and the motion carried with the meeting being adjourned at 8:35PM.
Minutes submitted by:
Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk
PC Member ______moved to approve the minutes as presented/as amended, seconded by ______and the motion carried.
January 8, 2015 Page 4