Creative Living
Course Description:
This comprehensive course provides an opportunity for acquiring basic life skills and allows students to select specific areas for concentrated study. Emphasis is on work and family, adolescent development, selection and care of clothing, consumer spending, housing choices, challenges of child rearing, and guidance in establishing relationships. Leadership development will be provided through the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
Course Objective:
Academic Expectations: 2.1; 2.8; 4.1; 2.37; 2.36; 2.30; 3.4; 2.32; 5.4; 3.5; 3.7; 2.36; 2.29; 3.2; 5.4; 1.2; 1.4
Core Content: PL-HS-1.1.01; PL-HS-1.1.02; PL-HS-1.1.03; PL-HS-4.1.07; PL-HS-1.1.04; PL-HS-1.1.05; PL-HS-1.1.08; PL-HS-1.1.06; PL-HS-1.2.01; PL-HS-1.2.02; PL-HS-1.3.01; PL-HS-3.1.02
Course Requirements:
This course is a one credit elective class. The class is made up of various units of study that will help high school students be more independent and get along with their peers. The units of study are the following: Leadership; Relationships; Parenting; Child/Human Development; Foods and Nutrition; and Fashion and Interior Design.
Course Calendar/Schedule:
1st Semester: Leadership/Relationships Unit; Parenting/Child/Human Development
Unit; Consumer Economics
2nd Semester: Foods and Nutrition; Fashion and Interior Design
Evaluations of the students will include class participation, home work assignments; quizzes; notebooks, open response, CATS-like unit tests, portfolio entries and learning journal.
Final semester grade will be based on final exam, notebooks, homework assignments, quizzes, open response, CATS-like tests, class participation, and learning journal.
For CATS-like unit tests, open response items will be 50% of the grade.
Grading Scale:
90 – 100 = A
80 – 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 = D
0 – 59 = F
Class Participate:
All students are expected to participate in the various class activities and discussions. Group work will be offered as much as possible and students will be expected to do their part. Participate will affect the students grades.
Make-up Missed Assignments:
Students will be allowed to make missed assignments and exams unless it was a class activity that involved hands on experiences that required them to be in attendance. It is the student’s responsibility to get the assignments that they may miss.
Academic Dishonesty:
Students are encouraged to do their own work and if caught using other’s work, their grade could be lowered and the opportunity to make up the work can be denied.
This syllabus is a general course guide that may be revised or altered during the course of the school year due to changes in federal, state, or district level curricular changes.