H08-005– Procedure

January 16, 2008

TO: / Home and Community Services (HCS) Division Regional Administrators
Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Directors
FROM: / Bill Moss, Director, Home and Community Services Division
Purpose: / To facilitate communication between financial and social services staff related to changes that were made to the ACES (Automated Client Eligibility System) online screens.
Background: / Handling short stay, split participation calculations and award letters has been a manual process. As a result, information about changes were documented in the ACES Narrative and were not always coded within the
ACES screens.
What’s new, changed, or
Clarified / Screens were added during the last round of ACES changes and some existing screens revised to display information regarding short stays and splitting of participation between providers. NOTE: This does not apply to MPC cases as MPC is not supported in ACES. Changes include:
  • Financial workers can now code ACES with the correct short stay and client change information.
  • HCS financial workers will contact WASHCAP to have cases transferred, complete the short stay actions for the WASHCAP unit, and will return the case to WASHCAP.
  • ACES will recalculate participation, split it between providers and settings when necessary, and issue award letters for changes.
  • Financial workers will need information from the social workers/case managerson in-home services provided and/or facility rates (new and old).
  • Changes (attached below) were made to the ACES Online screens:
  • Revised Institution Screen now the Institution/HCBS Screen
  • New LTC Expenses/Deductions Screen
  • New Short Stay Screen
  • Revised Medical Eligibility Results Screen now the Medical Eligibility Screen

ACTION: / HCS and AAA Social Services staff:
When changes occur, HCS and AAA social services staff must give financial workers the following information:
  • The amount of participation paid toward in-home services during the month of change based on the hours authorized and used when clients move from an in-home setting to a residential facility or nursing home.
  • The rates for both the discharge and admit facilities in the month of change in order for financial to determine how to split the participation and complete the case action.
  • For nursing facility admissions, the question on the 14-443 form “Likely to meet/exceed 30 days?” should only be marked “yes” if the admission is expected to be 30 or more days.
  • Review the attached presentation and handouts to learn more about:
  • The changes to ACES Online;
  • Information regarding short stay time periods and the split of participation between providers and/or settings.

  1. Institutional Short Stays – Social Services Presentation:
  2. Revised Institution/HCBS Screen:

  1. New LTC Expenses Screen:

  1. New Short Stay Screen:

  1. Revised Medical Eligibility Screen:

CONTACT(S): / David Armes, Financial Program Manager
(360) 725-2318

Guyce LaFavour, ACES Program Manager
(206) 341-7781

Peggy Rezac, Financial Training & Analyst
(360) 725-2582