Municipal Children's Complex - Nessebar
Nessebar 2015
We invite childrens’ and adolescents’ creative groups from Bulgaria and abroad to take part in the XV International children festival “Sun, joy, beauty” – Nessebar 2015. The festivaltakes placeinNessebar, asapeculiarblendofhistoryand modernity.
Nesebar, located on the Black Sea coast, has rich history. It is unique in its location - among the sand dunes and vegetation, spacious beaches, hot sun and rich history. The city is under the auspices of UNESCO.
The XV International children festival “Sun, joy, beauty” isheldwith the participation ofcreativeteamsandperformers fromBulgariaandothercountries.Тhe organizersof thecontestareNessebarandMunicipal Children's Complex-Nessebarunder the patronage of The Mayor of the municipality of Nessebar.
The aimof the organizersistopromote thedevelopmentof youth creative work throughcommunication between leaders andyouthsfromdifferentteams, to enrichtheir repertoireof classicandcontemporaryworks. The festivalhelpsthe participants to show their talentsandincreasetheirperforming mastery.
One of the main tasks of the festival is the integration of adolescents and young people from Bulgaria and abroad in a creative union, and the familiarization with cultural-historical and natural landmarks of Bulgaria.
The festival is organized each year from 15th June at Nessebar – Bulgaria.
Termsof the festival
Groups, chamberensembles, ensemblesandsoloperformers can take part in the festival.
The festivaltakes placeintwoparts - contest andfestival. Participantscanjoinat their own willin bothparts.
-musicgroupsforclassicalmusic-academicchoirs, soloists;
-vocalgroupsandsoloperformersoffolk songsandpopmusic;
-instrumentalensemblesandsoloperformers-folk, classical andother instruments;
-groupsoffolkdances, classical ballet, modern ballet, ballroom, sports, characteristic, cheerleading, sportsrock’n’roll, etc.;
-groupandsolo performances ofcircusacrobatics, magicians, juggling, pantomime, fashion;
Festival forms:
Miss and Mister Festival
Entertainment - museums, discos
GroupIA -junioragegroup- up to7 years;
GroupI-junioragegroup– 8 to10 years;
GroupII-junioragegroup- 11to14 years;
GroupIII-middleage-15to18 years;
GroupIV-senioragegroup- 18to21 years;
Group V-senioragegroup- over21 years.
Ageisdeterminedas of31.12.2015year.
Competitivesections, categories andterms forparticipation
Section “Music”
a/folksong-soloists andensembles;
b/classicalsinging-solo,duet,trio, quartet, choir;
c/popandvarietysongs -solo,duet,trio, quartet, vocalgroup.
d/classicalinstrument-piano, violinandmore.
e/folk instruments.
Section “Choreography”
1.FolkDance-Bulgarianfolkloreandfolkloreof other nationalities:
a) processedfolkdance;
c)stylizedfolk dance.
3.CharacteristicDance-stylizedtheatricalformsofdancesof the peoples.
4.Orientaldance“belly dance”.
5.Moderndance-performancesin this categorymaybeinstyles:
e/freestyle/ free dance /- allowedmixingofstylesin thiscategory;
f /non-standardforms-mime, step, sportsrock'n'roll, circusacrobatics, magicians, fashionand more.
6.StreetStyle/street dance/ -performancesof thisgenrecategorymust bekept inthe styleofurbandanceandincludeallstyles:
a/ Hip-Hop;
b/ Break dance;
c/ New Style;
d/ Locking &Popping;
f/ Clown dancing;
g/ Free dance /bycategory/, etc.
Section “Fine Arts”
Workshop - 3 days.
Additional festival forms
1.Miss and Mister Festival.
forparticipationin thecompetitionsections:
Section “Music”
1.Performancesin category"Music" -arealivewithmusical accompanimentorsinbek(optional).
Playbackand duplicationofthe soloistis not allowed.
2.Vocalensemblesare composedofat leasttwoparticipants.
3.Formationsinvolvingperformersfrommore than one agegroupcompetein the agegroupof theoldestparticipant.
4.Forthe participantsin thecategory"Funny Music" one of the performancesisrequiredtorun on native language.
Onlyone performance in foreign language is allowed.
5.Forthe participantsin thecategory"Folk Song":
-Up to14 years-onesongtobebezmenzurna/slow/and the otherto be fast. The accompaniment can be with sinbek/InstrumentalRecording/ orwithliveaccompaniment.
-Over14 years-notallowedadditionalvocalsin the liveperformance orsinbek.
Note: The application formmust contain-repertoire, song title, author, music, editing, lyrics and arrangement, duration.
Individualperformers, groups, duetsandchamberensembles(trio, quartet) can take part in the competition.
I.Category"Folk Dances"
Groupsdances-ensembles, composition, chamber musicgroups.
1.FolkDances/processedfolklore- Bulgarianfolklore, nationalfolkloreofthe countryof origin ofthe participants.
2.Authenticdancesandfolkcustomsofthe region.The participants’ performance must be up to15 minutes.
-People'schoreographyonmusicupdatedwithstylized national costumes.
Number ofparticipants:
-dancegroupsinthe chamber– up to 8persons;
-ensemblesanddance groups- no restriction.
Duration: chambergroupsmustpresenta program up to8minutes; dance groups - up to 15minutes; ensembles – up to 20 minutes.
Recommendations: The chamber dancesmust be with athematicorstoryform.
Note: In the application formmust beindicated thenameof the dancechoreographer,ofthe author, composer, nameof the musicand timing.
Performs anoriginalchoreographyfromthe classicalheritageora new interpretationonfamiliarexcerptsfromballetworks. The performancesmust be heldin the styleofclassicaldance. The movementsused from the classicalvocabularymust betailoredto the ageofperformers.
Note: In the application formmust beindicated thenameof the dancechoreographer,the author, the composer, nameof the musicand timing.
III. CharacteristicDance
Stylizeddancegainedpopularityon the stageinoperaandballet. The choreographyhasthe characterof urbanfolkdancesof differentnationalitiesconnectedto thegenrecategory.
Note: In the application formmust beindicated thenameof the dancechoreographer,the author, the composer, nameof the musicand timing.
IV. ModernDance
The performancesfrom this categorycanbeinstyles: jazzdance,modern dance, Graham, neo-classical, etc.
Note: In the application formmust beindicated thenameof the dancechoreographer,the author, the composer, nameof the musicand timing.
V.StreetStyle/street dance/
The performancesofthisgenrecategorymust bekept inthe styleofHip-Hopdanceandcanincludeall stylesofstreetdance. For example: New Style, Free dance, Locking & Popping, Krumping, Clowndancing, Break dance, etc.
Note: In the application formmust beindicated thenameof the dancechoreographer,the author, the composer, nameof the musicand timing.
VI. Sports/Ball/Dance
Formations forsport(ballroom) dancing can take part in this category. Theymustincludeover4racepairsora minimum of 8competitorswhoperformtogetherona Regulationon thestandardracingcompositionsand/orLatin Americandances.
The compositionsmustbeconstructedon the basisoffivestandardorLatin Americandances.
The presentationof theformations(including entry and exit) mustnot exceed5 minutes.
Lifting apartner is not allowed.
Compositionof the formations:
a)Childrenformations/ Iage group/.Informationof8pairs- twomaybejunior;in6pairs–one;
b)Youthformations/ IIagegroup/.Informationof8pairs- twomaybe youth; In6pairs–one;
c)Formations with competitorsover 19years old –youths are eligible.
The subject form is recommended.
Eachteamcanparticipatewitha maximum of two dances inagenrecategory. The durationofeachdancemust notexceed5 minutes.
1.Mime, step, sports,rock'n'roll, circus,acrobatics, magicians, fashionand more.
Individualperformances in section “Choreography”:
Participantsaredivided intoage groups. They performonedancein therelevantgenrecategoryandage group. The durationofeachdancemustnotexceed2 minutes.
1.Performance technique;
2.Artistryandstage presence;
Section “FineArts”
In the plain air(competition) you drawup to threeworks with a maximum of50/70cm(withoutlimitationin the types ofmaterialsforpainting). The themeis"Nessebar - ancient andyoung”. The drawingsareinscribedwiththe namesofthe participant, age, city, countrymanagerand submittedto Municipal Children’s Complex - Nessebar.
Eachparticipantdrawswith his/her ownmaterials.
The awardedworksremainin thefundof the festival.
In order toparticipatein thecompetition you must complete aquestionnaire-applicationform, accompaniedbya photography.
Participants shall wear:
-Nationalcostumeoftheircountry(may be stylized);
-For thenomination"Miss" -afestivalT-shirtprovidedby theorganizers, a skirt orjeans, hatandmoreaccessories;
- Thenomination"Mister" – a festivalT-shirtandsportswear;
-A dressin "avangard" style (costumes madefromtraditionalmaterials);
-Evening, formalsuitfor boysandballgownforgirls(will bewearingthemin thenomination"Ball" and at the awards);
Note:The costumesfor thepresentationmust be madeby the participantsand their parents. Foranysuitorclothing it shouldbeselectedappropriate footwear.
Rehearsalsareheld on16, 17and 18 .06(Participationinthe rehearsalsismandatory).
Terms of Participation
The desire for participation in the competition must be specified in the request for participation.
The Request form must be presented at the Municipal Children's Complex until 30.05. 2015.
A survey must be completed - creative request on the organizer’s sample and sent to the address: e-mail: ; tel./ fax: 0554 / 459-52.
Please, send your Request formsinWordformat!
The festivaltakes placeinNessebarfrom 15to25 .06, 2015.
1.Participantsin the competition shall presenttwoperformances- eachlastingmaximum five minutesinanyrequested style of nomination, if there are no other requirements notedinthe termsofthe particularnomination.
2. The group leaders are responsible for:
- any accidents and injuries of the participants of their group on the scene;
- thebehaviour of the participants of their group during the whole festival.
3. The participants are responsible for their own costumes, properties and personal belongings.
4. The music for each performance must be recorded on A SEPARATE CD (ONLY one recording /song/ per CD).
5. A performance which competes at a definite style and age group HAS NOT the right to compete at another style of the competition.
6.The expenses for the stay of the groups and their attendants together with expenses for traveling, daily needs and spending the festival nights are covered by the participants.
7.The expenses for the awards, jury and the scenic provisions are covered by the organizers.
8.The organizershave the righttotake photos, make video clips, recordanddistributethe performancesofthe competitionprogramwithoutpayingrightsandbenefits.
9.The schedulefor theorderof appearanceisdeterminedby the OrganizingCommittee5 /five/ daysbefore thestartof the competition.Changesare not allowed.
10. It is a rightof the jurytodetermine whichwinnerswill bepresentedat the Galaconcert.
11. On 12, 13, 14and15.06 the organizershold technical
conferenceswiththe group leaders.
12. On 17, 18and19.06at 9:00AM at the ConferenceCenter"Sochi" are heldmeetings with thejuryabout the previouscompetitionday/standingsare not declared/.
13. Master classes are held during the festival by the members of the jury. It is a right of the organizers to fix the type and schedule.
14.Ranking fornominationsandawardswilltake place on19.06.2015at 6:00 PM.
The winners at I,II, IIIplaceineachnominationand age group receivea diploma, a plaqueand prizes.
Eachteamandindividualcontractorreceivesa certificate forparticipation.
The juryawardsa Big prizefor eachsection: Music -vocal, instrumental, Choreography, Art-artist.
The Municipality of Nessebarhasestablished aprizefor: "Music pedagogue"; Vocalpedagogue"; “Choreographer–pedagogue”and “Artist-pedagogue" with acash bonus.
The jury and the sponsors alsoawardprizes.
Financial terms
Fee: for groups - 42leva per participant; for individual contribution – 60 leva; for participation in a team and individually it is paid a fee of 60 leva.
Miss and Mister Festival - 84leva.
Travel and accommodation costs are paid by the participants.
During the festival organizers offer different kinds of entertainment - museums, walking tours in the Old Town of Nessebar, festival concerts in Sunny Beach and others.
V International Art Festival"Constellations inNessebar2015”
12.06and15.06Arrival of theparticipants, registration andconferencesin theMunicipal Children's Complex- Nessebar, complex "Mladost"62
11.00, 13.00, 15.00-technicalconferences
15.06. -19.30 Grand Opening-parade of the participants,
raising the national flagat the gates of the city, introducing the participants-stage
16.06. -10.00start of thesessions
Meetingofthe Mayor ofNessebarwiththe group leaders
16,17,18 .06Competitionprogramnominations
19. 06-18.00-Ceremony, Galaconcert–Amphitheater Nessebar
20,21 .06 – 18.00 - Сoncert
VInternational Art Festival"Constellations inNessebar2015”
1.Group/Collective(names of the soloist)......
,city, country......
2.Nameof the manager/grou leader andhis qualifications......
Address(work and home),......
phone (work and home),...... fax, e-mail
3.Name of theco-repetitor
4.Name of thepedagogue
5.History ofthe team(date ofcreation, creativity, participations, prizes, etc.)
6. Name of the directorof the office, which thegroup uses (Cultural house, community center, etc.) Telephone and address
Name...... /nocuts/of theartistic director/vocal pedagogue, music pedagogue, conductor, ...... /whose nameisentered inthe certificateof participation-underline their position;example-KatyaDimitrova-conductor
Age group:......
№ Nameof performance; number of participants;music;vocal pedagogue;Duration
7.List of the participants and theadults(leaders, teachers and otherssupporting theparticipants), date of birth.
8.The groupwillspend the nightin a hotel......
9.The group isoperated byTravel Agency......
№ Names; Dateof birth;Note
8. Required materials- number ofmicrophones, media
PS1. Please, bringpromotional materials ofthe compositionor the group,photographs,videotapes, and other materials.
2.Eachparticipantmust present a picturewith size 3x4.
nameand title
Please,sendyour Request forms inWordformat!
Address: 8230Nessebar,62 "Mladost" Str.
tel./fax: 0554/ 45952 e-mail: web address: