Guide for Report on Experiences KM4
Intercultural and Social Involvement
Form criteria: min. 2 pages, font size 11 pt Calibri, line spacing 1.5
- Name of institution, type and time period of activity.
- Please give a brief introduction of the activities undertaken as part of the intercultural and social involvement.
- What was your motivation behind this involvement?
- What were your expectations and were they met?
- Which other cultures did you encounter? What similarities and differences were there between these cultures and your own personal culture?
- Were there any behaviours you were unable to understand? If so, what were they and how did you handle this?
- Did this involvementinspire you to undertake a stay abroad? Or were you already abroad and able to integrate your own experiences into the activity? And if so, how?
- Have these intercultural encounters changed your view of your own personal culture in terms of behaviour, attitude and values? If so, how?
- Describe a particularly interesting intercultural experience you encountered as part of your activity.
- To what extent has this involvementhelped to develop your intercultural skills?
- Other comments
Guide for Report on Experiences KM4
Intercultural and Social Involvement
TANDEM Programme /Buddy Programme
Formal criteria: min. 2 pages, font 11 pt Calibri, line spacing 1.5
- Please give a brief introduction of your partner.
- Did you prepare for the programme or collaboration in any way? If so, how?
- What was your motivation in taking part in the programme?
- What were your expectations of the programme and were they met?
- In which languages did you communicate and how did this develop over the course of the exchange? Did you discuss topics such as the typical everyday life of the other culture, traditions or hobbies?
- What did you do together? How often did you meet?
- Were there any problems, misunderstandings or questions? If so, what was the cause of this and did you find a solution or can you propose any solutions?
- Have these intercultural encounters changed your view of your own personal culture in terms of behaviour, attitude and values? If so, how?
- Did your participation in the programme inspire you to undertake a stay abroad or were you already abroad and able to integrate your own experiences?
- To what extent did the exchange develop your intercultural skills?
- Other comments
Report on Experiences KM4 | Intercultural and Social Involvement| Intercultural Skills Certificate