WebEx Access Instructions

WholyFit's totally online Silver Certification

Meeting Number: 801 630 591

Meeting Password: silver

Don't worry... it's easy to use our awesome website technology!

Before joining the meeting, please see the WEBEX Meeting Computer Test (see instructions below) to make sure that your computer is set up correctly for the meeting. You will want to do this at least a day before the meeting, in case you need help.


WebExMeetingComputerTest:(Complete the following Computer Test at least 24 hours before access the WebEx meeting for the firsttime.)


Click on one of the two links below depending of which browser you are using (eitherFirefox or Internet Explorer) and download the java plugin. NOTE: If you are usingFirefox, you will need to click "Save" and save to your desktop and then double click onthe icon to "run" the download. If you are using Internet Explorer, you can just click"run" to download the java plugin. If you are using a MacBook, you will not need to complete this pretest.


Internet Explorer:

After downloading the Java plugin above, click on the following link to test yourcomputer to see if it is ready to join a meeting. (If you still cannot join the meeting, thereis a support number to call to help you set your computer up correctly.)


For Assistance:


Contact Technical Support

(Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for current customers only.)


Phone: / 1-866-229-3239 (U.S. and Canada Toll-Free)
+1-408-435-7088 (International Toll)

On the day of the meeting, use the directions below to access the WebEx meeting. After joining the meeting, follow the Audio/Video Set-up directions below so we can hear and see you. We look forward to seeing you online and getting to know you better.


To Join the Online Meeting: (Join 10-15 minutes before time for meeting.)


  1. Click on the link below to access the meeting: (We can access this meeting anytime or any day of the week even though it shows up on Wednesday night in the list of scheduled meetings on wholyfit.webex.com)

‪ ... I0&RT=MiM3

2. Click “Join.”

3. If requested, enter your name and email address.

4. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: silver


Audio/Video Set-up Directions: (Compete after joining the meeting)


  1. Click on the Access link in the
    Invitation email to open up the
    WebEx meeting
  1. The Audio Conference window will
    automatically open with two options
    for the meeting audio:
    Use the phone directions
    Use Computer for Audio—click on
    the button and click again on
    “Call Using Computer.”
  1. After the Audio has been established,
    you can close the Audio window.

  1. To turn on your video (if you have
    a webcam), click on the video tool
    to the right of your name in the
    Participants list.
  1. To switch between Participants list
    and Thumbnails (which shows the
    videos of all Participants), click on
    the List Tool at the bottom right of
    the window.
  1. The Chat box is always available
    for you to type in questions in the
    bottom textbox for the Meeting
    Administrator or to selected people.
    Click “send” to show the question
    in the Chat box.