Appendix 3.1. Map of study site.


JAV/Reports/Stubbles/Appendix obj 3

NAR 070303

Appendix 3.2. Seasonal changes in the area of stubble surveyed (hectares) across the two winters in East Anglia by each two week period.

Appendix 3.3. Bird densities (birds per hectare) on different crop types in the two winters Black. Black = winter 1, Grey = winter 2.

Appendix 3.4. Variables used in the multivariate GLM analysis.

Site / Farm

Field Characteristics

Area / Field area (ha)
weeks / Number of weeks the stubble was available
tboundlen / Total boundary length (m)
sprayed / Stubbles sprayed after harvest or not (1=sprayed, 0=not sprayed)
Crop / Previous crop (Barley, Wheat, Linseed, Oil Seed Rape, Sugar Beet)
bound1 / DCA boundary Axis 1 score:hedge length, coniferous woodland & ditch length
bound2 / DCA boundary Axis 2 score:deciduous & other woodland
Bound3 / DCA boundary Axis 3 score:ditch length, mixed & other woodland
Bound4 / DCA boundary Axis 4 score:Hedge length, ditch length & deciduous woodland
hedlen / Proportion of boundary consisting of hedge
hedht / Mean hedge height (m)
hedgewidth / Mean hedge width (m)
treeno / Number of trees in the hedge
gamecov / Proportion of boundary consisting of game cover
nospray / Number of times the previous crop was sprayed with herbicides
nochems / Number of different herbicides applied to the crop
Pkmnveg / Peak mean weed cover during the stubble's lifetime (%)

Seed Densities (seeds per m2)

Cary / Mean density of Caryophyllacea seeds
Chen / Mean density of Chenopodiacea seeds
comp / Mean density of Compsitae seeds
Cruc / Mean density of Cruciferacea seeds
graminae / Mean density of Graminae seeds
Linseed / Mean density of Linseed seeds
polygonaceae / Mean density of Polygonaceae seeds
Rape / Mean density of Oil Seed Rape seeds
Sugar_beet / Mean density of Sugar Beet Seeds
umbellifer / Mean density of Umbelliferacea seeds
Urtica / Mean density of Urticacea seeds
Viola / Mean density of Violacea seeds
cereal / Mena density of cereal seeds
Poa / Mean density of Poacea seeds
% cover makeup of the stubble surface
Bare / Bare earth (%)
self / Mean % cover of volunteers
Stubble density / Mean % cover of stubble
totveg / Mean % cover of total vegetation cover
Veg / Mean % vegetation cover
weeds / Mean % weed cover

Engergetic variables

BIRDFOODE / Total weed seed (excluding grasses) expressed as energy
TOTALE / Mean energy supplies by all seed resources over all sampling periods.
BIRDS / Finch, bunting, sparrow and Skylark energy demand


JAV/Reports/Stubbles/Appendix obj 3

NAR 070303