Annie Lennard Primary School
Newsletter 26/1/18
The children have had a very busy week; we have had lots of visitors in school including Tesco Sid in Nursery and a visit from firefighters to give a talk to Year 4. On Thursday, a theatre company came in and all of the children watched a pantomime, which was fabulous.
Year 5 trip to Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
I am sorry I put the wrong date on last week’s newsletter. The trip is THURSDAY 1ST FEBRUARY.
Safer Internet Day
We would like to invite you into school on Tuesday 6th February 2018 to learn about internet safetywith your child.
9am - 10am – spend time with your child in their class learning about how to stay safe online.
10am - 10.45am – parent meeting in the hall, led by Sue Courtney Donovan from the Local Authority, about how to keep your child safe online.
10.45am – 11.15am – join your children in class again.
This is such an important issue we really hope lots of you can come along.
Due to the issues we will be covering, this will not be appropriate for younger brothers and sisters, so we are asking that it is only adults who come along for the morning.
NSPCC Number Day
Friday 2nd February we are doing ‘Dress up for Digits.’Children and staff are asked to come dressed in something with a number on. If you don’t have anything suitable, please don’t buy anything new but get your creative head on! The children will have a day of fun maths activities where they will get to apply all the skills they have been learning. We will be asking for a small donation for the NSPCC charity. More details will follow.
Year 6 will be doing their SATs tests the week of 14th-18th May2018. It is vitally important that the children are in school that week and for also the build up to that week.
During May, Year 2 children will do SATs tests and again it is really important that your child is in school.
We will be running parent meetings during February for parents in Year 2, Year 4, Year 5 and
Year 6 to give you information about the SATs. Please see the dates in ‘dates for your diary’.
Text Service
We now have a text service. If you receive a text message from ‘AnnieLenn’ it’s from school. You can’t respond to this message but we can use this to inform you of school matters, e.g. closures, change of dates, etc.
Dates for your diary:
Tuesday 30th – Tesco Sid to visit Reception
Tuesday 30th – a theatre company will be in school working with KS1 and KS2 children on Macbeth
Wednesday 31st – Year 2 to visit Tesco
Thursday – Year 5 trip to Birmingham Museum
Friday 2nd–meeting for Year 6 parents about SATs at 2.30pm
Tuesday 6th – come in and work with your child learning about safety on line 9am-11.30am
Wednesday 14th – meeting for Year 4 and Year 5 parents about SATs at 9am and 2.30pm
Thursday 15th – meeting for Year 2 parents about SATS at 9am and 2.30pm
Friday 16th – break up for half term holiday at 3.10pm
Monday 26th – back to school
Thursday 1st – World Book Day. Dress up as a character from a book!
W/B 19th March – come and look at children’s books (more info will follow)
Monday 26th – Year 5 and Year 6 parent consultations 8am – 7pm
Tuesday 27th – Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 parent consultations 8am – 7pm
Wednesday 28th – Nursery, Reception and Year 1 parent consultations 8am – 7pm
Thursday 29th – break up for Easter holidays at 1.30pm
Monday 16th – back to school for the summer term
As soon as we know any other dates for March and April we will let you know.
Thank you all for your continued support. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.