General Purposes and Development Committee

18th February 2014


PRESENT:The Chairman - Cllr P Cox

Cllrs McGinn, Brooks, Fields, Ashcroft, Worboys, Battrick-Newall and Stevens

In Attendance – Cllr Gooch

The Clerk and Deputy Clerk

Two Members of the Public

1.APOLOGIES:The Vice Chairman - Cllr Burns, Cllrs D Smith and Hill.

2.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST RELATING TO ITEMS ON THE AGENDA: The Chairman and Cllrs Bush and Stevens declared personal interests – they are all Members of the Midland and Great Northern Railway Society.

3.TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 17THDECEMBER, 2013: The Minutes of the Meeting having been previously circulated and approved at the Full Council Meeting on 7th January, 2014, Cllr McGinn so PROPOSED acceptance of the Minutes of the General Purposes and Development Committee Meeting held on 17th December, 2013; Cllr Fields seconded. IT WAS AGREED.


5.ITEMS REQUIRING A RESOLUTION UNDER THE PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS ACT 1960) TO EXCLUDE THE PRESS AND PUBLIC UNDER SECTION 1C OF STANDING ORDERS: The Chairman recommended taking Item 24 under Standing Order 1C to preserve the anonymity of the Applicant. Cllr McGinn PROPOSED taking Item 24 in Standing Order 1C; Cllr Stevens seconded. IT WAS AGREED.


7.UPDATE ON SITING OF QUEENS DIAMOND JUBLIEE BEACON AT THE LEASGARDEN: The Clerk reported Mr A Mitchell at NNDC Planning Department is willing to meet at The Leas Gardens to discuss the possible siting of The Beacon. Cllr Stevens volunteered to meet with Mr Mitchell on 28th February, 2014 and report back to the next meeting.

8.REPORT OF FUTURE OF CCTV:Members were furnished with a copy of the Report from the CCTV meeting held on 6th February, 2014, for information. Cllr Brooks stated there is nothing more to report at the present time until the outcome of NNDC’s meeting set for the end of February, 2014.

9.TO DISCUSS COOPER ROAD PARKING: The Chairman stated Cllr Bush has asked for this item on the Agenda because although the bollards have been erected the parking problems have not been resolved. Cllr Bush explained the posts have been set too far back from the kerb and need to be brought forward as vehicles are continuing to congest the area and the grass verge is in ruin. He explained new problems have arisen since the installation of the posts at the entrance to Cooper Road, where vehicles are even parking on the pavements. Cllr McGinn stated NCC installed the posts nearest the path to protect the children. Cllr Bush explained he had reported his concerns to a District Councillor, who has stated they will investigate further. After further discussion IT WAS AGREED to wait for further information from the District Councillor.

10.TRANSPORT REPORT INCLUDING LATER TRAINS:Cllr Bush is STC’s Transport Representative and reported on the following. The plans to extend the Norwich to Sheringham train service to accommodate users of the Norwich Theatre has sadly been abandoned by Network Rail. NR will not grant a 10 minute later service. Cllr Bush explained the Bittern Line Group are trying to revive discussion and suggested each Town Clerk writes a letter of support to the BLG. After further discussion Cllr Bush PROPOSED the Clerk writes a letter to Mr Jonathon Denby of the BLG in support of a 10 minutes extension from 10.45pm to 11.55pm Norwich to Sheringham later service; Cllr Brooks seconded. IT WAS AGREED.

Cllr Bush also reported Network Rail allocated £200.00 for each Station to cover expenditure. The allocation to Sheringham Station was utilised on new tarmac to the platform. The Greater Anglia and North Norfolk Railway had no plans to provide a ticket machine at Sheringham. He formerly thanked STC for the £500.00 annual grant award to The Bittern Line and expressed gratitude to the Sheringham Adopters for maintaining the gardens and litter bins at Sheringham. He expressed disappointment that Sheringham has not so far won the Best Station competition and asked members to consider suggestions.

Finally, Cllr Bush reported North Norfolk Railway is blooming and Weybourne Engineering have rebuilt the steam loco which will come back into traffic on Saturday, and he is excited due to the railway crossing being opened on 5th March, 2014, at 6pm, for the famous Sir Nigel Gresley steam engine to pass through.

11.UPDATE ON STEAM TRAINS RUNNING TO CROMER: Members had previously been circulated with a copy of the response from North Norfolk Railway, following STC’s concerns regarding a report in the Press that five steam trains are planned to pass through Sheringham five times per day on Sundays. NNR stated they are having preliminary discussions with the relevant parties regarding the possibilities of doing something like this in the future on Sundays only. There is a long way to go and changes in infrastructure, both NNR side and on the Network Rail side, will be required if this were to move forward. It is highly likely for instance that a full barrier crossing would have to be installed. NNR see running to Cromer as an added attraction to their operation, providing a longer distance for Visitors to experience. Their current thoughts are that they might look to try as an experiment this year on an occasional Dining Train through to Cromer. This would provide a more interesting journey to such customers rather than the usual two trips up to Holt and back. The extension to their operations to Cromer is not a done deal, there is much to be considered and will keep STC updated should there be any major developments concerning such an operation.

12.TO DISCUSS VANISHED BUS STOP IN CROMER ROAD:Cllr Bush reported concerns regarding a missing bus stop sign outside The Morley Club, on the Cromer Road, near the pelican crossing. He is concerned it is causing a safety hazard to passengers getting on and off the bus. Cllr Battrick- Newall stated the presence of a bus stop would be re-congesting a busy traffic area and cause a hazard. After further discussion Cllr Bush PROPOSED the Clerk writes to NCC Highways to investigate the location of the missing sign and seek clarificationany safety issues; Cllr Fields seconded. IT WAS AGREED. Cllr Battrick-Newall voted against. Cllr McGinn stated if the bus stop is officially in use that there should be dropped kerbs installed.

13.RECEIVING LETTER FROM NORTH NORFOLK COMMUNITY TRANSPORT: Members had previously been circulated with a copy of the letter from North Norfolk Community Transport explaining they have been providing both Flexibus and Medicar facilities to the North of the County. NNCT are pleased to inform STC that they have been successful in securing funding from the Big Lottery Fund which enables them to offer these services to a much wider audience, including those within the Sheringham catchment area. The scheme is open to people of all ages who are disadvantaged by having no access to appropriate transport, due to health or mobility issues, or simply because there is not a bus service for them to use. The NNCT has offered to address STC how best they can plan to provide the appropriate service. Cllr Stevens PROPOSED inviting the North Norfolk Community Transport to address the Annual Town Meeting on 22th April, 2014; Cllr Bush seconded. IT WAS AGREED.

14.OTTERNDORF DISTANCE POINTER:The Chairman reported the Otterdorf distance pointer is broken and beyond repair. Cllr McGinn stated the ‘pointer’ had been brought over from Germany and presented to the Town.

A discussion ensued when Cllr Battrick-Newall PROPOSED recommending to the Full Council to replace the broken distance pointer and to seek costs for both a wood/metal replacement; Cllr Bush seconded. Cllr Brooks declared an interest – she is STC’s Representative on the Twinning Association. Those in Favour – 7. Those Against – 1. IT WAS CARRIED.


16.UPDATE ON CONSULTATION REGARDING CYCLING ON SHERINGHAM PROMENADE: At the Full Council Meeting in October 2013, Dist Cllr Richard Smith reported NNDC are proposing a Public Consultation, regarding the Cycling By Laws on Promenades, which has also been announced in the Press. The Clerk has been making enquiries if there is any progress on the Public Consultation, but she has not received any response to date and will follow up. Members had been furnished with a copy of the Sheringham Promenade By Laws for information. TheChairman highlighted that Uni-Cycles have not been defined in Clause 3.4.


Members had previously been circulated with a copy of a report from Mr Brian Farrow, Coastal Engineer at NNDC.

The severe storm of the 5th December 2014 caused serious damage to sea defences and overtopped flood defences as well as causing damage to many private properties all the way down the east coast of England.

On the North Norfolk coastline in the areas under the responsibility of the North Norfolk District Council it is estimated that damage recovery to the sea defence infrastructure alone will cost some £1,800,000. There will no doubt be additional costs to renovate structural damage to items not yet identified. Currently Central Government has not confirmed what level of financial support they will offer to help fund recovery.

In Sheringham serious damage has been sustained to the old seawall, promenade, and shelter foundations beneath the Leas as well as the west slope from the Leas which was undermined. The new seawall works recently completed was untouched by the storm. The west end café has been totally gutted and the central café at the admiralty slope has also suffered major damage. There are areas of handrail, at the west end which have been totally removed and there are numerous areas of seawall nosing which have been severely damaged. At the east end promenade about half of the handrails have been removed or severely damaged and the footpath along the beach to West Runton has been totally obliterated.

This type of damage has been sustained to the defences under the jurisdiction of North Norfolk District Council all down the coast line from Weybourne through to Cart Gap Happisburgh and will take many months to fully renovate. In Sheringham, safe public access to the majority of the promenades was completed before the end of December 2013.

Damage Recovery:

To undertake the emergency works in Sheringham, NNDC acted quickly to appoint the Bam Nuttall/Mott MacDonald partnership (BMM JV) under Lot 4 of the (Water & Environment) Framework administered by the Environment Agency. Thus, in Sheringham, safe public access to the majority of the promenades was completed before the end of December 2013. Importantly, the west slope from the Leas had three major props inserted to transfer the dead load of the slope to a new mass concrete foundation below promenade level especially laid for the purpose thus pedestrian access to the west end for the RNLI and general public has been maintained throughout.

Since the initial works, the BMM JV partnership have produced a set of working drawings and good progress has been made to extend the support to the west slope as well as to underpin the (precast concrete) shelter which is the centre point of the Victorian construction of the Leas infrastructure. Currently new steel sheet piles are being driven into the chalk bedrock to form the new seaward extent of the seawall. The plan area of the new works will encompass what was the plan area the old bandstand which clearly has historical significance for the residents of Sheringham.

Your members will be pleased to know that we managed to find and retain the old carved stone plaque dated 1897 which was cast into the seawall adjacent to the old steps leading down from the promenade. We are minded to clean & recut the original stone and cast it into the new works (with an appropriate addition) or perhaps make a copy of the old stone and cast the old and new side by side somewhere in the new works for future generations to see. Your council may wish to comment? These works are likely to take up to three months to complete but great progress has been made to date.

On or about Monday 17th February, we expect to import suitable fill material and start work to reform the cliff toe footpath from the east end promenade to West Runton beneath Beeston Hill which was seriously damaged in the storm.

I also understand that all the promenade lights have been tested and the majority are working on both ends of the promenade.

Lastly, the District Council is very aware that public access to the beaches, promenades and foreshore infrastructure is extremely important to the local economy and is committed to undertaking the major repairs to the system as quickly as possible.

The Chairman referred to Mr B Farrow’s question relating to the old carved stone plaque and asked Members for their views. After a brief discussion, Cllr Stevens PROPOSED donating the stone plaque to the Henrey Ramey Upcher Lifeboat Museum, Cllr Fields seconded. IT WAS AGREED. The Chairman declared an interest – he is the Honorary President of the HRU Lifeboat Museum. The Clerk was instructed to write and inform Mr B Farrow NNDC of the decision.

18.REQUEST FROM DISTRICT COUNCILLORS FOR A DOG BIN AND ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE AT HILBRE CLOSE: A request had previously been received by a Resident via Dist Cllr R Oliver for an additional dog bin and signage at the lay-by outside Hilbre Close. A discussion ensued when Cllr Bush PROPOSED there are sufficient dog bins and signage in this location; Cllr Fields seconded. IT WAS AGREED.

19.REQUEST FROM RESIDENT TO INSTALL DOG BIN AT END EXIT OF THE LOKE, BEESTON BACK COMMON: Members had previously been furnished with a copy of the letter of request from a Resident for installation of a dog bin at the end exit of The Loke, Beeston Back Common. The Clerk informed the meeting that an update on dog fouling had subsequently arrived from Cty Cllr B Hannah, which included the footpath at The Back Loke. The report stated the area had been cleared of the significant dog mess. Stencils and signs will be erected and applied in this area. If fouling continues NNDC will undertake some high profile patrolling in the area. Due to this new information, Cllr McGinn PROPOSED not to install an additional dog as NNDC are taking measures to alleviate dog fouling in this area; Cllr Ashcroft seconded. IT WAS AGREED.

20.UPDATE FROM WORKING PARTYON WORLD WAR ONE COMMEMORATION: Cllr Fields updated the meeting in the absence of Cllr D Smith. She had attended both meetings with the Royal British Legion and The Vicar of St. Peter’s Church. Both meetings had good discussions and are moving forward. The World War One Commemorative Week will run from 5th – 11th November, 2014. A Concert is planned in St. Peter’s Church on Saturday 10th November. The Remembrance Ceremony at the War Memorial will be followed by a Service at St. Peter’s Church on 11th November. The British Legion are highly involved on Monday 12th November with the offer of the Church to the Primary School, where readings and poetry will take place, along with a Two Minute Silence. The Working Party intend to meet again during March.



The Chairman asked Members for their views on displaying Posters in the Town Clock Shelter. A discussion took place when Cllr Bush PROPOSED this Council adopts a policy of no posters in the Town Clock Shelter; Cllr Stevens seconded. IT WAS AGREED.

(B)JOINT LETTER WITH SNT AND STC:The Chairman reported the Town Clock seats have been defaced with names having been engraved on them. Cllr Bush suggested restricting the opening times of the shelter. The Chairman stated a volunteer opens the Shelter in the morning and he himself closes the Shelter between 5/6pm. The Clerk reported she had been in discussion with PC Ian Smith regarding the previously discussed joint letter scheme. PC Smith expressed leaving the scheme in abeyance at the present time, as there is minimal ASB, and to revisit the matter if necessary. After further discussion Cllr Worboys PROPOSED the Clerk approaches PC Smith to re-visit the scheme; Cllr Bush seconded. IT WAS AGREED.