Instructions for Faculty of Arts Teaching and Learning Awards and Citations
1. The Nomination Form must be completed & submitted to the Office of Associate Dean (Education), Ms Anne-Maree Lennox, together with all relevant supporting documentations by COB, Friday, 30th October 2015.
Please note: Allow 2 weeks minimum for this form to be processed
SECTION 1 – STAFF MEMBER’S DETAILS (To be completed by Staff Member)Personnel Number / Academic
Title / Family Name / Given Name(s)
Organisational Unit/ School / Campus
Staff can apply for the following awards (Select from list below) / Please tick:
1. Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence
2. Faculty Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning
3. Faculty Award for Programs that Enhance Learning
4. Faculty Award for Excellence in Honours Supervision
Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence / Please tick:
1. Approaches to teaching that influences, motivates and inspire students to learn
2. Development of curricula and resources that reflect a command of the field
3. Evaluation practices that bring about improvements in teaching and learning
4. Innovation, leadership or scholarship that has influenced and enhanced learning and teaching and/or the student experience.
Essential Documentation:
1. Nomination Form
2. Written statement (synopsis and statement addressing selection criteria): – Not longer than 7pgs, 11 point font with single line spacing and margins of 25mm all around.
i. 150-200 word synopsis in the 3rd person covering the nominee’s teaching area or discipline.
ii. Overview of application
iii. Category of nomination and each selection criteria. Evidence to support the claims must be provided. Views of students and colleagues as appropriate will be a key element in the assessment of nominations.
3. Up-to-date Curriculum Vitae
4. Two (2) references:
i. 1 pg A4 only, provided by colleagues who are able to comment on nominee’s claims against selection criteria. One of the referees MUST be the Head of Department (HOD)
ii. If this is a team nomination, references should refer to the team as a whole.
iii. References must be signed by the referee (electronic signatures are accepted).
Faculty Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning / Please tick:
1. Approaches to the support of learning and teaching that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn
2. Development of curricula and resources that reflect a command of the field
3. Evaluation practices that bring about improvements in teaching and learning
4. Innovation, leadership or scholarship that has influenced and enhanced learning and teaching and/or the student experience
Essential Documentation:
1. Nomination Form
2. Written statement (synopsis and statement addressing selection criteria): –
i. Written statement including citation title must be a maximum of 25 word
ii. 100 words maximum synopsis written in the 3rd person.
iii. Remainder of the written statement should address the chosen criterion with evidence to demonstrate outstanding contributions to student learning. This should be no longer than three (3) pages, A4 page, 11 font, sing line spacing and margins of 25mm all around.
Faculty Award for Programs that Enhance Learning / Please tick:
1. Distinctiveness, coherence and clarity of purpose
2. Influence on student learning and student engagement
3. Breadth of impact
4. Addressing for equity and diversity
Essential Documentation:
1. Nomination Form
2. Written statement (synopsis and statement addressing selection criteria):-
i. 350 – 400 word synopsis written in the 3rd person providing a description of the program and its teaching areas, the program’s contribution to student learning and engagement and the program’s impact on students.
ii. The remainder of the written statement should address the category of the nomination and each selection criteria. Evidence to support the claims must be provided. The views of students and colleagues as appropriate will be a key element in the assessment nomination. This should be no longer than eleven (11) pages, A4 page, 11 point font, sing line spacing and margins of 25mm all around.
3. Curriculum vitae:
i. Should outline the nominee’s educational qualifications, employment history, teaching positions held and teaching experience.
ii. The CV is limited to three (3) A4 pages, 11 point font for nominations from each individual.
iii. Teams may allow for one (1) additional page per team member, i.e., a team of three may have six (6) pages (three + three).
4. Two (2) references:
i. Two references limited to one (1) A4 page each, must be provided by colleagues who are able to comment on the nominee’s claims against the selection criteria. One of the referees MUST be the Head of Department (HOD).
ii. If the nomination is from a team, the references should refer to the team as a whole.
iii. References must be signed by the referee (electronic signatures are accepted).
Faculty Award for Excellence in Honours Supervision / Please tick:
1. The supervisor as a teacher
2. The supervisor as a mentor
3. The supervisor as a model
4. Supervisor’s track record
Essential Documentation:
1. Nomination Form
2. Written statement (synopsis and statement addressing selection criteria):-
i. Up to 150 word synopsis written in the third person covering the nominee’s area or discipline, their honours supervision experience, its focus and impact on students, and their research/supervision interests.
ii. The remainder of the written statement should address the category of the nomination and each selection criteria. Evidence to support the claims must be provided. The views of students and colleagues as appropriate will be a key element in the assessment nomination. This should be no longer than eight (8) pages, A4 page, 11 point font, single line spacing and margins of 25mm all around.
3. Curriculum vitae:
iii. Should outline the nominee’s educational qualifications, employment history, teaching positions held and teaching and supervision experience and publications in the past five (5) years.
i. The CV is limited to seven (7) A4 pages, 11 point font for nominations from each individual.
4. References
All references should be included with the application forwarded to the selection committee. References will be strictly limited to two (2) A4 pages each. They will be provided by:
i. two (2) current students supervised by the nominated supervisor;
ii. two (2) past or current students supervised by the nominated supervisor;
Current and past students should include in their reference an answer to the following questions:
a. What are the exceptional qualities of this person as a supervisor?
b. What is your personal experience of the supervisor?
iii. A senior academic colleague who has at least seven (7) years of supervision experience and who is able to comment on the nominee’s claims against the selection criteria. The academic referee will need to supply the following information about themselves: number of years of supervision experience, total number of supervisions, the number of first class honours awarded to those students.
* supporting documentation must be provided.
SECTION 4 – DECLARATION BY STAFF MEMBERI acknowledge that this declaration is true and correct, and I make it with the understanding and belief that this is an accurate account of my submission to the relevant Faculty Award Category.
Signature ______Date __ __ / __ __ / __ __ Contact Ext. No. ______
SECTION 5 – AUTHORISATION BY ORGANISATIONAL UNIT (To be completed by Organisational Unit)
Signature 1 Date __ __ / __ __ / __ __ / Signature 2 Date __ __ / __ __ / __ __
Please print name / (Head of Unit or other delegated person where it is a requirement)
Please print name
Processed by / Date / / / Checked by / Pay Period
For assistance, please contact Office of the Associate Dean (Education) on ext 52983
Please return completed form to Office of the Associate Dean (Education), Building 11, Room W107, Faculty of Arts, Monash University VIC 3800;
Or email
Last updated – 29 July 2015