Phase 2 Site Investigation Management Plan : Landfills
Soil / n  Heavy Metals / n  1. NEPM 1999 (soil) / n  Establish location of sensitive receptors from desk study
n  Landfill wastes can impact soil quality / n  Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons / (TPH) / n  2. ANZECC 2000 (water) / n  Review desk study to identify boundaries of landfill
n  Contaminant transfer by direct / indirect contact / n  Benzene, Toluene; Ethyl Benzene, Xylene / (BTEX) / n  3. EPA 1994 (hydrocarbons) / n  Review desk study to identify depth and construction
n  Contaminant transfer by ingestion / inhalation / n  Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons / (PAH) / Dutch Intervention or USEPA criteria may be used in the absence of any published and approved Australian guidelines / n  Consider GPR to target investigation
Groundwater / n  Phenols / n  Ensure investigation extends below the depth of landfill
n  Migrating leachate can impact groundwater quality / n  Organochlorine Pesticides / (OCP) / n  Obtain regular soil samples across the depth profile
n  Contaminant transfer by direct / indirect contact / n  Organophosphate Pesticides / (OPP) / MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS / n  Use of instrumentation to monitor air quality
n  Contaminant transfer by ingestion / inhalation / n  Polychlorinated Biphenyls / (PCB) / n  Operate a permit to work system / n  Use of instrumentation to monitor explosive atmospheres
Surface Water / n  Volatile Organic Compounds
n  Semi Volatile Organic Compounds / (VOC)
(SVOC) / n  Documentation of past, present and proposed activities / n  Use of intrinsically safe equipment during drilling and monitoring works to minimise risk of explosion.
n  Migrating leachate can impact surface water quality / n  Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide
n  Ammonia / n  Legal framework
n  Best practice management techniques / n  Ensure installations target representative horizons within the waste so that water and gas results at varying levels within the fill can be considered.
n  Surface run off can increase sediment loadings / n  Nitrogen, Nitrate, Nitrite / n  Slope and capping details
n  Contaminant transfer by direct / indirect contact / n  Suspended Solids / n  Storm water management
n  Contaminant transfer by ingestion / inhalation / n  Total Phosphorous / n  Groundwater management
Air / n  Orthophosphate / n  Gas management
n  Landfill gas may be corrosive, toxic, odorous / n  Anions and Cations / n  Leachate management
n  Landfill gas may be explosive
n  Landfill gas contributes to the ‘greenhouse effect’ / n  Asbestos
n  Radiological contaminants
n  Explosives / n  Nuisance (pest, vermin, weed) management
n  Contaminants may migrate in the form of dust / n  Pathogens / n  Fire prevention
n  Contaminant transfer by inhalation / n  Contaminant Monitoring
Document Control: / Version 1.0
Issued: / SMEC, Oct 2007