Corridors - Keep Left: All pupils are reminded that the general rule when moving around the school is to keep to the left. This applies to corridors, stairs etc. All the corridors and stairs are wide enough that there should be no need for any other rules if this one is stuck to. Keep left and you'll always be right! (DB)
Morriston Road: We have received a complaint from a member of the public about two ElginAcademy pupils who have been removing stones form a garden on Morriston Road and throwing them on to the road. Any pupils doing this must stop immediately - if not, then they will find themselves being dealt with by the Police. (DB)

Mr Barnett’s 7-Up: Pupils should report to Mr Barnett’s office on the specified day at 8.45am. Pupils do not need to go to registration first – they will be registered at the meeting. Pupils should consider the question “”What has your experience of moving to secondary school been like?”

Thursday 25 September 2014

Aaliyah Porter 1M8

Aaron Robb 1M7

Abby McKenzie 1M3

Adam Land 1M2

Adem Altiner 1R4

Adrienne Milne 1I3

Amy Jenkins 1I2

Friday 26 September 2014

Courtney Chisholm 1I2

Daisy Stalker 1I2

Damla Tunc 1M3

Daniel Campbell 1G3

David Ferguson 1G4

Dion Penman 1S8

Edward Greenwood 1S8

School Production: A reminder that all pupils involved in the school production shouldread The Steamie notice board every Monday to check the rehearsal schedule for that week. (SM)

Dominican Sisters – Faith Formation: Beginning Monday29 September and meeting fortnightly, the Dominican Sistersare offering a faith formation seriesfor teenagers whowant togo deeper in theirfaith. Greyfriars Convent on Abbey Street, 7:00-8:30pm.(Sister Imelda Ann DuPuis)

YDance Event – Friday 26 September: Moray’s two Ydance ambassadors Sophie Finlay and Chloe Cumming are holding their main dance event to promote dance in Moray with performances from Callum McLeod S6 and The Scenix. It will be held in LossiemouthTown Hall on Friday 26 September from 7-10pm. There will be dance performances from schools across Moray and chances to join in with the dancing. Entry is £1 and everyone is welcome. (Chloe Cumming & Sophie Finlay)

Orienteering: Moray Schools Orienteering Competition will take place onThursday 2 October at GordonstounHighSchool from 9am to 2.30pm. It is for allyear groups.We will be entering a 8 person team. The event will cost £1 each. If you have experience in orienteering and want to represent the school in this event please come to the PE base for a permission slip as soon as possible. The team must have at least 2 girls and there will be a variety of courses. If you have any questions please speak to Mr Kinnear in PE. (JK)

S1-S3 Origami Club: The Origami club continues this Thursday lunchtime in G29. New members welcome - any pupil in S1 -S6 can join!(FMcF)

Debating Club: Thursday,1pm inG12. We had lots offun last week playing Just a Minute. This week we'll have a go at preparing some light hearted mini debates on topics as wide ranging as Brussel Sprouts Should be Banned orXbox is Better than PS4.Come along and listen or join in the fun. (JH, SS, EH)

European Day of LanguagesIS TOMORROW!Do not miss our own Eurovision Contestin the Library at Lunchtime. We will havefour fabulous singers competing for the top prize.

Judges will be Mr Davidson, Mr MacWhirter, Mrs Watson and Miss Macphail.In charge will be Mr Clark.This EuroFun event will be full of fantastic music, costumes and prizes.It all starts at 1.00pm in the Library. Willkomen, bienvenue, welcome to a fabulous European Day of Languages. (ST)

Table Tennis: The Monday evening Table Tennis club will be starting again with Ken Kennedy this Monday between 7pm - 8.30pm. Everyone welcome. (MMcD)

S3-S6 Exchange to Germany June 2015: Any current S3 - S6 pupil who is interested in taking part in the June 2015 exchange to Landshut please collect a letter from Mrs Hendry, room B33, before Friday 26th September. (EH)

Rocket Club: The next meeting will be at 1.15pm in G25 today (Thursday). The rocket has arrived! We will need to discuss health and safety, considerpossible launch venues & contact RAF Lossiemouth. All members please attend and bring your money please, unless you have paid. Thanks (Mr Gray, Chemistry, G25)

PE Valuables: There have been a few instances recently of items going missing from the PE changing rooms. Please ensure you hand all valuables in to the PE base before you get changed at the start of the period. (MM)


S1-S3 Maths Club: Do you need help with your Maths or are you keen to try out harder problems? Either way, Maths club for S1-S3 runs every Thursday after school from 3.30pm - 4.15pm in G35.


S6 Sports Committee: There will be a meeting on Thursday 27 September in the PE classroom. (AG)

H Biology Highland Wildlife Visit: All H Biology S5/6 pupils attending the visit to the HighlandWildlifePark should attend registration on Friday then go to the bus area at the start of Period 1. (RG)

S6 Publicity Committee: Meeting Thursday 2 October at 1:15pm in room G08