More information about Healing Attunements:

Are you feeling stuckin yourpersonal life, or maybe in your professional life? Are there issues from your past thatyou've been trying to put to rest for years and are still wrestling with, that are draining your energy and causing you to have less energy for the present?Are you suddenly all talk and no walk - your creative ideas are plentiful but you can't seem to put them into action?Or on the other end of the spectrum - has your creativity dried up and you find yourselfgoing in circles because you don't knowwhat to do next?Are you looking for the next step on your journey but can't seem to find it?

If these issues, orothers, are causing you difficulty, perhaps there is a block in your energy system that needs to bereleased and healed.InEasternthought, blocks in the energy system are caused by old emotions that have not been properlyexpressed or processed,old emotional wounds or even trauma, or even something moresimple, such as unmet expectations or needs.

Suchblockscan manifest as physical symptoms, including such things asa lack of energy, headaches (including migraines), stiff andtense neck and shoulder muscles, chronic lower backpain, and stomach and/or bowel problems - withor without an underlying physical cause. Blocks can also manifest as mental or emotional issues - lack of focus, being easily distracted,poor self-esteem, lack of self-confidence,lack of motivation, anxiety or panic attacks,sadness or even depressive symptoms, just to name a few.Even relationshipdifficulties can be a symptom of a block in your energy field!

Using a powerfulenergy technique called a Healing Attunement, you will have the opportunity to identify and release the energy blockages that may be causing you difficulty. After the attunement process, you will have time to process your thoughts, feelings, and emotions as they come up to bereleased and healed. You willthen experience the powerof a group healing circle, as I use the healing energy of Reiki (a Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation and healing.) to remove the negative energies from your body and replacethem with positive energies,while giving your body the opportunity to acclimate to those new and positive energies. The session will end with additional time for processing and sharing.

No previous experience with Reiki is necessary; just a willingness and desire to remove the blockagesthat are keeping you from moving forward, and an openness to all that the Universe wishes to give you.

This is a powerful and potent tool for healing. Youmight justbe amazed at the changes thatoccur in your life!