Tascosa High School

Sra. Navarrete’s Spanish 3/Spanish 3-P Syllabus

Contact Information


Phone: (806) 326-8029

Conference: 1st & 6th period

Room 3104

Goal: The purpose of this course is to enable students to continue to acquire proficiency in Spanish through a linguistic, communicative, and cultural approach to language learning.

Main Focuses: Application of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. There will be additional study of advanced applied grammar with a focus on literature and culture. Cross-cultural understanding is fostered and real-life applications are emphasized throughout the course. We will use Realidades 3 textbook as the main resource and I will provide other supplemental activities.

Learning a new language is fun and exciting but it can also be difficult and stressful. It is important to show respect for every student’s abilities. I expect my students to do their best, speak Spanish as much as possible and encourage the other students in the class to do the same.


Tascosa High School

Sra. Navarrete’s Spanish 3/Spanish 3-P Syllabus

 Everything on high school supply list

 Box of tissue with your name on it

 Spiral notebook (one subject)

 Notecards

 3 expo markers

 2 bottles of glue

 Spanish/English dictionary

 Streamers (color TBD) will need it in September for piñata project

Tascosa High School

Sra. Navarrete’s Spanish 3/Spanish 3-P Syllabus

I expect you to be prepared every day and ready to work!!!

Tascosa High School

Sra. Navarrete’s Spanish 3/Spanish 3-P Syllabus

Tascosa High School

Sra. Navarrete’s Spanish 3/Spanish 3-P Syllabus

Classroom Rules:

Discipline: Will follow THS Minor & Major Behavior Guidelines

Minor Offenses are misbehaviors managed “on the spot” (classroom, common areas, etc.) Interventions used to address and correct minor offenses are documented on THS Behavior & Intervention Tracker (BIT) which are used to identify behavior patterns.

Major Offenses are violations of the THS Code of Conduct which require the immediate attention of administrative staff. The interventions used to address and correct major infractions are documented on an Office Discipline Referral Form

Tascosa High School

Sra. Navarrete’s Spanish 3/Spanish 3-P Syllabus

Grading Policy: Grading Scale:

TESTS 50%100-90 A

QUIZZES30% 89-80 B


69- Below F

Tardy Policy:

A student must be in the room BEFORE bell rings, ready to work at his/her desk with the appropriate materials. If not, you are tardy and will receive consequences.

1st and 2nd tardies will result in 10 minute lunch detentions.

3rd and 4th tardies will result in 20 minute lunch detentions & parent contact.

Excessive tardies will result in FRIDAY SCHOOL. (5th or more)


If you miss class, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed. The information can be found on the homework chart and in the class notebook. The student has 3 days from absence to turn in missed assignments. After that it will remain as a “0” in the grade book.

Tutorials/Grade Recovery:

I will provide TUTORIALS after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:45pm-4:15pm. If student fails a 6 weeks period, then the student will receive an opportunity to improve their grades (up to a 70.) Student must come for an entire week. If a day is missed then no credit will be given for GR. GR is not offered 3rd and 6th six weeks. You are responsible for contacting me if you are interested in GR.

Spanish Department Late Work Policy

If assignments are not turned in the day they are due, students may turn them in a day late, however; there will be a 30 point deduction. Students will need to talk to teacher after this time if assignments aren’t turned in.

Skyward Family Access

AISD provides parents/guardians the opportunity to monitor student grades and attendance online. Skyward Family Access is the tool used by the district to provide parents the means to monitor their child’s progress. User name and passwords are assigned through the office. It is located on the AISD homepage under Parents and Students, scroll down and you will find Skyward Family Access.

Electronic Devices:

Due to BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), electronic devices will be allowed only for instructional purposes when assigned by teacher; otherwise, AISD policy will be enforced at all times. 1st and 2nd offense: $15 fee will be charged to return the device

3rd offense: Will be kept until the end of the semester unless principal/asst. principal deems necessary and still pay $15 fee.

4th offense: Device will be kept until the end of the semester

I have read the classroom guidelines for Mrs. Navarrete’s class and understand that I must comply with them. I also understand that if I have any questions, I will contact Mrs. Navarrete ASAP.

Student Name ______



I have read the classroom guidelines for Mrs. Navarrete’s class and understand that my child must comply with them. I also understand that if I have any questions, I will contact Mrs. Navarrete ASAP.

Parent/Guardian Name______



Parent/Guardian Information

Home Address______

Parent/Guardian Home Phone______Cell______

Parent/Guardian E-mail______