SALARY RANGE: $45,376 to $49,913
Thank you for considering these employment opportunities with the ABS.
This applicant kit is designed to provide you with information about the employment opportunities, explain how to apply and to provide you with an insight into the selection process to follow.
Section / Contents / PageAbout the vacancies / A brief overview of where the jobs are located. / 2
Contact officer / The person to call for further information. / 2
How to apply
/ Preparing your application. / 3Selection criteria / What you will be assessed on. / 4
The selection process / The stages of the selection process. / 6
Personal Particulars Form / What we need to know about you. / 8
Employment information / Conditions of employment and entitlements. / 12
About the Vacancies
About Corporate Services Division (CSD)
CSD makes a critical contribution to the ABS’ ability to achieve its business objectives. Some areas of corporate services are responsible for the delivery of outputs/outcomes, while other areas are responsible for supporting/coordinating/ establishing frameworks for the subject matter areas of the ABS.
CSD Structure
Corporate Services Division is made up of three Branches: Business Strategies Branch, Business Operations Branch, and Policy Secretariat Branch. The advertised vacancies exist in all three Branches.
Together, Business Strategies Branch (BSB) and Business Operations Branch (BOB) are responsible for providing leadership in driving required cultural and behavioural change and for recruiting, developing and retaining the workforce needed to deliver the ABS work program.
In delivering these outcomes, BSB is responsible for a range of strategic HR areas such as ABS workplace relations, learning and development, recruitment, and the development of HR strategies. BOB has responsibility for a range of operational HR activities, including people management, occupational health and safety (OHAS), property, procurement, pays and entitlements, HR information systems, and case management.
Policy Secretariat Branch is responsible for partnering with other areas in the ABS in seeking opportunities to drive productivity improvements, reviewing the ABS work program, growing the business and providing advice to ensure ABS actions and policies are consistent with legislative requirements.
Vacancies exist at the APS4 level in BSB and BOB. Please note that placement of successful applicants will be determined by considering the needs of the ABS work program and the capabilities and preferences of the applicants.
For further information about the ABS in general please browse our website ( and in particular have a look at the Forward Work Program that can be found on the web page at (About Us\Forward Work Program).
Contact officer
For further information about these vacancies please call:
Ric Taylor (02) 6252 6274.
How to apply
The following information will assist you to formulate your application and lodge it by the due date and time.
Please note that you must be an Australian Citizen to be eligible for these employment opportunities with the ABS.
Your application must contain the following:
1. Your claims against the selection criteria. Please note, if you want to apply for more than one level, you need to complete a separate application for each (in other words, one statement addressing the selection criteria, one CV, and one Personal Particulars Form for each level that you are applying for).
2. Your curriculum vitae or resume containing details of your recent and relevant training, qualifications and work history.
3. A completed copy of the Personal Particulars Form. This provides us with vital information about your eligibility and contact information. It is also an opportunity for you to let us know whether you need any assistance during the process. A copy of this form is included below.
4. Referee contact details. These are asked for on the Personal Particulars Form. If this is a sensitive issue then be sure to let us know. We do not need written referee reports to be submitted with applications.
Where and how to submit your application(s)
Please make sure that we have your application(s) by no later than Thursday 27 October 2005. Late applications will not be accepted.
You can either mail them to:
The Recruitment Officer
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Locked Bag 10
Or email to:
If e-mailing, please include the following position identification details in the subject line of your email: CSD APS4 positions
Selection criteria
Please address the following selection criteria. Please note that we don’t expect you to address each point mentioned in each “Description”. The “Description” is there to provide you with a broad understanding of the types of skills, abilities, and qualities we are looking for.
You should draft from ½ to 1 page for each criterion. You should aim to tell us:
· What you have done in the past that demonstrates how you meet the criterion;
· How you did what you did; and
· What the outcomes of your actions were.
1. Project management
Description: This is about your use of effective project management techniques to plan and monitor projects, including how you ensure activities are completed on time, to the desired quality, achieve required outcomes, and incorporate the input of others. It’s also about managing your own work effectively and using resources efficiently and effectively.
2. Teamwork skills
Description: This is about your ability to work cooperatively with team members to achieve team goals. It is also about how you value diversity and ensure a safe and healthy working environment, maintain a positive attitude, and take responsibility for your own learning and development. It’s also about regularly inviting and providing constructive feedback.
3. Oral and written communication skills
Description: The oral communication element is about your ability to listen carefully to others, anticipate others’ reactions, and check to ensure views have been understood. It’s also about asking open questions to gain insight into the perspectives of others. The written communication element is about your ability to write in a clear, fluent and concise manner, produce material that is logically structured, has the right 'tone' and is readily understood by the intended audience.
4. Analytical and conceptual skills
Description: This is about your ability to scan and analyse information from different perspectives and draw sound conclusions based on consideration of the facts. It also involves your ability to identify problems and develop solutions that take into account the broader organisational context. This also includes identifying risks and developing solutions to help mitigate against them.
5. Stakeholder and client relationships
Description: This is about your ability to form productive partnerships with clients and stakeholders by understanding their business drivers and requirements. This involves your ability to provide prompt, efficient and personalised service to clients and respond flexibly to their changing needs. Gathering feedback from your clients about your client service and using this information to implement improvements is also important.
6. Organisational contribution
Description: This is about how your capabilities, knowledge and previous work experience can contribute to a corporate services role in the ABS. The ability to quickly adapt and work productively in a range of areas within corporate services is particularly valuable. It is also about how you work to continuously build upon your professional and organisational knowledge.
All criteria have equal weight.
The Selection Process
Selection for all advertised employment opportunities is made on the basis of merit. Merit is defined in the Public Service Act 1999 as follows:
· A decision is based on merit if an assessment is made of the relative suitability of the candidates for the duties using a competitive selection process; and
· The assessment is based on the relationship between the candidate's work-related qualities and the work related qualities genuinely required for the duties; and
· The assessment focuses on the relative capacity of the candidates to achieve outcomes related to the duties; and
· The assessment is the primary consideration in making the decision; and
· The assessment of applications takes into account the relationship between each applicant's work-related qualities and the selection criteria for the advertised level.
The following table details the stages involved in this selection process.
Stage / Content1: Application check / Applications will be examined to ensure that they contain all of the information outlined in the “How to apply” section. Applications that do not contain this information will be shortlisted out of the process at this point.
Australian citizenship is a requirement for these vacancies at the Australian Bureau of Statistics and will be checked. Applicants who are not Australian Citizens will be shortlisted out of the process at this point.
2: Assessment of written application / The selection process will involve assessment of your resume and claims against the selection criteria. It is important that in your application you address each selection criterion thoroughly and succinctly and only include information that is relevant to the position/s.
Applications that do not address the selection criteria adequately will be shortlisted out of the process at this point.
3: Tests / Work sample tests may be used as part of this selection process. Only applicants whose application is deemed to be “Suitable” and above will be invited for testing and/or interview.*
4: Interviews / Face-to-face interviews will be held in Canberra, and by arrangement for interstate applicants. Please consider which Branch(s) you are most interested in prior to the interview.
5: Referee checks / Only applicants whose overall performance is deemed to be "Suitable" or above will have their referees contacted.*
If you have any problems about us contacting your referees, please indicate this in your Personal Particulars Form (p. 8).
Stage / Content
6: Delegate approval / The Selection Panel will submit its recommendations to the Delegate of the Australian Statistician for approval. Once approved, the panel will advise short-listed applicants of their assessment.
* The scale used to assess applicant performance at each stage, in order of excellence, is as follows:
· Highly suitable
· Very suitable
· Suitable
· Unsuitable
The ABS endeavours to provide applicants with feedback about their progress throughout our selection processes. As an applicant in this process, you can expect feedback from us after stage 2. If you progress to interview you can expect additional feedback from us after stage 6.
Please complete this form and attach it to the front of your application.
Personal information provided is protected by the Privacy Act 1988. Information provided will be used for recruitment purposes only.
Vacancy DetailsPosition Number / Several
Classification / APS 4
Division / Corporate Services Division, Canberra
Where did you see the job advertisement/s?
Personal Details
Given Name(s):
Postal Address:
Email Address:
Home phone:
Work phone:
Date of Birth:
Are you an Australian Citizen? / Yes No
If ‘no’, do you have permanent residency status?
Yes No
EEO: Are you a member of any of the following groups?
An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander / Yes No
From a non-English speaking background / Yes No
If ‘yes’ and you require an interpreter for interview, please advise which language:
A person with a disability / Yes No
If ‘yes’, please list any equipment or assistance you may require at interview:
A woman / Yes No
Referee details:
We do not need you to submit written referee reports. If reports are required, then we will contact your referee. If there are sensitivities around this, please tell us now. Note that ABS’ strong preference is for at least one of the referees to be your recent supervisor.
Referees / DetailsReferee No. 1 / Name, current role:
Contact details:
Is this person your recent supervisor? / Yes No
Can we contact this referee now? / Yes No
Referee No. 2 / Name, current role:
Contact details:
Is this person your recent supervisor? / Yes No
Can we contact this referee now? / Yes No
Do you wish to see the written summary of your referee(s) comments? / Yes No
Is there anything else you need to tell us?
Are you currently employed in the Australian Public Service (APS)? / Yes No
Please indicate your APS employment status / Ongoing Non-Ongoing
If you are currently employed in the APS please indicate:
Name of Agency:
Current Salary:
AGS Number:
Length of Service:
If you are not currently employed in the APS, please indicate:
Name of Employer:
Your position in the organisation:
Current salary:
Length of service:
May we contact you at work? / Yes No
Have you received a redundancy benefit from an Australian Public Service employer in the previous 12 months? / Yes No
Have you received a redundancy benefit from a non-APS Commonwealth employer in the previous 12 months? (eg. a Statutory Authority) / Yes No
Have you ever been involved in, or dismissed from the APS for, misconduct? / Yes No
If ‘yes’ you may be contacted for details.
I declare that the information provided on this form and attached to this application is true and correct (Note: Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence, which may result in prosecution, fines, and/or termination of employment).
Signature: ...... Date: ......
Employment Information
The following information is to provide you with an overview of employment related matters within the ABS.
Employment Conditions at the Australian Bureau of Statistics
The Public Service Act 1999, the Public Service Regulations and the Public Service Commissioner's Directions govern all employment in the Australian Public Service including ABS.
Specific employment conditions for ABS employees are covered by the ABS Certified Agreement unless you elect to be covered under an Australian Workplace Agreement.
As an Australian Public Service employee you will be required to uphold the APS Values (section 10 of the Act) and comply with the APS Code of Conduct (section 13 of the Act).
Eligibility for Employment