Headline report: / October 2010 / Strategic Co-ordinating Group (SCoG): / Enjoy and Participate
Key to ‘RAG’ing progress for each quarter
TF/Linked Grp
/ Headlines / Progress/Problems/Issues / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q401 & 02 / Information Management Group
HE / Work is progressing to develop the service profile. Additional capacity has been identified to support the extension and updating of the information to the TRACK database. Information updates are being requested across the statutory, voluntary and health sector to ensure the information is accurate.
03 / Participation (Youth Parliament)
JT / Following the Management group residential in October, the group have clarified their terms of reference and developed a plan in the form of a timeline to focus work for the next twelve months. 3 new Senedd members attended the management group meetings.
The development of area forums has begun with meetings scheduled for
January 2011 to include both the statutory and voluntary sectors.
The group have been busy on the promotional trail; a stall in Queens Square during democracy week; including a consultation with young people about the top five issues which affect them.
The bus was taken into Queens Square during Youth Work week with displays games, information and the development of the Big P radio show.
Two young people were interviewed on Calon FM in December to promote the Senedd Yr Ifanc, the Big P and participation in Wrexham.
The Management group held a Christmas Disco in the Victoria Young People’s Centre on the 13th December. Approx 30 Senedd members attended. / A mapping exercise of Senedd membership is currently taking place in response to the report presented to Scrutiny in October. Recruitment policy is on the agenda at the next meeting.
Second meeting of the Senedd yr Ifanc held on 4th January 2011.
04 / Play Strategy 0-25
MB / A draft structure has been developed outlining the proposed membership of a core group and an advisory group. The core group would be expected to attend each meeting while members of the advisory group would attend meetings where objectives relating to their area of work were on the agenda.
It is hoped that this restructure would allow more members to remain actively involved with the forum whilst recognising the many commitments different individuals may have
In 2011 the IPA conference will be taking place in Cardiff. An exhibition will hopefully be created to show stories from the Play Campaign. This exhibition will then be displayed in different venues. / The Year 1 Report has been completed. This was sent to the Children & Young People’s Scrutiny Committee on 17th November.
Dynamic are looking to move and this could potentially co-inside with the development of a new flag ship play space designed to be accessible to all. Maesgwyn Community Centre identified as possible location.
A Community Playwork Project toolkit has been developed by the Play Development Team and is out for consultation with key partners. Toolkit available for start of next financial year.
Plas Madoc have had the money to build the capital element of an adventure playground from WREN for almost 2 years. The site identified is behind the Opportunity Centre, however there have been ongoing issues associated with the planning permission on the site. The funding desperately needs to be spent before the community loses its chance to build an adventure playground.
05 / Advocacy
JM / WAG guidance has still not been issued, though this is due imminently, and will be subject to a short consultation period.
The TF group will meet to pull together a response to the consultation when this is issued in the new year. / Second Voice Co ordinator post has been appointed to, and will be taken up in the new year.
Report to be taken to Exec Board outlining a request for the current NYAS contract to be extended for a further year to enable time to plan for future collaborative working.
06 / Parenting Strategy
TJ / No update received this quarter
07 / TAC
SE / The TAC Support Team is currently expanding due to the increased in TAC's opening in Wrexham. Two further TAC officers are currently in the process of being recruited, two part time admin workers have also been recruited along with a pool of TAC Sessional Workers.
Since the introduction of the CAF as a referral for a Child in Need into the CAFAT, the TAC Support Team have continued to support agencies with the completion of the CAF and also offering TAC to families who do not meet the criteria for Child in Need.
The TAC Support Team has also been working with the Oriel Gallery to offer 5 sessions to young people who use the TAC process to focus on 5 different areas incorporating the use of Art.
08 / Flying Start
SE / See update report.
Key to ‘RAG’ing progress for each quarter
Q1 Rating / Q2 Rating / Q3 Rating / Q4 Rating
Overall SCoG Performance Rating
Headline report for Learn and Achieve SCoG Q4 (Mar 2010): Overall SCoG Perf RAG Q4: / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
Green / Green / Green
TF/Linked Grp
/ Headlines / Progress/Problems/Issues / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4LA01 / Anti-Bullying Strategy Implementation /
- Welsh translation of Strategic Guidance now complete and sent to printers.
- Lead Practitioner training in Restorative Practice now completed with 20 people completed this more advanced training.
- Young People’s Anti-Bullying Committee met this term with an excellent turn out and new enthusiastic members. Members prepared for Anti-Bullying Week in their school.
- CHIPS magazine article on the Young People’s Anti-Bullying Committee now published. Childline/CHIPS showing interest in this new venture.
- Letters sent out to all schools offering different ideas on how to survey the issue of bullying in schools. Examples of questionnaires provided.
- Peer Mentoring: with the withdrawal of NSPCC training, ways of rolling out the effective preventative measure are in discussion. Specific discussions underway with Morgan Llwyd regarding possible setting up of a Peer Mentor system.
- Delayed due to problems with translation but on course for Spring issue.
- Re: Restorative Practice – further discussions required as to funding of further training. Cluster training to be considered as a way forward. Strategic meetings to take place to discuss the issue in the new term. There is a waiting list of people who want to complete the Lead Practitioner training.
- Individual schools are conducting surveys of bullying but there are no plans to record incidents of bullying at authority level apart from the statutory recording on racial harassment incidents.
- Denise Payne, Inclusion Pathways Coordinator, agreed to visit Morgan Llwyd to do a presentation on Peer Mentoring to key staff at Morgan Llwyd.
KT and Indicator / 59: Implement our integrated multi-agency Anti-bullying Strategy (D2) /
- Still looking into a mechanism for collecting the number of reported incidents.
LA02 / Pupil attitude to Self and School (PASS) /
- Analysis of results indicates a need for Factor 2 and 7 improvements.
- Educational Psychology team to lead on training for schools.
- There is a need for further training for schools to aim to increase the Factor 2 and 7 results across Wrexham schools.
KT and Indicator / 28: Use improved understanding of learners’ attitudes/ needs/ potential to ensure that they achieve optimum progress and outcomes (nb. CATs, Suffolk Reading Test and PASS (B2) /
- Factor 2 and 7 results decreased in 2009-10 evaluation.
LA03 / School Effectiveness Framework (SEF) / Wrexham School Effectiveness Strategy:
Use of data: Training the Trainers programme completed in October 2010 and data training for headteachers in clusters completed in October/November.
Cynnal’s self-evaluation framework evaluated positively by T and F group. Training offered to all headteachers on 6, 7 and 8 December.
Consultation on Revised TSI policy is taking place now.
Regional SEF programme:
All headteachers offered training in Professional Learning Communities in November.
Action Plan drawn up to improve standards in Key Stages 2 and 3
Graham Edwards taking forward the implementation of the Behaviour Support plan /
- Use of data to improve target setting for all key stages and self-evaluation being put into practice as part of termly QDD process in 2010-11.
- Alan Lowndes has completed draft guidance on Tracking Pupil Progress.
- Use of data and Self-evaluation TF groups to combine and meet on 19 Jan to plan next stages.
- School Effectiveness Steering Group to approve TSI policy on 19 January.
- Second PLC training day provisionally planned for March 2011.
- Next step in system leadership development currently subject to negotiation between Regional SEF Consortium and WAG.
- Scrutinised by CYPSC on 15 December 2010. Agenda item for PHF February 2011.
- Heads of Service are producing Guidance on tracking and raising standards of learners for whom disadvantage/poverty are barriers to realising potential.
KT and Indicator /
- 35: Agree a clear vision/strategy for effective learning and assess that focuses on helping learners do well in all settings (A2)
- 36: Remove variations in performance and inconsistencies in standards within and across learning settings (B2)
- 29: Target support and intervention progs systematically where achievement of learners is below expectations; target particular remedial attention on groups of learners not realising potential, or at risk of not doing so; monitor/improve outcomes to ensure they achieve well (B2)
- Level 2 performance indicators and average wider point score at KS4
- Percentage of Year 11 pupils continuing in full-time education
- Percentage of Year 11 leavers not in education training or employment (NEETs)
LA05 / Maximising use of School Buildings /
- TF Grp has completed actions within the P-MAP which focused on producing a Protocol on the use of school buildings.
- Will meet on ad hoc basis as needs arise from now on.
KT and Indicator / 42: Ensure that the learning environment - including outdoor education - for all learners is of the highest quality and that resources are used to best effect (Primary Review/ school remodelling prog/review of the School Transport Policy/ devel. of Community Focused Schools(A2) /
- See CFS progress below
- 21st Century Schools underway
03 / Reducing NEETS (incl. Keeping in Touch KiT) (was LA04 Lnkd Grp) /
- Initial indications from 2010 Destinations survey received. Data shows a continuation of the positive decrease in the number of Y11 learners becoming NEET in 2010.
- For Wrexham as a whole, there were 57 Year 11 leavers identified as being not in education, employment or training (NEET) as of 31st October 2010. The percentage of Wrexham Year 11 leavers becoming NEET in 2010 is now 4.2%.
- The number of Year 11 learners entering the NEET category has decreased by 15, representing a 21% decrease since 2009.
- This also represents a 60% decrease in the percentage of Y11 learners becoming NEET since 2008 and the inception of the Better Education and Skills for Employment priority.
- All Wales figures are not yet available; therefore we are currently unable to ascertain our rank nationally. This data is due in January 2011. Local indications show that there has also been a decrease in the number of Year 11 leavers becoming NEET in Flintshire.
- Enhanced Skill Build has 13 learners remaining. 5 have 100% attendance.
- Some learners have already commenced their work experience placements with Housing.
KT and Indicator /
- 31: Improve strategies to prevent young people moving into the NEET category (C1)
- 29: Target support and intervention progs systematically where achievement of learners is below expectations; target particular remedial attention on groups of learners not realising potential, or at risk of not doing so; monitor/improve outcomes to ensure they achieve well (B2)
- 16-18 Year Olds not in Education, Employment or Training
LA06 / 14-19 (Linked Grp) /
- Funding bids for the ANDP 2011- 2012 submitted to the Network for consideration.
- Quality spend maximum amount is £30 K
- The SAR has been circulated to all network members. New guidance received from DCELLS in the summer redefines what a network SAR should look like.
- Learning Coach and Student Focus Groups have been conducted and main findings fed back to relevant groups.
- 14-19 Support Mapping Audit completed and is being consulted on with stakeholders.
- Three schools submitted applications for pre 16 Welsh Bac and will hear in the New Year.
- The Network has also put in applications for Principal Learning.
- Indicative budget – ANDP funding similar to last year. LA and schools’ contribution not yet known.
KT and Indicator /
- 38: Extend range of learning provision through learning pathways for 14-19s to meet learners’ needs/aspirations/ entitlements; improve partic. in learning after age 16 (B2)
- 37: Raise standards for learners of all ages, giving priority to raising achievement at Key Stage 4 (B2)
- 44: Give priority to development/accreditation of key skills and identify further ways to appropriately accredit/value the ach of CYP in formal/informal settings and wider comm (B3)
- 29: Target support and intervention progs systematically where achievement of learners is below expectations; target particular remedial attention on groups of learners not realising potential, or at risk of not doing so; monitor/improve outcomes to ensure they achieve well (B2)
- The Learning and Skills Measure has been met by all providers for pre 16 and working towards for post 16 ready for Sept 2011.
- KS4 Raising Standards - very significant improvement in almost all key indicators Overview : Wrexham Performance Outcomes 2010 in Key Performance Indicators (Note: KS4 and KS5final data available December 2010)
- Pat Gooding seconded by Network to support schools in development of Learning Core in particular implementation of the Welsh Bac and further accreditation of skills.
LA07 / EYDCP (Linked Grp) /
- Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) completed and out for consultation Nov-Jan 31st 2011.
- Summary of main recommendations: sustainability, flexibility, Welsh medium provision, before and after school provision, holiday provision; particularly for older children, provision for disabled children, information.
- The CSA consultation forms part of the Joint Plan consultation. The CSA also has a separate full consultation form for use with specific groups, such as EYDCP, Childcare TF Group, parenting groups.
- EYDCP to consult on CSA in Jan meeting.
KT and Indicator /
- 35: Agree a clear vision and strategy for effective learning/assess that focuses on helping learners do well in all settings (A2)
- 32: Continue to develop/strengthen basic skills initiatives in targeted areas including LAP/NAP etc. Improve levels of BS through co-ordinated strategy that targets learners whose low basic skills are a barrier to ach/well-being (A1)
- 42: Ensure that the learning environment - including outdoor education - for all learners is of the highest quality and that resources are used to best effect (Primary Review/ school remodelling prog/review of the School Transport Policy/devel. of Community Focused Schools(A2)
04: Maintain/develop Core Progs focused on improving health, well-being and learning outcomes for pre-birth to 07 years (C1)
05: Continue to develop specialist advisory/support services to identify/address difficulties as early as possible – eg. spch-lang (D3)
06: Continue to develop knowledge/skills base of staff working directly with children aged 0-5 to improve early identification; increase number of childcare workers supported to access NVQ, CRoom Asst/link courses to meet reqs of national minimum standards (D3) /
- 89: Respond to the outworkings of the Childcare Act 2006 and the recommendations of our Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (B2)
LA08 / LAC Education /
- Terms of reference for LAC Education group have been revised.
- More emphasis to be put on tracking the achievement of LAC pupils and monitoring educational attainment (against Wrexham pupils and all Wales data).
- Successful training event for LAC designated teachers led by Rob Long.
KT and Indicator /
- 29: Target support and intervention progs systematically where achievement of learners is below expectations; target particular remedial attention on groups of learners not realising potential, or at risk of not doing so; monitor/improve outcomes to ensure they achieve well (B2)
- 35: Agree clear vision/strategy for effective learning and assess that focuses on helping learners do well in all settings (A2)
- 36: Remove variations in performance and inconsistencies in standards within and across learning settings (B2)
- Focus is now being placed on tracking the achievement of LAC pupils and monitoring educational attainment.
- Tracking and monitoring will be against Wrexham data and all Wales data.
LA 09 / Community Focused Schools /
- December report to WAG being written.
- CFS Celebration Event organised for Friday 18th March 2011 to be held in Llay Park Resource Centre.
- All CFS Programmes on target to spend before 31st March 2011.
- All of the CFS Grant has now been allocated.
KT and Indicator /
- 42: Ensure that the learning environment - including outdoor education - for all learners is of the highest quality and that resources are used to best effect (Primary Review/ school remodelling prog/review of the School Transport Policy/devel. of Community Focused Schools(A2)
Headline report as it relates to the Wrexham Children and Young People’s Plan: / 10th January 2011 / Strategic Co-ordinating Group (SCoG): / Healthy and Active
4th April 2011
4th July 2011
3rd October 2011
9th January 2012
Key to ‘RAG’ing progress for each quarter (Risk assessment using the following criteria)
TF/Linked Grp
/ Headlines / Progress/Problems/Issues / Q1Apr-June 10 / Q2