28TH MARCH 2006



1.1.To present Cabinet with a third-quarter performance report for performance indicators as at the end of December 2005/2006.


2.1.For Cabinet to note the information and identify any key issues in performance for further consideration or action in relation to the indicators.

2.2.For Cabinet to consider progress in relation to the LPSA.


3.1Following the full end of year performance report in 2004-05 the Council’s Management Team requested that areas of concern would be investigated. Agreed action plans for individual Service Units to address under performance of specific performance indicators were reported to Cabinet at its meeting on 19th July 2005.

3.2Part 4 of this report details progress made against those agreed action plans as at the end of the third quarter – December - 2005/06.

3.3At Appendix A an exception report has been produced showing third quarter in year progress (as at end of December ‘05) against the targets set for 2005/06 i.e. detailing those indicators where performance is significantly under or over target.

3.4Appendix B details the progress to date on the stretch targets set as part of BoPs LPSA.

3.5All statistical information and accompanying commentaries (where provided) have been supplied by Service Units via the Performance Indicator Database.

3.6Cabinet may consider intervention measures where there is a high risk of the target not being met or request a review of financial performance and use of resources where targets are being exceeded.


Green shading - 3rd qtr performance appears to be exceeding or within 10% of the target

Amber shading - 3rd qtr performance appears within 15% of the target

Red shading - 3rd qtr performance appears off target by more than 15%

Arrows indicate ‘in year’ direction of travel


The indicators detailed below were those identified as under performing at year end 2004/2005. As such action plans were developed to address poor performance. Each action plan for those Service Units concerned is updated below.


Performance Indicator / Description / Target
05-06 / 3rd Quarter 05-06 / 2nd Quarter 05-06 / 1st Quarter
05-06 / In Year Direction of Travel / End date:
(PAF D54) / % of items of occupational therapy equipment & adaptations delivered within 7 working days / 85% / 75% / 77.5% / 72% / / 20/07/05
Led by: John Dermody
The figure of 75% for third quarter is still subject to verification.
BVPI 196
(PAF56) / Acceptable waiting times for care packages / 86% / 81.37% / 74.13% / 58.3% / / 01/09/05
Led by: Nick Molland
Karen Withers
Performance is improving. The 81.37% third quarter figure has been verified.


Performance Indicator / Description / Target
05-06 / 3rd Quarter 05-06 / 2nd Quarter 05-06 / 1st Quarter
05-06 / In Year Direction of Travel / End date:
BVPI 183b / Average length of stay in hostels (in weeks) / 20
weeks / 15 weeks / 15 weeks / 18.3 weeks / / March 2006
Led by: Keith Mitchell
Whilst performance has improved in year and 2nd and 3rd quarter performance has exceeded the 05/06 target this will not take it out of bottom quartile which is currently 15 weeks but it does appear to take it out of the lower performance threshold in CPA.


Performance Indicator / Description / Target
05-06 / Outturn
05-06 / Outturn
04-05 / In Year Direction of Travel / End date:
PAFC18 / The ratio of looked after children aged ten and above who have been cautioned and convicted during the year compared to all children cautioned and convicted / 1.5 / 1.76 / 5.7 / Large improvement on 2004/05 outturn – but did not reach target set 05/06. / Dec 05
Led by: Gerry Moore
The ratio of 1.76 is the final outturn for 05-06. It shows an improvement on the 04-05 outturn and represents 4 out of 71 children looked after (aged 10-17) that were cautioned or convicted between Oct 2004 and Sep 2005. This shows a large decrease in offending by Poole children looked after. This indicator deals with a small cohort of children and the ratio is obtained by comparison with the conviction rate in the general population which is low. These factors combined to make it difficult to achieve the target set.


Performance Indicator / Description / Target
05-06 / 3rd Quarter 05-06 / 2nd Quarter 05-06 / 1st Quarter
05-06 / In Year Direction of Travel / End date:
BV76d / Number of prosecutions and sanctions per 1000 caseload / 1.25 / 0.64 / 0.77 / 0.1 / / Dec
Led by: Brett Jones
The number of sanctions is increasing but performance of above 1.50 per 1000 caseload is needed to move it out of bottom quartile.
BV79a / Percentage of cases within a random sample for which the Authorities calculation of Housing and Council Tax Benefit benefit due was correct / 98% / 94.13% / 95.2% / 88% / / Nov
Led by: Brett Jones
Performance maintained at this level will keep this indicator on the bottom quartile line. However, the progress demonstrates an improved accuracy rate being generated.


Performance Indicator / Description / Target
05-06 / 3rd Quarter 05-06 / 2nd Quarter 05-06 / 1st Quarter
05-06 / In Year Direction of Travel / End date:
BV78b / Average time for processing notification of change of circumstances / 9
days / 18.9 days / 22
days / 19.8
days / / Sept
Led by: Brett Jones
A change of systems to upgrade to workflow has affected performance and new staff have been recruited, anticipating an improved performance. However this indicator is significantly off target and will be discussed at Community support and Education Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday 21st February 2006.


Performance Indicator / Description / Target
05-06 / 3rd Quarter 05-06 / 2nd Quarter 05-06 / 1st Quarter
05-06 / In Year Direction of Travel / End date
BoP 117
(NOW BV 212) / Average re-let times for local authority dwellings (in days) / 30
days / 30
days / 31
days / 31
days / / March 2006
Led by: Poole Housing Partnership
The void re-let time continues to improve, and for the first time since May, the target of 30 days has been achieved. A NEW national indicator (BVPI 212) has been created to collect this information as of 05-06.
BoP 120 / Percentage of rent lost through local authority dwellings / 0.82% / 0.82% / 0.83% / 0.87% / / March 2006
Led by: Poole Housing Partnership
Improved turnaround has impacted on reduced rent loss, through additional resources, improved procedures and closer monitoring.


Performance Indicator / Description / Target
05-06 / 3rd Quarter 05-06 / 2nd Quarter 05-06 / 1st Quarter
05-06 / In Year Direction of Travel / End date:
BV84 / Number of kilograms of household waste collected per head. / 578kg / 575.14kg - tbc / 448.24kg / 149.44kg / N/A / Mar 06
Led by: Ian Poultney
This is a cumulative indicator and the total tonnage collected per head will increase over the course of the year. However, the target set is for the desired maximum tonnage collected per head over the whole year and performance should not exceed this figure. At the 3rd quarter, performance was already within 10% of the year end target so this target is in danger of being adversely exceeded by the year end.
(BV 199) / Level of street and local environment cleanliness as expressed in BVPI 199 / 23% / N/A / 22% / 26% / / Nov 05
Led by: Steve Chappell
This indicator is currently performing to target. In this case the lower the figure the better the performance.
BoP 110 / The number of collections missed per 100,000 collections of household waste. / 30 / 42.43 / 66.58 / 63.6 / / Dec 05
Led by:
Steve Chappell
+ Ian Poultney
3rd quarter has improved significantly against 2nd quarter, but further work needs to be done to achieve target of 30.


Performance Indicator / Description / Target
05-06 / 3rd Quarter 05-06 / 2nd Quarter 05-06 / 1st Quarter
05-06 / In Year Direction of Travel / End date:
BoP127 / Countryside Education Events / 3000 / 3816 / 3188 / 1383 / / March 2006
Led by:
Matti Raudsepp
Exceeded annual target due to an exceptional attendance at Upton Country Park's annual fun day for children in August 2005.


Performance Indicator / Description / Target
05-06 / 3rd Quarter 05-06 / 2nd Quarter 05-06 / 1st Quarter
05-06 / In Year Direction of Travel / End date:
SocITM1 / Customer Satisfaction / 4.5 (out of 7) / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / 31st March 2006
Led by: Katie Lacey
The indicator outturn is from an annual survey by SOCITIM due for March 2006 and reported later.
SocITM2b / SLA target for completion of minor requests for work. / 91% / N/A / 89.87% / 77.23% / / 31st March 2006
Led by: Simon Rees


There is currently only one performance indicator being regularly monitored at Cabinet level. However, Property Services is in the process of implementing a comprehensive Improvement Plan, as it is acknowledged that the Service has not been performing at the level required by the authority. The Portfolio Holder (Resources) is meeting monthly with the Service Unit Head, Policy Directors (Social Services and Children’s Services), Head of Financial Services and a Personnel Manager to oversee the implementation of the Improvement Plan.

As part of the Improvement Plan, a set of key indicators will be devised which will better enable monitoring of the outcomes and performance of this Service and key indicators will be included in the quarterly Cabinet monitoring report.


Performance Indicator / Description / Target
05-06 / 3rd Quarter 05-06 / 2nd Quarter 05-06 / 1st Quarter
05-06 / In Year Direction of Travel / End date:
BV43a & 43b / Statements issued within 18 weeks a)including and b)excluding time limit exceptions / 100% / 96%
(a&b) / 95%
(a&b) / 92% (a)
93% (b) / / Ongoing
Led by: Education Officer (SEN)
Although performance has improved. The Unit does not expect to meet target before the end of the financial year.
Performance Indicator / Description / Target
05-06 / 3rd Quarter 05-06 / 2nd Quarter 05-06 / 1st Quarter
05-06 / In Year Direction of Travel / End date
BV159 / Percentage of permanently excluded pupils receiving alternative tuition of 21 hours or more per week / 55% / 43.3% / 23% / 25% / / Ongoing
Led by: Manager of Learning Support Service
This indicator is improving – but we have now been informed that the Audit Commission no longer require local authorities to collect this indicator. However, the Service Unit is considering keeping it as a local indicator.
BoP88b / Percentage of year 11 pupils on the roll of and supported by the Learning Support Service who completed external accredited courses they have been entered for. / 90% / 100% / 100% / N/A / / Ongoing
Led by: Manager of Learning Support Service
Final out-turn figure will be 100% for 2005/2006 against the target 90% which is an excellent result as the outturn for 2004-05 was 87%.
BoP96 / Percentage of applications for Home to School transport processed within 10 days / 80% / 68% / 68% / 71% / / Ongoing
Led by:
Strategy Manager (Pupil Support)
Still under target but expected to rise toward target by year end. Long-term absence of post-holder and other team members covering have affected the performance of this indicator. Post-holder now returned part-time, further progress toward target is now anticipated.


Performance Indicator / Description / Target
05-06 / Actual 05-06 / End date:
LPSA 1 / Key Stage 2 English / 28.3 / 27.2 / 2006
LPSA 2 / Key Stage 2 Mathematics / 28.1 / 27.2
LPSA 3 / Key Stage 3 English / 35.4 / 35
LPSA 4 / Key Stage 3 Mathematics / 38.1 / 37.4
LPSA 5 / Key Stage 3 Science / 36 / 35.9
Led by: Jane Portman / See Appendix B for further detail



5.1The Corporate Performance Indicator Database currently houses around 400 performance measures. These are a mix of:

  • statutory measures set by external bodies which include – Best Value Performance Indicators by the ODPM, Performance Assessment Framework Indicators by the Department of Health, Public Library Service Standards measures set by the DCMS
  • local Borough of Poole measures which measure other service performance areas and progress with the Council’s LPSA
  • corporate measures for each service unit which monitor progress with e government and equalities, staff sickness, staff turnover and EDI completion rates

Not all the measures lend themselves to quarterly reporting - e.g. user satisfaction surveys and educational qualifications are collected annually or triennially.

5.2To ensure efficient and appropriate performance monitoring, as part of the sign off of Service Units’ Business Plans, in future Portfolio Holders will be asked to agree a key ‘basket of measures’ for quarterly monitoring that will highlight any risks to delivering the units objectives and enable timely intervention.

5.3Service Units will continue to be asked to provide half yearly and end of year performance reports against all their indicators.

3rd Quarter Performance Report:

5.4For this report, all Service Units were asked to provide a 3rd quarter performance update for those measures where it was practical. One service unit did not provide any performance data but based on the rest of the information, it appears that 85% of indicators reported against are either within 10% of, or currently exceeding the 05/06 targets. A more comprehensive picture of performance across the full range of indicators will be available following year end.

5.5The report at Appendix A is an exception report which highlights the exceptions for both under and over achieving target. Please refer to page 1 of this report for the key to shading.


6.1Appendix B shows the progress of the LPSA stretch targets.

6.2There has been some work undertaken on these measures to establish the likelihood of achievement of the targets and the measures have also been subject to risk assessment exercise by Internal Audit. The comments in the table at Appendix B (where provided by Service Units) explain the current situation. Further work is being undertaken by the Council’s Management Team to ensure that all opportunities for achieving maximum reward grant at the end of the agreement are explored and that decisions on allocation of the remaining pump prime fund continue to support improvement in the priority areas.

6.3There is a total of £3.1M of reward available in 2007/08 if all the targets are achieved. This is shared evenly across all the targets so each has the potential to earn up to £262K reward grant. The target areas are composed of sub-targets and Members need to be aware that these attract a different percentage of the £262K available as (shown in the column labelled ‘Reward Grant Allocation’).

6.4The level of reward grant is dependant on performance at the end of the agreement and the robustness of the measurement systems that have been used to monitor performance. The further work being undertaken will enable the Management Team to take view on the potential reward grant available to the Council.

Officer contacts:-

Bernie Topham – Policy Director

Robert Reid – Improvement and Policy Officer

Bridget West – Corporate Performance Manager