
毕业论文 (设计)

题 目: Situational Context and Textual Coherence

学 号:

姓 名:

年 级: 2006级

学 院: 外 国 语 学 院

系 别: 英 语

专 业: 英 语


完成日期: 2009年4月27日


Situational Context and Textual Coherence


The process of writing this thesis brings a great pleasure to me. It really broadens my mind and enlarges my vision. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the School of Foreign Languages of Hainan University to give me such a good chance to know more about “Situational Context and Text Coherence” and many linguists who have made great effort on those themes related to my topic, so that I can show some of my humble views. I would especially like to give my heartiest thanks to Mrs. Bai Lifang, my supervisor, who devotes herself to enlightening me on the specific patterns and styles; I am really obsessed with her brilliant guidance and earnest attitudes towards those which are taken charge of by her. Without her assistance and encouragement, this thesis would not have achieved its present form.

Over the course of writing this thesis, I am more than grateful to my parents and sisters for their continuous love and care from beginning until the end of this thesis. I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the support and encouragement from my manager, colleagues, friends and home fellows who stand by me for their assistance in stuff collection and suggestions leading to the success of this thesis. Last but not least I should thank Miss Liling from the College of Liberal Arts for her constructive views on how to improve and better organize it. I sincerely bow to all those who have been kind enough to help me, their subtle and fruitful arguments have benefited me a great deal. Whatever splendid words used here cannot show my sincere acknowledgements more[A2].


Situational context is an important external factor to achieve textual coherence. This thesis presents how the theory “Situational Context” evolves and generalizes the central internal and external factors which contribute to the textual coherence. Based on Halliday’s Context Theory, this thesis mainly discusses the three aspects of situational context: field (topic), tenor (participants), mode (ways of utterance) and their important role in textual coherence. Besides, on the basis of ‘Halliday Mode’, this thesis adds to illustrate the great effect of the shared knowledge between the addresser and the addressee on the textual coherence. At last, the author of this thesis has studied the significant guidance of situational context and textual coherence towards foreign languages teaching[A4].

Keywords[A5]: Situational context; Textual coherence[A6]

摘 要[A7]




Acknowledgements[A12]…………………………………………………………(i )
Abstract (English)…………………………………………………………(ii )
Abstract (Chinese)…………………………………………………………(iii)
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………(1)
2. Gist On situational context and textual coherence………………………(3)
2.1 Coherence and Cohesion……………………………………………(3)
2.2 Definition of cohesion………………………………………………(3)
2.3 The relationship between coherence and cohesion…………………(5)
2.4 Situational context and its main elements…………………………(6)
2.4.1Field (Topic)…………………………………………………(6)
2.4.2Tenor (Participants)…………………………………………(6)
2.4.3Mode (Ways of utterance)…………………………………(6)
3. The relationships between situational context and textual coherence…(7)
3.1 Topic (Field) and textual coherence…………………………………(8)
3.1.1No cohesive signs -ultimately coherent………………………(8)
3.1.2. Cohesive signs -completely incoherent………………………(8)
3.1.3. No cohesive signs -relatively coherent………………………(8)
3.2 Participants (Tenor) and textual coherence…………………………(9)
3.2.1. The mentioned addressee changing…………………………(9)
3.2.2. Care for status of people……………………………………(10)
3.3 Ways of Utterance (Mode) and textual coherence…………………(10)
3.3.1. Distant written notice………………………………………(11)
3.3.2. Face-to-face oral play………………………………………(11)
3.4 Shared knowledge of context and textual coherence………………(12)
4. Conclusion………………………………………………………………(13)


Situational Context and Textual Coherence

1. Introduction[A13]

In recent days, [A14]context theory has drawn more and more people’s eyes and ever become a popular topic in linguistics. As is known to all, context is the basis of text, a proper text is impossible without consideration of context. In most linguists’ view, context covers three aspects: linguistic context (co-text, occasion within the text), situational context and cultural context (different understanding of a text due to cultural differences). This thesis is aimed at elaborating situational context and analyzing the relationship between situational context and text coherence.

In fact, the study of situational context can be dated back to the 19th century. Malinowski, a Polish linguist and anthropologist, first puts forward the concept of context of situation, which means “environment of the text.”1[A15]

“Instead of trans[A16]lating, of inserting simply an English word for a native one, we are faced by a long and not altogether simple process of describing wide fields of custom, of special psychology and of tribal organization which correspond to one term or another. We see that linguistic analysis inevitably leads us into the study of context of situation.”(Malinowski, 1935:129)[A17]

He also claims that the central character of a text is as ‘a mode of action and not an instrument of reflection’. This view leads us to conclude that knowing where and when the practical actionis set will help to understand the text better. So Malinowski sets a good example and is considered a pioneer in situational context analysis. Years later, a British man, J.R.Firth gives a relatively thorough idea of context of situation. He considers it as a significant context around which community can be organized with activities and goals to achieve mutual sights into the text between the author and readers. Precisely speaking, J.R.Firth takes account of four detailed merits: (1). The participants in the situation; (2). The action of the participants; (3). Other relevant features of the situation; (4). The effects of the verbal action. The four aspects cover several basic elements like participants, action and effects, which cover the important parts of the situational context. J.R.Firth strides forward in studying context of situation. However, the most influential contributor to the context of situation maybe Halliday, a pupil of Firth, who, along with his (mostly Australian) associates, eventually, gives currency to the term ‘register’ as such:

“Register, or context of situation as it is formally termed, is the set of meanings, the configuration of semantic patterns, which are typically drawn upon under the specific conditions, along with the words and structures that are used in the realization of these meanings.”(Halliday, 1985:96)

2. Gist on Situational Context and Textual Coherence[A18]

2.1 Coherence and Cohesion[A19]

First of all, before talking of coherence, we have to introduce the concept of text cohesion. Cohesion is a kind of concrete semantic connection between components and parts of a text; they may be linear, layer, transparent (expressed by features of form), semi-transparent (revealed by external cohesive system) or opaque (expressed by the vacancy of textual components). From the aspect of language form, they may be grammatical, lexical and phonetic. For instances:

(1[A20]): A: Who is there?

B: They are lily, Jim and Jack.

A: Lily, is that girl Lily, not Lucy?

B: Yes, she really is, they are twins, you should know.

A: Oh, I see.

A and B are doing homework by the stone desk in the campus. A big laughter not far from them attracts their attention. A is near-sighted and not sure who there is, while B replies with three people. And the question sentence uses the single form “is”, but the plural form “are” used as the answer, such kind of grammatical cohesion is achieved, relatively it is considered to be coherent.

Sentences with cohesive signs are easier to get coherent:

(2): A: Do you know John Smiths?

B: He came to see me yesterday. (Zhang Delu, Zhang Aijie, 2006:45)

In this short dialogue, “he” refers to “John Smiths”, such kind of demonstrative pronoun is a mark of cohesion. Semantically speaking, the two sentences have formed an integral one, which should base on the unity of context.

(3): True ease in writing comes from art, not chance

As those move easiest who have learned to dance.

‘Tis not enough no harshness gives offence,

The sound must seem an echo to the sense.

(Zhang Delu, Liu Rushan, 2003:26)


1. Malinowski claims that the central character of languages is as a mode of action and not an instrument of reflection. This view emphasises the role of language in practical action and as a link in concerted human activity, as a piece of humanbehaviour[A22].



[1] [A25]Beaugrande, de R. Introduction to Text Linguistics. London: Longman, 1980[A26][A27].

[2] Halliday, M.A.K. & Hasan. R. Language,Context and Text.Victoria: DeakinUniversity Press, 1985.

[3] Halliday, M.A.K. Language as Social Semiotic: the Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning. London: Edward Arnold, 1978.

[4] Malinowski, Bronislaw CoralGarden and Their Magic Vol.1.London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1935.

[5] Van Dijk, T. A. Text and Context: Explorations in the Pragmatics of Discourse.London: Longman, 1977.

[6] 程利平. 情景语境与语篇连贯. 黄河水利职业技术学院学报,2004,卷16,(1[A28]).

[7] 胡壮麟. 语篇的衔接与连贯. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1994.

[8] 辛斌. 话题与连贯. 山东外语教学,1998,(3).

[9] 杨明. 情景语境与语篇连贯分析.2007-2-26.

[10] 张德禄,刘汝山. 语篇连贯与衔接理论的发展及应用. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2003.

[11] 张德禄,张爱杰. 情景语境与语篇的衔接与连贯. 中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版),2006,(1).

[12] 朱永生. 试论语篇连贯的内部条件(上). 现代外语,1996,(4).


[A1]三号,Times New Roman,加粗,居中

[A2]小四号,Times New Roman,1.5倍行距

[A3]三号,Times New Roman,加粗,居中

[A4]小四号,Times New Roman,1.5倍行距

[A5]小四号,Times New Roman,顶格,加粗

[A6]小四号,Times New Roman,词间用分号隔开





[A11]三号,Times New Roman,加粗,居中

[A12]小四号,Times New Roman,下同

[A13]一级标题用三号字,Times New Roman,顶格,加粗

[A14]正文用小四号字,Times New Roman,行间距采用1.5倍行距




[A18]一级标题用三号字,Times New Roman,顶格,加粗

[A19]二级标题用四号字,Times New Roman,顶格,加粗


[A21]另起一页。三号,Times New Roman,居中,加粗

[A22]五号,Times New Roman,1.5倍行距

[A23]三号,Times New Roman,居中,加粗



[A26]英文用五号,Times New Roman

