April 5, 2014

Before the meeting began, Ali Fletcher announced that the vendor raffle to benefit the Deep Well Project collected $405.00. The organization provides groceries, shelter and home improvements to the needy. They also provide food and medicine for children in need.

The Board President, Steve Aasheim, called the meeting to order at 1:10 pm. U.S. and Canadian Veterans were asked to stand and Ann Shippy led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call was taken and Board members were introduced. All were present: President Steve Aasheim, Vice-President Charlie Kendrick, Treasurer Michel Leclerc, Secretary Ann Shippy, and Member Ed Knott.

Ann Shippy was appointed as Secretary to take meeting minutes. She also verified that there was a quorum for the election and the business meeting and that Don Beck and Kevin Crouse were elected to the Board. Congratulations to both.

New owners in attendance were introduced: Rob and Sue Thompson, Lot 113; Don and Martha Girardi, Lot 254 and Don and Cindy Grindle, Lot 151.

Past President Jim Fitzgerald was in attendance and recognized.

Proof of Meeting Notice was verified and mailed on February 21, 2014.

MOTION 042014-01 to approve April 6, 2013 Annual Minutes and November 9, 2013 Semi-Annual Meeting Minutes made by Ed Knott, 2nd, Michel Leclerc. PASSED.

Appointment of Inspectors of Election: Ann Shippy, Board Secretary, Suzanne Bishop, Lucinda DeSantis and Doug Shippy.

Report of Officers: All slide presentations used during the Tuesday and Thursday Forums will be posted to the owner’s portion of our website. Presentations include The 5 year financial plan, Wi-Fi and CATV, Pedestal and RV Shows and recommendations from the Real Estate Panel.

Michel Leclerc presented the Treasurer’s Report and he also reported that the Resort completed the audit process and the results were very good. He met independently with the auditors after their review and they were satisfied with our systems and documentation.

Suzanne Bishop reported that for the year ending December 31, 2013, the POA was up $15K for the year and the LLC had a $12K profit.

State of the Resort: President Steve Aasheim reviewed Staff, Board and Resort projects including: Communications, Benchmarking, Staffing and Transition, Rally, HR Policy, Road Repair, PEC Guidelines Revision, RV Shows and New Booth, New Pedestal, Cable TV and Wi-Fi study and recommendation, and Draft of Common Area Encroachment Policy.

Reports of Committee:

Marketing: Tom Derzypolski from Bow Stern presented his report to the Board. New contacts and leads from RV shows are trending positively. Social Media, website, eblasts and Newsletters have been increasing visibility to the Resort and communication among owners. Rental nights are up by 5,214 compared to 2012.

Property Enhancement: The Board authorized the General Manager, Suzanne and the PEC to take necessary action to have trees or branches removed if they are creating a danger and an emergency situation. Suzanne will always notify the owner of the situation, but the owner will be billed. MOTION042014-02, Michel Leclerc, 2nd Ed Knott. PASSED.

Manager Update: Rental income constitutes 20% of our operating budget and almost 100% of our buyers are previous renters. Suzanne asked owners to please block the dates they will be in the Resort and coordinate any changes to those dates with the office to lessen disruption to existing rental reservations.


MOTION042014-03 to adopt policy regarding Encroachment onto common property made by Charlie Kendrick, 2nd, Michel Leclerc. PASSED.


  1. MOTION 042014-04 to adopt the 5 Year Financial Plan. Ed Knott, 2nd Ann Shippy. PASSED.
  2. MOTION 042014-05 to adopt the new Hargray contract that will upgrade Wi-Fi and CATV. Ann Shippy, 2nd Charlie Kendrick. PASSED.
  3. MOTION 042014-06 to embrace the concept of the recommendations made by the Real Estate Panel and assign a Board Committee to work with the Staff and Owners to implement those that work best for the Resort. (Until a Board Committee is assigned, Ann Shippy and Don Beck will work with the staff to implement the recommendations.) Michel Leclerc, 2nd Charlie Kendrick. PASSED.
  4. Use of the MLS, another recommendation from the Real Estate Panel was put on hold until the new Board convenes and can further evaluate. For now, the focus will be on converting renters to owners.
  5. Open Discussion:
  6. Question on trees residing on Wexford property that could potentially damage RVs in our Resort. Suzanne will work with the Wexford Manager.
  7. How do renters pick lots? Upon check in, they are asked about coach size, # of slides, etc. Available lots matching their criteria are pulled up in the computer system and they are given the opportunity to view them and choose.
  8. A suggestion was made to rename “Forest Lots” that have undergone major improvement to “Premium Lots”. Board will evaluate.
  9. Increase rental rates and add seasonal adjustments in price. Board will evaluate.
  10. Before a lot is accepted for sale, it should have an “as built” survey. Most lots currently have boundary surveys. Again, the Board continues to look at this option.

All questions written on index cards during Friday Forum will be answered and posted on the owners website by April 21st.

Meetingadjourned via a MOTION at 3:00 pm.


ANN C. SHIPPY, POA Board Secretary