Rainbow Bay Property Owners’ Association, Annual General Meeting

March 21, 2015

The Annual General Meeting was held in the Association Building on Saturday, March 21 at 10:00 AM. The Rainbow Ladies Craft Group displayed an assortment of creative pieces on the deck prior to the meeting. Enid Morris and Pat Morrison collected contacts and other information from the 49 attending members. After the meeting, members and their friends gathered on Rainbow Bay beach for a picnic lunch prepared by Billy Stubbs.


  1. 2014 AGM minutes accepted.
  2. Treasurer’s report and overall finances: 2015 Budget approved. Total in all three RBPOA accounts totaled $ 116,000 as of March 20, 2015.
  3. President Ron Nentwig’s report:

Housing: Total of 162 houses in Rainbow with 15 under construction.

Donations: RBPOA made $ 250 donations to James Cistern’s Ball Park, Pet Pals, and the Youth Tennis Players

Ocean Drive: the area that washes out with rages will be repaired with quarry fill so that one lane is usable. It is too expensive to repair the sea wall with cement.

Sunshelters on Rainbow Beach have been re-thatched and replacement road signs are being made.

Increase in dues: in all probability with the increased cost of just about everything and with the new Maintenance Manager position and lack of volunteers, in the near futurethe Board will be forced to increase the dues. Looking toward the future, it is highly likely that a full time manager will be required and that will require an additional increase in dues.

  1. Old Business

Road Work: Tommy Pinder has put together equipment to work on the quarry roads and Harry Pinder was hired to repair the cement roads.

Garbage Collection Area: The board wishes to thank Barbara Fischl for planting the plants in that area.

  1. Nurse Bernadette Colebrook thanked the members for their donations towards the medical equipment for the new James Cistern Clinic. She said that she had received over $ 600 for the Selden Loring Fund. She explained that a team would be coming from Nassau to train the nurses on Eleuthera how to use the new equipment and said they were hoping to raise additional funds, along with the police and fire departments to purchase “The Jaws of Life”.
  2. President Nentwig acknowledged and thanked the following:

His fellow board members

Kathy Clavelle for stepping in as Acting Treasurer

Perry Attfield for heading up the Building Committee

Zev and Mish Wasserman for hosting the the RBPOA cocktail hour

Richard Langworth for editing The Rainbow Times newsletter. ( RichardLangworth urged members to sign up to get the newsletter electronically and save the Association money for printed copies. )

Enid Morris and Pat Morrison for information gathering.

  1. Tommy Pinder introduced Claudwell Farrington who was aboard the Bahamian Defense Force boat that was fired upon and sunk by the Cubans in the late 60’s, Mr. Farrington is now retired and lives in Hatchet Bay and heads up several community help groups . He thanked the members for allowing Tommy Pinder to use the tractor to help clean up areas in Hatchet Bay.
  2. President Nentwig thanked those who donated to the Road Fund, thanked all who attended the meeting and invited all to the picnic to be held one hour later on Rainbow Bay Beach.

M.M.H. May 27, ’15