Champions are Readers®Program Overview
What is Champions are Readers?
The Champions are Readers (CAR) program is a monthlong reading enrichment program for third-graders. This easy-to-administer program is designed to supplement reading activities already provided by schools. The CAR program can be used for one classroom or several and is specifically designed to complement other local literacy programs that are currently underway by a chapter or an alumnae organization. The program is an initiative to support Pi Beta Phi’s literacy platform: Read. Lead. Achieve and vision:
Pi Beta Phi leads the way to a more literate society.
How it Works
Pi Beta Phi collegiate chapters/alumnae organizations will select a school and classroom for participation and with school officials, choose a month to implement the CAR program. Volunteers will provide students with classroom packets that include a CAR literacy workbook, student directionsand a letter to the student’s parents. Students are required to read aloud 15 minutes every day to a parent/caregiver. The studentsrecord their individual progress in their workbook, which also contains interactive games and activities as well as parent tips for the program. At the end of the program, a recognition ceremony is held in which each studentreceives a medal, certificate of achievement and a book of their own. If the school is participating in CAR Connect, the teacher will choose books for the studentsthrough the First Book Marketplace.
Who Can Participate?
The Pi Beta Phi chapter or alumnae organization should take the lead for any CAR program, but all volunteers are welcome. Chapters and alumnae organizations may want to partner with individuals or groups such as other sororities, fraternities, clubs on campus, book clubs, parents, etc.
Costs for Chapters/Clubs
CAR Classroom Packs are available for $50.00 and include materials for 25 students. For larger groups, Add-On Packs may be purchases for $15.00 and include materials for five additional students. Packs are comprised of one workbook, bookplate and medallion with ribbon for each student per the cost of the pack.Each student will receive a book as well upon completion of the CAR program. There are two ways for the CAR site to receive books, and both are provided by the Pi Beta Phi Foundation. First option is to add to each pack one book for each student at no cost to the chapter/alumnae organization.The other option is through CAR Connect, the teacher will select the books from the First Book Marketplace up to a $200 credit.. Other anticipated costs toalumnae organizations and chapters will be for awards, materials, postage and handling. CAR classroom packs can be purchased through Pi Beta Phi Headquarters using profits from local fundraising events or through a budgeted club or chapter expense.
Suggestions/options to enhance the basic CAR program:
- Select schools that will truly benefit from the program — inner city, disadvantaged youth, Title I or Title I eligible, etc.
- Start the program with an interactive kick-off assembly or class meeting to create additional excitement.
- Return to the classroom mid-month to check in and re-energize students.
- Incorporate in-class reading or after-school reading during CAR month and throughout school year
(if approved by school administrator and teachers). - Provide a crate of books at beginning of month to add to the class/school library selections. The crate can be a gift to the classroom or retained by the club/chapter to be used in subsequent CAR programs.
- CAR Connect: Let school official know that their school has been awarded $200 in First Book Marketplace credits so s/he can select appropriate books for the students. If the school refers a peer program, they will receive an additional $100 Marketplace credit.
- Hold a recognition ceremony at the end of the month inviting parents/caregivers and school officials.
The CAR program is made possible in part by a grant from Pi Beta Phi Foundation.