Concluded between the following parties to the Agreement:
- SPORTS ASSOCIATION „VLADIMIR VANJA GRBIC“, Zrenjanin, Klek, Street Save Kovacevica 25, Association registration number 28703040, TIN: 109924184, duly represented by Vanja Grbic (hereinafter referred to as the: ASSOCIATION)
- ______(name and surname of a child), ______(address), Personal identity number (JMBG):______, represented by a parent acting as a legal representative______(hereinafter referred to as the: PARENT)
Parties to the Agreement agree that the Sports Association “VLADIMIR VANJA GRBIC”
- is a non-governmental and non-profit association, established for an indefinite period of time with the aim of achieving goals in the field of scientific and educational work with children through sports and physical activity;
- is an organiser of a volleyball camp Vladimir Vanja Grbic, within which will be an interesting way to execute the development of children through volleyball, and will conduct special preventive activities as stipulated by the Agreement.
Article 1
The parties to the Agreement agree that the parent will entrust a minor child ______(please enter the child’s name and surname) to the care of the Association with a view of enabling the child’s development through volleyball and conducting following special testings by the Association:
- Orthopedic diagnostic tests to determine the status of child’s spine and feet
- Motoric diagnostic tests to determine child’s force, speed and endurance
(hereinafter referred to as: Camp activities).
Article 2
Parties to the Agreement agree that a total agreed price of the camp is 400.00 euros (four hundred euros), calculated in dinars according to an average exchange rate of Banca Intesa ad Belgrade on the day of payment.
Payment can be made in full after filling up an online registration form on the camp’s official website:
Parties to the Agreement agree that the price of the camp without accommodation and food is 200.00 euros (two hundred euros), calculated in dinars according to an average exchange rate of Banca Intesa ad Belgrade on the day of payment. If parents provide food and accommodation, they are obliged to specify this when signing this Agreement.
Article 3
The camp is held in Logatec, Slovenia, from December 26 2018. to January 2, 2019, in one shift. Shift lasts eight days and the camp starts on the first day of a shift at noon.
Article 4
The Association is obliged to provide children with volleyball indoor trainings with constant work of licensed coaches.
The Association obliges itself and the parent by this Agreement gives his/her approval to special diagnostic testing of the child as stipulated by Article 1 of this Agreement.
The Association obliges itself to provide the child with sports equipment, a written recommendation from Vladimir Grbic, a video recording and photographs of his/her shift.
Article 5
By this Agreement, the parent gives his/her approval to the Association to take care of the child during the agreed time and undoubtedly confirms that he/she is informed of and that he/she agrees with the camp’s rules, which are on the official web page of the camp
The parties to the Agreement agree that in case of disrespect for the rules of the camp, the Association reserves the right to exclude the child from the camp with no obligation to return the money paid.
Article 6
The parent is obliged to bring the child to the camp at the beginning of a shift, and to pick up the child from the same place when the shift is over.
The parent is obliged to respect the time for the beginning of the shift (noon) and the time for the departure from the camp (10:00 a.m.).
Article 7
The parent is obliged to tell the Association about child’s health problems, surgeries the child underwent, child’s chronic diseases that can be characterised as rare, allergies and any psychological treatment the child is undergoing and to submit valid medical documentation as a proof.
The parent is obliged to present the Association on the day this Agreement is concluded with a physician’s report on child’s systematic medical examination not older than 6 months.
The Association retains the right to reject a child with health problems from item 1 of this Article if it is not able to take care of such a child properly.
Article 8
By this Agreement, the parent undoubtedly expresses his/her agreement that his/her child can be photographed or filmed and that selected photographs and video recordings can be uploaded to the official web page of the camp and on social networks websites such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, for the purpose of evaluating and promoting the camp programme.
Article 9
Parties to the Agreement agree that if the child cancels his/her stay in the camp during the agreed shift, the Association will keep the money paid for the camp in whole.
The Association is obliged to return the money paid for the camp only in case the child cancelled his/her stay due to illness. Te parent must provide the Association with valid medical documents to prove illness within 3 days from the cancellation.
Article 10
Parties to the Agreement agree that the contractual relations act will be applied on relations which are not regulated by this Agreement.
Article 11
Parties to the Agreement agree that they will resolve possible disputes in an amicable way, and if this not possible, the disputes will be resolved before a court in accordance with its actual and local jurisdiction.
Article 12
The Agreement is made in 2 (two) identical copies, 1 (one) for each party to the Agreement.
Parties to the Agreement state that all provisions of the Agreement mentioned above correspond to their true will, and in witness whereof they sign it.