Recommendations for Strengthening Activities for Children with Low Tone in Trunk and Upper Extremities
Prone activities on scooter board outdoors with use of garden gloves. Obstacle course with chalk and cones. Up gentle hills and down.
Wheel barrel walking with trunk support and progressing to leg and foot support as child increases strength and shoulder/scapula stability.
Prone on hammock or platform swing pushing swing with weight forward on arms, walking arms to pick up objects and put in container. Pulling platform swing with rope. Bolster swing hanging on.
Lifting and pushing a loaded wheel barrel at home.
Take out trash pushing and pulling cans up and down driveway as required.
Pushing or pulling sibling in a wagon or on tricycle.
Pedal tricycle (a 3 year skill)
Swimming lessons and laps with strokes.
Swing, pumping on regular swing and on disc swing hung on single rope.
Climbing wall
Any playground climbing, rope ladder climbing
Shooting baskets with regular basketball and goal height as needed for age.
Climbing stairs carrying objects (book bag or groceries)
Carrying laundry, groceries in from car or any weighted or heavy object within reason. Always carry own school bag.
Help raking leaves and sweeping deck or sidewalk
Washing car with sponge and bucket
Painting with bucket of water and brush on house or basement wall making letters & numbers.
Stirring dough in bowl. Hold bowl with one hand and spoon in the other.
Tae Kwando or Karate
Jumping rope
Wiping down shower at home after bathing
Putting objects up on shelves (toys, blocks, etc.)
Lying prone with weight on forearms and elbows watching TV or do a puzzle or read a story.
Bear walking with weight on hands and knees straight.
Fishing games or real.
Paddling small boat/canoe/kayak
Crawling up and down ramp on hands and knees
Empty dish washer. Even putting dishes up onto counter.
Playing on a trapeze.
Throwing and catching balls. Throwing balls at targets.
Hitting at a TeeBall
Writing and erasing on the chalk board.