Knappa School District No. 4 • Knappa, Oregon 97103

Board of Directors’ Budget Hearing and Regular Meeting

Monday, June 19, 2017

Present Absent

Candi Vanderburg, Chair

Cullen Bangs, Vice Chair

Craig Weaver, Director

Ed Johnson, Director

Tammy Goozee, Director

Paulette Johnson, Superintendent

Nikki Fowler, Business Manager

Leila Collier, K-6 Principal/SPED Director

Laurel Smalley, Principal 7-12

Jennifer Morgan, Board Secretary

6:00 p.m.Budget Hearing (Open to public comment)

6:15 p.m.-Call to Order

Flag Salute

1.Consent Agenda

1.1Minutes from the May 15th, 2017 Regular Meeting, the June 5, 2017 Budget

Meeting and June 5,2017 Work Session.

1.2Organization of the Knappa School District

1.3Financial Report

1.417-18 Superintendent Contract

1.517-19 OEA Contract

1.617-19 OSEA Contract

Custody & Disbursement of School District Funds (ORS 338.441.)

The Superintendent recommends the following: Custodian of funds $500,000; Superintendent $500,000; Blanket for all others handling money $500,000.

Designate Officers and Agents of Record. The Superintendent recommends the following:

a.Paulette Johnson as Superintendent/Clerk;

b.Nikki Fowler as Custodian of Funds;

c.Nikki Fowler as Budget Officer;

d.Nikki Fowler as AHERA designated officer;

e.Authorize the facsimile signature of the custodian of funds;

f.Official Auditors for the school year [ORS 297.405, ORS 327.137 and ORS 328.465] Pauley Rogers and Company PC, recommended;

g.Depository for school funds recommended local branch of Wells Fargo Bank, Columbia Bank and State Investment Pool. [ORS328.441, 294.805 and 295.885];

h.The Daily Astorian as the Newspaper of Record

i.Brown & Brown Northwest Insurance Agency LLC as Insurance Agent of Record for PACE through OSBA.

j.Approve all Federal and State Grant Applications for 2017-18

k.Approve Laurel Smalley as a signer with Wells Fargo Bank Student Body account.

Johnson moved to adopt the consent agenda as presented, Weaver seconded, moved to vote, approve unanimously.

Communications and Hearing of Interested Parties

Comments from the Public-

George Heinzt-stated that the buffer is 150 ft. from the highway and the property owner homes are maybe 300 ft., preferred we did not log property.

Kathy Murray-Suggested that the forestry clubs use the logs to raise money for the school and do the work themselves, sell the lumber for firewood.

Old Business

OSBA Policy Update Second Read (motion needed for approval of changes)-Johnson moved to approvethe updated policies, Weaver seconded, approved unanimously.

RFP Decision-P. Johnson stated at the last meeting we had asked for more information from Alex Raichl and we also talked with a local realtor about partitioning the 13 acres out. Weaver stated he did not think we should partition the property just do a sealed bid for the full 13 acres. We did not receive the requested information from Alex Raichl at Custom Excavating, discussion followed. Johnson moved to not accept the bid from Custom Excavating, Weaver seconded, approved unanimously. Johnson moved to table any further decision on the property until August, Weaver seconded, approved unanimously.

New Business

Adopt the 2017-18 School District Budget-(Motion needed to adopt)-Weaver moved to adopt the 17-18 budget as presented, Johnson seconded, approved unanimously.

Baseball Team Arizona Trip-(Discussion Only) - Coach Miller sent a letter and pictures thanking the board for the approval of the trip. No further discussion.

Swear in newly elected Board members-P. Johnson swore in newly elected board member Craig Weaver for a new term as a Knappa School district board member.

Elect Board Chair and Vice Chairman for July 2017 through June 2018-(Motion and nomination)-Johnson moved to elect Chair Vanderburg for the 17-18 chair, Weaver seconded, approved unanimously. Johnson moved to nominate Weaver as the Vice- chair, Vanderburg seconded, approved unanimously.

Board Self Evaluation-(Packet for summer review)-P. Johnson stated that the date to have the board self-evaluation into the district office is no later than July 31, 2017.

Approve Sysco Portland RFP (motion and approval needed) - Johnson moved to approve the Sysco RFP as presented, Weaver seconded, approved unanimously.

New Bus RFP Approval(motion and approval needed)-Fowler presented three quotes to the board and specifically referred to the quote recommended by the bus manager from Schetky Northwest Sales for the Thomas bus. It is the longer and wider of the three buses, has cameras, large cargo areaand drop chains. Astoria and Warrenton have the Thomas buses and are satisfied with the Thomas bus line and the service from Schetky. Discussion followed. Johnson moved to accept the proposal from Schetky for the Thomas bus, Weaver seconded, approved unanimously.

Lunch Price Increase for 17-18 (motion needed )Fowler added a .05 cent increase for school meals next year, it was required by ODE, Weaver moved to approve,Johnson seconded , approved unanimously.

General Reports

Hilda Lahti School/SPED Update-Laura Holt will be the new parent club president; Collier did not have anything further to add. Johnson asked where we are staff wise, Collier stated we still need to hire the 6th grade teacher, we have done the interviews andthat position should be filled by the end of the week. The 4th grade position just opened, and we already have a good pool of applicants. Discussion followed.

KHS/HLMS Update-Smalley stated all 29 senior graduated with diplomas and they received $72,000.00 in scholarships. We received the Astoria Visual Arts grant again and $20,000.00 from the Care Oregon Suicide Intervention and implementation program. E. Johnson asked how many of the graduates came over from the 8th grade, Smalley stated she thinks that we only lost two.

E. Johnson asked about the Key Club, did anyone contact Dan Arnoth about their grants similar to the Community 101 program. She stated not at this time but will pursue both options for next year. Discussion followed.

Smalley stated that we are adding an applied math for students looking at vocational jobs, we are continuing with boosting the CTE side of math that will meet graduation requirements. E. Johnson asked how many students graduated based on work samples vs. SBAC, she stated she did not have that information at this time but could get it and did know that we are comparable to other schools. The SBAC will be phasing outnext year and the state will be looking at using the ACT test instead. P. Johnson askedhow did PLC’s work this year and what is the plan for next year, We are moving them to a late starts on Wednesdays twice a month and will be adding the EA’s to the PLC meetings, will focus work on student engagement and rigor. Vanderburg asked about the Spanish program, Smalley stated that we did not have any failures, but do have a few students finishing up assignments. Our new hire Melissa Reid, is fluent in Spanish and we are looking at using her to tutor students and help with the after school program.

Superintendent Report-P. Johnson stated that we are in the process of implementing the new MAPS testing and that will give us instant access to results. Negotiations are complete. No further discussion.

Board Member Reports and Future Agenda Items

Johnson-nothing at this time.

Weaver-nothing at this time.

Vanderburg-nothing at this time.

Adjournment-Johnson moved to adjourn 7:05 p.m.

Next Meetings •

Monday, August 7, 2017 • Work Session • 5:30 p.m., Monday August 21, 2017 Regular Board Meeting • 5:30 p.m., Knappa High School Library