Longview ISD5th Grade ELA Unit 6-1-7

5th Grade TEKS with Specificities
5.1ADetermine the purposes for listening such as to gain information, to solve problems, or to enjoy and appreciate
Responds overtly to the question
“Why are we listening to (each other, the teacher, the speaker, the recording)?”
5.1BEliminate barriers to effective listening (4-8).
  • Concentrating on the speaker and his/ her message
  • Avoiding distractions from the speaker
  • Listening and attempting to understand rather than mentally composing a response
  • Being empathetic (placing himself/herself in the speaker’s position)
5.1Cunderstand the major ideas and supporting evidence in spoken messages (4-8).
  • Interpret the speaker’s main message
Identify the support/ elaboration/ proof for the speaker’s main ideas
  • Paraphrasing
  • Oral summarization/ retelling
Beginning note-taking
5.2Listening/speaking/critical listening. The student listens critically to analyze and evaluate a speaker's message(s).
5.2AInterpret speaker’s messages (both verbal and nonverbal), purposes, and perspectives (4-8).
  • Identify the speaker’s message (verbal/ nonverbal)
  • Identify the speaker’s purpose e.g. (persuade, inform, entertain, express)
  • Identify the speaker’s point of view and bias (fact/ non-fact)
5.2BIdentify and analyze a speaker’s persuasive techniques such as promises, dares, and flattery (4-5).
Identify the verbal / nonverbal persuasive techniques used by a speaker (for example: raising his or her voice, using/ appealing to an emotion, giving examples, citing/ quoting authority.
5.2CDistinguish between the speaker’s opinion and verifiable fact (4-8).
Including applying the concepts:
  • A fact statement contains no value language
  • An opinion statement contains value language (good, difficult, easy, beautiful, should, etc….)
/ 5.2C continued
*Note: Fact statements (no value language) and opinion statements (have value language) speak to the form of the statement- not to its truth. DO NOT teach students “If you can prove it, it’s a fact. If you can’t it’s an opinion.”
For example: There are many opinions for which a mountain of evidence could be assembled as truth. That is “George Washington was a good president.”
5.2DMonitor his/her own understanding of the spoken message and seek clarification as needed
Including asking himself/herself questions such as:
  • What is the speaker’s purpose?
  • What is the speaker’s main idea?
  • Does the speaker support/ elaborate the main idea?
  • Is the support fact or opinion?
  • Do I agree/ disagree with the speaker?
  • What is not clear to me?
  • What else do I need to know?
5.5AAdapt spoken language such as word choice, diction, and usage to the audience, purpose, and occasion.
  • Accurate and appropriate spoken language in formal and informal presentations to a variety of audiences for various purposes and occasions.
  • Adapt presentations according to the audience and purpose
  • What is the speaker’s main idea?
  • Does the speaker support/ elaborate the main idea?
  • Is the support fact or opinion?
  • Do I agree/ disagree with the speaker?
  • What is not clear to me?
  • What else do I need to know?
5.5BDemonstrate effective communications skills that reflect such demands as interviewing, reporting, requesting, and providing information
  • Develop effective questioning techniques.
  • Paraphrase/ summarize information that has been gathered.
Provide accurate oral reports based on data.
5.5CPresent dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays to communicate (4-8).
  • Use fluent, expressive speech to convey meaning of oral interpretations..
  • Differentiate expressions based on genre.
/ 5.5C continued
  • Read a variety of genres of literature with fluency and expression.
5.5DUse effective rate, volume, pitch, and tone for the audience and setting (4-8).
  • Repeated opportunities for practice in public speaking in a variety of settings.
  • Adjusting rate, volume, pitch and tone depending on the audience and purpose for speaking.
5.5EGive precise directions and instructions such as in games and tasks (4-5).
On- going process skill that includes:
  • Giving logical, sequential directions
  • Increase/ simplify the complexity of instructions based on the ability level of the audience.
5.5FGive precise directions and instructions such as in games and tasks (4-5).
On- going process skill that includes:
  • Giving logical, sequential directions
  • Increase/ simplify the complexity of instructions based on the ability level of the audience.
Reading/Inquiry/Research. The student inquires and conducts research using a variety of sources
5.13AForm and revise questions for investigations, including questions arising from interests and units of study (4-5).
5.13BUse text organizers, including headings, graphic features, and tables of contents, to locate and organize information (4-8).
5.13CUse multiple sources, including electronic texts, experts, and print resources, to locate information relevant to research questions (4-8).
5.13ESummarize and organize information from multiple sources by taking notes, outlining ideas, or making charts (4-8).
5.13FProduce research projects and reports in effective formats using visuals to support meaning as appropriate
5.13GDraw conclusions from information gathered from multiple sources (4-8)
