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Section 30-2. Use for projects with pulverized roadbed.
1. Use if traffic will not use pulverized roadbed before paving.
Add to section 30-2.01C:
The 2nd sentence of the 4th paragraph of section 30-1.01C(1) does not apply.
2. Edit for supplementary aggregate or cement, or for traffic using pulverized roadbed before paving. Delete items that do not apply. Renumber list as required.
Use items1and 2 if cement is recommended by the District Materials Engineer.
Use item 3 if supplementary aggregate is specified.
Use item 4 when traffic will use pulverized roadbed before paving.
Add between the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of section 30-2.01C:
The daily report specified in section 30-1.01C(3)(c) must include:
1.Ambient air temperature before starting daily pulverized roadbed activities including time of temperature reading
2.Calculated cement application rate in lb/sq yd and percent by dry weight of pulverized roadbed
3.Calculated supplementary aggregate application rate in lb/sq yd and percent by dry weight of pulverized roadbed
4.Application rate of sand cover in lb/sq yd
3. Use ifcement is recommended by the District Materials Engineer .
Add to the table in the 2nd paragraph of section 30-2.01D(2)(a):
Cement spread rate (lb/sq yd) / Calibrated tray or equal / Test strip and 1 per lot / RoadbedCement mixing / Phenolphthalein pH indicator solution / Test strip and 1 per lot / Loose mix after pulverizing and mixing
Moisture content
(%) / California Test 226
(Determine OMC under California Test 216) / Test strip and 2 per day / Loose mix after pulverizing and mixing
4. Use ifcement is recommended by the District Materials Engineer .
Add to the table in the 1st paragraph of section 30-2.02A:
Cement spread rate (lb/sq yd) / Calibrated tray or equal / Specified rate ± 5%Cement mixing / Phenolphthalein pH indicator solution / Pink color
Moisture content
Minimum / California Test 226
(Determine OMC under California Test 216) / OMC + 3%
5. Use if traffic will use pulverized roadbed before paving, otherwise delete.
Replace Reserved in section 30-2.02B with:
Sand cover must comply with section 90-1.02C(4)(c).
Sand must not contain clay or organic matter.
6. Use if cement is recommended by the District Materials Engineer.
Replace Reserved in section 30-2.03A with:
Do not start pulverized roadbed activities if the ambient air temperature is below 40 degrees F. If the ambient air temperature falls below 40 degrees F, you may only compact and finish the pulverized roadbed.
7. Use if supplementary aggregate or cement is recommended by the District Materials Engineer.Edit to delete materials not used.
Replace item 3 in the list in the 1st paragraph of section 30-2.03B with:
3.Mix the pulverized pavement, underlying material, water, cement, and supplementary aggregate into a homogeneous and uniform mixture
8. Use if traffic will use pulverized roadbed before paving.
Add to section 30-2.03B:
Spread sand cover with a self-propelled spreader equipped with a mechanical device that spreads sand over the entire roadbed at a uniform rate in a single application.
Replace Reserved in section 30-2.03C with:
9. Use if supplementary aggregateis recommended by the District Materials Engineer, otherwise delete. Use the spread rate used to develop the supplementary aggregate quantity.
The supplementary aggregate spread rate must be __ lb/sq yd ± 5 percent.
10–12. Use if cement is recommended by the District Materials Engineer, otherwise delete
Spread supplementary aggregate before spreading cement.
11. Calculate the spread rate from the percent (1 to 2%) of cement by dry weight of the pulverized material.
Do not spread dry cement in windy conditions that will result in dust outside the pulverized roadbed area. The cement spread rate must be __ lb/sq yd ± 5 percent.
Mix cement within 30 minutes of spreading. The mixture must not include streaks and pockets of cement. Remix these areas until uniform and homogeneous. Complete all mixing and compacting within 4 hours of mixing cement.
Add to section 30-2.03E:
13–16. Use if cement is recommended by the District Materials Engineer or traffic will use pulverized roadbed before paving.
13. Use if cement is recommended by the District Materials Engineer, traffic will use pulverized roadbed before paving, and the District Materials Engineer recommends a curing period, otherwise delete. Delete "traffic including" and "and sand" if traffic will not use pulverized roadbed before paving.
Do not allow traffic including construction equipment on the finished pulverized surface for 24 hours from the time the material was compacted except equipment to apply asphaltic emulsion and sand.
14. Use when traffic will use pulverized roadbed before paving or cement is specified. Use 5th sentence when traffic will use pulverized roadbed before paving, otherwise delete. Use the last 4 sentences when traffic will use pulverized roadbed before paving, otherwise delete.
On the same day the roadbed is pulverized, apply a coat of asphaltic emulsion to the finished surface. Apply asphaltic emulsion at a residual rate from 0.04 to 0.07 gal/sq yd binder content. Apply sand cover immediately after the asphaltic emulsion breaks. Apply temporary traffic stripe. Apply asphaltic emulsion, sand cover, and traffic stripe before opening to traffic. Do not open to traffic without the Engineer's authorization.
15. Use if traffic will use pulverized roadbed before paving, otherwise delete.
Spread sand at a rate from 2 to 4 lb/sq yd. Remove excess sand from the surface by sweeping.
16. Use if traffic will use pulverized roadbed before paving, otherwise delete. Insert the number of days. Consult with District Traffic.
Place at least 0.15 foot of HMA on the finished surface of pulverized roadbed within __ days of applying asphaltic emulsion and sand cover.
Replace Not Used in section 30-2.04:
17. Use if cement is recommended by the District Materials Engineer.
The Department does not adjust the unit price for cement (pulverized roadbed).