Date of issue______


(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)

DEHRADUN – 248 005

TENDER DOCUMENTS (Non-transferable)

(NIT NO.IIP/Maintaining Lawn/Plants/Wild Growth Cutting etc./Gen. 12)



1. / Notice Inviting Tender (detailed) / 1-4
2. / Terms & Conditions / 5-10
3. / Nature/Scope of work Annexure `A’ / 11
4. / Status of firm / 12
5. / Draft agreement / 13-19
6. / Quotation / 20


1. Tender documents are non-transferable and can only be used by the Contractor to whom these are issued.

2. Tenderer should ensure that they have received all the above papers.

3. All these documents are to be returned, duly signed by the Tenderer on each page while submitting the offer.





Mobile No.______

Telephone No.______



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DEHRADUN – 248 005


(No. IIP/ Maintaining Lawn/Plants/Wild Growth Cutting etc./Gen. 12)

Sealed tenders are invited from those registered contractors who fulfill the eligibility criteria for the job contract of providing manpower services to carry out the Maintaining Lawn/Plants/Wild Growth Cutting activities/tasks for its building and office campus as detailed below:-

1.  Preparation of seasonal and permanent flower beds

2.  Maintenance and renovation of lawns and gardens of IIP

3.  Eradication of weeds and interculture

4.  Spraying of insecticides/fungicides/weedicides with the help of spraying machines etc

5.  Pot fillings and care of pots with plants and painting of pots

6.  Trimming of hedge, edge and ornamental plants

7.  Watering of planted saplings

8.  Digging of pits of given size

9.  Proper care of permanent flowering shrubs, herbs, climbers and plants

10.  Plantation and proper care of winter, summer and rainy season flowering plants

11.  Care of total garden including lawns around all laboratory buildings, Guest House, Director’s Bunglow, Dispensary, and other areas in the colony/Institute campus

12.  Wild growth cutting of IIP campus

1. Eligibility Criteria:

a) Contractors should be registered and possess a valid license under the provisions of Contract Labour (regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 & 1971.

b) Contractors must have experience of satisfactory completion of the similar nature of job/work.

c) The tenderers are required to produce proof of work experience, EPF & ESI Registration valid Labour License till 31.12.2013, list of clients / Govt. Deptt proof of satisfactory services issued by the clients along with copy of latest income tax return filed and service tax clearance certificate in original for verification and one photocopy for submission at the time of request for purchase of tender documents.

d) The contractor has to comply with the provisions made under the Minimum Wages Act, Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 & 1971 and other provisions under laws as applicable in Uttarakhand.

e) The duration of the contract shall be for a period of two years from the date of the commencement of the work.

f) Tenders received after due date & time and or without EMD shall be rejected summarily.

g) The tenderers are required to fill in the tender documents with due care so as to avoid any cuttings/corrections/alternations in the entries made in the tender papers and in case any corrections are required, the original writing shall be neatly cut/penned through and re-written nearby. No overwriting or eraser of original writing by use of White Correcting Fluid or otherwise is permitted. In case any eraser using White Correcting Fluid is found, the tenders shall liable to be rejected. Excessive correction in schedule of rate is also liable for rejection.

h) The tenderers are expected to quote reasonable rates of service charge and if it is noticed that the rates quoted by the tenderers are unusually high or unusually low, it will be sufficient cause for rejection of their tenders unless the authorities are convinced about the reasonableness of the rates.

The tender documents with detailed terms & conditions can be obtained from Section Officer, General Section, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Mohkampur, Haridwar Road, Dehradun on payment of Rs. 500.00 (Rs. Five hundred only) + 13.5 % vat (Non-refundable) by A/C payee Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director IIP, Dehradun or by making cash payment with Cashier, IIP on any working day between 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. from 21.03.2013 to 02.04.2013. The two bid envelope, duly sealed with wax. 1) one containing financial bid only and 2) Technical bid containing EMD, copy of valid licence, experience certificate, EPF & ESI registration, list of clients, copy of I.T. Return for last 3 years, Service Tax clearance, and all other requisite documents along with EMD of Rs. 10,000.00 (Rs. Ten Thousand only) for the work, as detailed above, in the form of A/C payee D.D. from any scheduled Bank in favour of the Director, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun may be submitted super-scribing on both the envelope “Two Bid Tender for providing “Maintaining of Lawn/Plants/Wild Growth Cutting etc” to the Controller of Administration, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun. Incomplete tenders or tender received without EMD will be rejected straightaway. The last date of submission of tender is 09.04.2013 (till 3:00 p.m.). Tenders received by due date and time will be opened on the same day at 3:30 p.m. in the Auditorium at ground floor of the Institute, in the presence of tenderers or their authorized representative if any. For complete detail please visit our website

The Director, IIP Dehradun reserves the right to reject/accept any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.



DEHRADUN – 248 005



The Contractors registered under the provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 & 1971 and possesses valid licenses are eligible to bid for this contract. It should be ensured that there should be no legal or any other bar for him in this respect. The contractor shall be solely liable for any violation of the provisions of the said Act or any other related Act.


The Contractor shall provide the manpower services to carry out the miscellaneous task as per Annexure – A in the premises of the Institute. Before tendering, the tenderer should inspect the site/location to fully acquaint himself with the condition in regard to accessibility of site/location, nature of work & jobs, working condition, conditions affecting accommodation and movement of labour etc. required for satisfactory execution of labour contract. No claim whatsoever will be entertained for any alleged ignorance or otherwise under any circumstances after the award of the contract.


The duration of the contract shall be for a period of two years from the date of commencement of the work which can be curtailed by the Employer if the work is not upto the mark by giving 30 days notice.


3.1 The tenderer shall quote rate of service charge in percentage only and keep it in the financial bid envelope.

3.2 Except writing rates of service charge in percentage only the tenderer should not write any conditions or make any changes, additions, alterations and modifications in the tender. Tenderers who are desirous to offer rebate, the same should be brought out mentioned separately in the covering letter and submitted along with the technical bid tender. Conditional tender will be summarily rejected.

3.3 While quoting the amount, the contractor must keep in view that -

i)The laboratory shall reimburse the amount of service tax, if any paid by the contractor to the authorities on account of the services rendered by him. This reimbursement shall be admissible on production of proof of original deposit of the same by the contractor.

ii)Contractor will arrange tools etc. and make own arrangement for storing the tool. Contractor has to arrange workers of different categories depending upon the nature of work as will be directed at site.

3.4 The tenderer must ensure that the wages to be paid to the workers engaged against the contract should not be less than the minimum wages as per the Minimum Wages Act, as amended from time to time.


Income tax, as applicable, will be deducted from the monthly bill of the contractor.


The contractor shall furnish to the laboratory a security deposit equal to Rs. One lakh by way of Bank Guarantee or Fixed Deposit Receipt.


6.1 The contractor shall keep the CSIR indemnified against all claims whatsoever in respect of the employees deployed by the contractor. In case any employee of the contractor so deployed enters in dispute of any nature whatsoever, it will be the primary responsibility of the contractor to contest the same. In case CSIR is made party and is supposed to contest the case, the CSIR/IIP will be compensated/ reimbursed by the contractor, the actual expenses incurred towards Counsel fee and other expenses. The contractor shall pay the amount in advance to CSIR on demand. Further, the contractor shall ensure that no financial or any other liability comes on CSIR/ IIP in this respect and shall keep CSIR/IIP indemnified.

6.2 The contractor shall further keep the CSIR indemnified against any loss to the CSIR property and assets. The CSIR shall have the right to adjust and / or deduct any of the amounts as aforesaid from the payments due to the contractor under this contract.


The contract agreement as per Annexure – B is to be signed by the contractor before commencement of the work. The Earnest Money shall be forfeited if the contractor fails to execute the agreement within the period specified in the award of work.


8.1 The contractor must possess a valid license under the Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970 from Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) or Asstt. Labour Commissioner (Central), Dehradun before the commencement of work and continue to have the same till completion of the contract. The contractor shall also maintain all statutory records as may be required from time to time under the said Act and furnish the same for verification by the Employer / Labour Authority as and when required. The contractor shall also abide by the provisions of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 and as amended from time to time.

8.2 The contractor will provide minimum labours for this work of services as mentioned in the quotation. No worker deployed by the previous contractor will be re-deployed by the new contractor as far as possible. The contractor will also provide photograph and brief bio-data of the workers deployed by him including ESI, EPF No’s of the workers employed by him.

8.3 The persons deployed by the contractor for the services mentioned above shall be the employees of the contractor for all intents and purposes and that the persons so deployed shall remain under the control and supervision of the contractor and in no case, a relationship of ‘Employer’ and “Employee” between the said persons and the IIP (CSIR) shall accrue / arise implicitly or explicitly.

8.4 In case any of the persons so deployed by the contractor does not come upto the mark or does not perform his duties properly or indulges in any unlawful riots or disorderly conduct, the contractor shall immediately withdraw and take suitable action against such persons on the report of the Laboratory / CSIR in this respect. Further, the contract or shall immediately replace the particular person so deployed on the demand of the Director of the Laboratory, in case of any of the aforesaid acts on the part of the said person.

8.5 For performing duties, the contractor shall deploy persons in eight hours duty and as per the requirement of the job. The contractor shall ensure that the persons are punctual and disciplined in performance of their duty. It is further agreed that the contractor shall engage medically and physically fit persons preferably below the age of 50 years, but not below the age of 18 years. If the contractor provides services on National Holidays / Sunday, he should take proper approval from the Competent Authority before providing service.

8.6 The contractor shall at his own cost, if required; take necessary insurance cover in respect of the persons employed for the aforesaid services to IIP and shall comply with the statutory provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970. Employees State Insurance Act; Workman’s Compensation Act, 1923; Payment of Wages Act, 1936; The Employees Provident Fund (and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1952; The payment of Bonus Act, 1965; The Minimum Wages Act, 1948; Employer’s Liability Act, 1938; Employment of Children Act, 1938 and / or any other Rules / regulations and / or statutes that may be applicable to them and shall further keep the IIP indemnified from all acts of