/ How to Get Started with Pinterest /

Pinterest is an online bulletin board where you “collect and organize the things you love”. You can also follow other people’s boards or pin items from their collections.

  1. Create a Pinterest Account at
  2. Welcome and Tour Pinterest
  3. Confirm Your Account
  4. Create a Board
  5. Add a Pin
  6. Search Pinterest
  7. Your Account, Pins and Log Out

  1. Create your Pinterest Account at
Enter a name, email addressand password. Select Female or Male. If you check the boxLet Pinterest personalize your experience visited web sites will be stored and Pinterest will suggest pins based on where you go on the web. Uncheck if you do not want your visits stored.
Select Sign up.
Tip: If you would like your students to pin to one course board create a Pinterest account and password and distribute it to your students. Using this same account each time you teach the course allows the students to see pins from previous classes. /
  1. Welcome to Pinterest Screen:
  • If you are signing in with a new account you will be prompted with a Welcome message and a 4 part tour.
  • Continue to select Nextuntil you reach the 4th screen.
  • Select Dive In

  1. Confirm your email
The last step to finish creating a Pinterest account. Check the email you used when you created your account. Select Confirm Your Email. /
  1. Create a Board
A Board is a place to organize your pins. Select the plus button and choose Create a board from the drop down menu.
You will get another screen where you can Name your Board, add a Description and Choose a category. The only required choice is a name for your board. Select Create Board.
Tip: The Add a map option will allow you to create place pins. For example if you have a Beach Board and pins for Nantucket and Watch Hill and use Add a map you will be able to add Place Pins. Place pins will add location pins to your images and they will be accompanied by a map with corresponding location or place pins.
A secret board is only available to you and your invitees. /

  1. Add a Pin.
The key to using Pinterest is finding something to pin. You can easily pin from a website by selecting the plus button. Before you do this make sure you have the web address—you can type it in or copy it from your website. Select Add from a website.
Tip: The Pin It Button will install a helper or
plug-in into your browser enabling you to pin directly from a website. /
  1. Add a Pin
After you select Add from a website you are prompted with another screen with a dialogue box. Paste or type the web addressin the box. Select Next. /
  1. Add a Pin
You will see all the images from the web address you entered. Hovering over each image will give you a redPinit icon.
Select theimageto add or pin the image. /
  1. Add a Pin
You will be asked to select a board or create a new one to pin the image to. Once you have created or selected a board click Pinit. /
  1. Search Pinterest
Use the Search box to search for images in Pinterest. You can sort returned results by All Pins or Just my Pins.You can pin these images to your Board. /
  1. Your Account, Pins and Log Out
Select your name for a drop down menu where you can access your Profile and Pins, change your Settings, Find Friends using Pinterest, Follow other Boards, Get Help or Log Out. /
1 / Last Update 1.31.2014