More Local Professional Network Conference Calls Arranged
April 2012 onwards
Aim of the conference calls;
For PCT cluster representatives who are leading on establishing testing for LPNs to share their emerging learning, issues and seek advice from colleagues across the country and from the NHSCB Implementation Team, to support the arrangements locally.
Who should join the calls?
PCT cluster reps leading on LPNs and/or their lead clinician for the LPNs who will have an opportunity to share their emerging work, details of their discussions and ask questions about approaches elsewhere. Documentation from emerging LPNs can then be shared via the NHS Networks site that has been set up to support clusters to keep in contact with others and share experiences/learning (details below).
Call details;
Dial: 0800 496 2856 or 0207 9041860
Participation Code: 5477881
Local dental network conference calls – chaired by Sam Illingworth;
26th April 10.00am– 11.00am
31st May 10.00am– 11.00am
5th July 10.00am– 11.00am
Local eye care network conference calls – chaired by Jim Barlow;
Wed 18th April 10.00am– 11.00am
Tuesday 15th May at 10.00am– 11.00am
Wednesday 13th June at 10.00am– 11.00am
Local pharmacy network conference calls – chaired by Jill Loader;
May 1st - 11.30am - 12.30pm
June 12th - 11.30am - 12.30pm
July 10th - 11.30am - 12.30pm
NHS Networks – NHSCB Local Professional Network Forum
We have established an online network with on the NHS Networks site so that we can enable clusters and clinicians to stay in contact nationally, share emerging learning and documentation and use the forum to help with issues, puzzles and questions. It will also enable us to share the latest information with LPNs more easily.
Please feel free to start to share your emerging thinking, approaches and post questions as soon as you are registered.
Please see instructions below to join the network:
Please log onto
If you are already a member of NHS Networks, please go to step number five. If not, please follow the instructions below:
1) Create an account with Networks - click on join at the top of the page
2) To create your account you only need to enter your name and email address
3) A email will be sent to you from Networks with your password reset
4) Once you have set your password, your account is ready and will be able to join any networks
5) Click on the link to join the network
6) Click onto the network and select 'join network'