Evaluation Plan – Mongolia (CPD 2012-2016)
Updated as of January2011
UNDAF/CPD Outcome / Strategic Plan result Area / Evaluation title / Partners (joint evaluation) / Evaluation commissioned by (if other than UNDP) / Type of Evaluation / Planned evaluation completion date / Estimated cost / Provisional source of fundingImproved sustainability of natural resources management and resilience of ecosystems and vulnerable populations to the changing climate / Energy and environment for sustainable development / Outcome / MNET, MoFALI, MRTCUD, NEMA and other relevant agencies / UNDP / Decentralized / CPD Year 3 / US$30,000 / Donor resource
Policies and strategies are developed and implemented to ensure the poor and vulnerable groups equally benefit from economic growth / Poverty reduction / Outcome / NDIC, NSO, MSWL, MoESS, Academic Institutions / UNDP / Decentralized / CPD Year 3 / US$ 30,000 / DAS/DSS
Strengthened governance for protection of human rights and reduction of disparities. / Democratic governance / Outcome / N.A / UNDP / Decentralized / Final year of UNDAF/CPD / US$30,000 / DAS/DSS
Climate change risks and adaptation options analyzed and supported for vulnerable sectors and communities / Energy and environment for sustainable development / Project / MNET, MRTCUD, NEMA, Climate Change Office / UNDP / Decentralized / Project final year / US$20,000 / TRAC or donor resource
Sub-outcome 4.2
Representation, accountability and transparency of governing institutions strengthened
Output 4.2.3
Increased capacity to implement the UN Convention Against Corruption / Governance / Project / IAAC / UNDP / Decentralized / Project final year / US$10,000 / TRAC
Sub-outcome 4.2
Representation, accountability and transparency of governing institutions strengthened
Output 4.2.1
Electoral systems and processes are improved for enhanced representation of underrepresented groups, including women / Governance / Project / State Great Hural, General Electoral Commission / UNDP / Decentralized / Project final year / US$10,000 / TRAC
Sub-outcome 4.2
Representation, accountability and transparency of governing institutions strengthened
Output 4.2.2
Enabling policy environment created for effective decentralization and increased functional capacity of local governments to deliver service. / Governance / Project / Cabinet Secretariat / UNDP / Decentralized / Project final year / US$10,000 / TRAC
Sub-outcome 4.3
Human rights institutions enforce international human rights obligations to ensure equal rights, non-discrimination and opportunities for all, with a focus on marginalized groups
Access to justice for all enhanced through legal empowerment of the poor and other marginalized groups / Governance / Project / MOHJA/NHRCM / UNDP / Decentralized / Project final year / US$10,000 / TRAC