Name ______Date ______

1.  Why has the growth of managed care increased the need for improved communication?

2.  Patient satisfaction from the health care experience is mostly determined by the:

3.  A dentist walks into a room with a client seated in the dental chair. While looking at x-rays, the dentist states “We are going to need to send you to an endodontist.” As the dentist is walking out the door, he adds “My receptionist will make you an appointment.” What message does the dentist’s body language send to the patient?

4.  What communication behavior by a health care provider demonstrates a sincere concern for the patient’s welfare?

5.  Why is prejudice on the part of a healthcare worker is a barrier to communication

6.  Joyce is working at the Senior Olympics and knows that 25% of the seniors indicated significant hearing loss on their health forms. How should Joyce position herself when talking to a group of these senior athletes?

7.  You are caring for a patient who is visually impaired and need to measure the patient’s vital signs. How should You should approach them?

8.  What is an objective sign? A subjective sign?

9.  Define message, and feedback.

10.  What parts of the communication model could be nonverbal?

11.  Name 4 feedback methods

12.  What behavior is a part of active listening?

13.  Give example of an open-ended question

14.  If a speaker says she feels fine, but her face looks strained, her eyes are red, and she is frowning, what would most people believe?

15.  What would you do if a pt used profanity to describe a symptom

16.  When composing a business letter, what step usually follows the creation of an outline?

17.  You are addressing a formal letter of thanks to John Thumb, M.D., for talking to your HOSA chapter about careers in surgery. What is the correct way to address your letter?

18.  You are writing a formal letter to express your position on stem cell research. In what part of the letter would you state your position on stem cell research?

19.  You are writing an e-mail to confirm Gerry Brown as a guest speaker for a HOSA chapter meeting. What closing sentence would be the appropriate?

20.  A patient refuses to take the vitamin with iron that the nurse gave her. When asked why she refused, the patient explained that it makes her constipated. How should the nurse record the refusal in the patient’s chart?

21.  Lilly accidently wrote about a patient’s complaint on the wrong patient chart. What should she do?

3 Foundation Standard 2: 2.1 Effective Communication