Sarasota County recognizes the importance of Sustainability in all areas of our operation and that actions should be taken to protect the health and quality of life of our community. The economic, environmental and health impacts related to energy are prime components of sustainability.
The following is an excerpt from County Administrator Jim Ley in a review of the Board of County Commissioners commitment to sustainability as presented to all county executives,
“The Global Development Research Center defines local sustainability as a community that is designed, built and operates in a way that uses energy and natural resources efficiently and equitably, for both present and future generations of humans and other species. …”
Section 1 - Energy Management Action Plan
1.1 Implementation and Managing the Plan
1.1.1 Energy Management Team
1.1.2 Energy Policy Team
1.1.3 Energy Users Group
1.1.4 Other Energy Teams
1.2 Energy Goals and Objectives
1.2.1 Electric
1.2.2 Automotive Fuel (Recommended)
1.2.3 Fuel Oil
1.2.4 Natural Gas and Propane
1.2.5 Secondary Energy
1.3 Energy Conservation and Efficiency
1.3.1 Energy Auditing
1.3.2 Energy Accounting and Tracking
1.3.3 Buildings and Systems Lighting HVAC Doors/Windows Office Equipment
1.3.4 Fleet Fuel Use
1.3.5 County Operations
1.4 Sarasota County’s Energy Commitments
1.4.1 Energy Awareness
1.4.2 Green Building Resolution
1.4.3 Partnerships
1.5 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Measures
1.5.1 Ongoing Energy Efficiency Measures Workplace alternatives and space utilization Buildings, new construction Buildings, operation and maintenance Recreation facilities Fleet and Transit Traffic Signals and Street Lighting
1.5.2 Short-Term Energy Efficient Measures
1.5.3 Long-Term Energy Efficient Measures
1.6 Efficiency with Technological Advances / Early Adopters of Technology
Section 2 - Individual Unit Energy Plans
Section 3 - Energy Emergencies and Energy Security
3.1 Planning for Energy Emergencies
3.2 Electrical Power Interruptions/Reductions/Outages
3.3 Response and Recovery
Section 4 - Energy and Environment
4.1 Renewable Energy
4.2 Climate Change
Appendix A - Resolutions
· Green Building Resolution No. 2005-048 effective March 15, 2005
· Cities for Climate Protection Campaign
· 2030 Challenge
Appendix B - Best Practices
Describes measures or programs that have been adopted and other practices that have been found beneficial by other cities and counties.
Appendix C - Energy Planning Recommendations
Explores strategies and recommends additional steps that may be taken to reduce the County’s future vulnerability to energy shortages, increasing energy prices, and potential energy emergencies. To include a 5 year plan.
Appendix D - Energy User Group Recommendations
Describes additional energy saving practices to be considered for future inclusion in the User Group plans
Appendix E - Energy Cost History
Appendix F - Energy Initiatives Template
Appendix G - Current FY Specific Goals
Section 1 – Energy Management Action Plan
This Energy Management Action Plan (EMAP) is a working document that will be updated annually. The EMAP will provide energy goals and objectives, organization teams and roles, actions for energy security and strategic operating plans.
This document includes recommendations from the Energy Management workshop sponsored by the United States Department of Energy’s Rebuild America Program, where county employees developed energy saving concepts with the assistance of Advantek Consulting Inc. The attendees made recommendations in areas defined as buildings and outdoor facilities, vehicles and transportation, purchasing and finance, and operations and maintenance. The presentation and recommendations can be viewed at
The EMAP will be reviewed by the Energy Policy Team for initial approval. Once the Energy Users Group provides input on their individual operational procedures, the updated EMAP will be presented to the Energy Policy Team for acceptance and finalization.
This edition of the EMAP covers building and systems, recreation facilities, fleet, transit, and traffic signals. The areas of gas (natural and propane), fuel oil, water and sewage, trash and recycling, and methane utilization from landfills will be incorporated as accounting functions are developed.
Sarasota County recognizes the importance of Sustainability in all areas of our operation, and that all precautions should be taken to protect the health and way of life of our community. The generation and use of energy should be measured against the potential undesirable effects on the quality of our air and water.
Economic Impact
The vitality of the County’s economy, and our main industry of tourism, are directly related to the quality of our natural environment, beaches, lakes, rivers and temperate climate. These valued resources are attractions for both residents and visitors. Sarasota’s growth rate is exceeding the state growth projections of 47% between 2002 and 2020. The demand for electrical generation is estimated to grow by 58% in the same time period. We recognize that the availability, reliability, and affordability of energy resources are essential to the health, safety and welfare of its citizens and the continuing economic viability of County services. We must be able to support this growth and continue our quality of life. Every dollar spent on increased efficiency or indigenous renewable energy is worth more than twice its value, and results in real job growth, additional revenues and enhanced economic activity.
Energy Sources
Electric Power in Florida is regulated and provided under franchise agreements. Sarasota County’s electric power and transmission is provided by Florida Power and Light, but the electric power generation sites are outside the county.
Petroleum Fuels such as natural gas, propane, gasoline, diesel, etc. are imported by private companies and purchased on the open market.
Water and Sewer are provided by Sarasota County and supplemented with water purchases from Manatee and Charlotte County. Municipalities within the county and numerous private utility franchises also provide water and sewer services.
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is from sources that regenerate and are less damaging to the environment. Resources available to Sarasota County, but not currently being fully utilized are solar water heating, solar photovoltaic, wind, landfill gas, tidal action, bio-fuels and bio-mass.
Section 1 – Energy Management Action Plan
1.1 Implementing and Managing the Plan
An Energy Management Team is to be formed to advance the sustainable energy within the enterprise through efficient utilization of energy resources, education of users and incorporation of beneficial technological advances in energy. The goals of the team include economically and environmentally sound energy programs and reduced demand on natural resources.
1.1. Implementing and Managing the Plan
The Plan will be implemented as an administrative directive, and each Business Center is to include their individual energy plan and goals as part of their business plan.
Sarasota County Government’s total energy cost for Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 exceeded $24 million, with electric and vehicle fuel accounting for 80% of the fossil fuel cost. Other energy use includes natural gas, fuel oil, water/sewer, garbage and recycling. To implement a consolidated program for countywide energy cost reduction, there is a need for each unit in the organization to be represented in an Energy Management Team.
1.1.1. Energy Management Team
The Energy Management Team (EMT) is made up of the Energy Policy Team and the Energy Users Group.
1.1.2. Energy Policy Team
The Energy Policy Team is comprised of the Executive Directors of each Business Center. This Team sets policy based upon review of the suggestions of the Energy Users Group.
1.1.3. Energy Users Group
The Energy Users Group includes the Energy Coordinator and a single representative from each established user group who will be the energy champion for that user group and the principal contact with the Energy Coordinator. It is the intent to have every user group represented even if they currently do not pay energy bills. Members are selected by the head of the organizational units. An alternate shall be named to represent the user group when the primary representative is unavailable. Members should be familiar with each agency within the group and knowledgeable of their operations. Members will coordinate employee input on opportunities for energy savings and on implementation of energy reduction initiatives and will serve as a primary contact for employees wanting to know more about energy management. The user groups include:
· Community Services
· County Administrative/ Operations *
· Emergency Services
· Enterprise Information Technology
· Environmental Services
· Health and Human Services
· Planning and Development Services
· Public Works
· Clerk of Court
· Judicial **
· Property Appraiser
· Sheriff Dept.
· Supervisor of Elections
· Tax Collector
* Includes: County Administration, Office of Financial Planning, Office of County Attorney, Lobbyist, Strategic Operations, Talent and Performance Management, and Public Communications
** Includes: Court Administrator, Public Defender, and State Attorney
Role of Energy Coordinator as Energy Users Group Facilitator
· Coordinate team and facilitate meetings
· Provide sample Energy Policies for team review
· Provide facility checklist audit for energy conservation opportunities
· Define energy accounts associated with each user group
· Establish energy cost reduction goals and track results
· Provide previous years’ energy cost associated with user group buildings
· Formulate input for the Sarasota County Government Energy Policy as a sub-set of a future Community Energy Plan
· Develop a five year energy strategy for Sarasota County Government Monitor and research evolving renewable energy technologies and identify opportunities to demonstrate these technologies
· Provide required energy management information to the USDOE - ReBuild America and the USEPA - ENERGY STAR program representatives as required
Role of Energy Users Group Members
· Provide input in developing the Sarasota County Government Energy Management Plan with details of the user group’s operational procedures
· Assist in development of a five-year energy strategy
· Represent the user group on energy issues and report activities undertaken to reduce energy use and/or cost
· Review and coordinate the implementation of energy cost reduction projects as provided by the Energy Coordinator
· Coordinate with the utility account manager of the user group to monitor and track energy use/cost
· Be the principle contact with the Energy Coordinator to disseminate goals and assist in compliance with the Energy Policy
· Serve as a resource for and motivator of employees working to reduce energy use within their user group
· Ensure each business plan includes sustainability in energy cost/efficiency
· Showcase successes in reduction of energy use and cost
· Assist in development and administering an employee/user group recognition plan
At a minimum, there will be an annual meeting to review and update the goals and objectives for each established Energy User Group. The Energy Coordinator will notify team members by e-mail when a meeting is called providing the date, time, place and subject for the meeting.
Meetings of the Energy Users Group will also be called when the Energy Coordinator or members of the Energy Users Group determine a meeting is necessary.
1.1.4. Other Energy Teams
Subgroups to the Energy Users Group
Subgroups may be formed at the discretion of the individual Energy Users Group representative. User groups with numerous internal agencies may find a subgroup beneficial. The subgroup will be internal and will not have separate representation on the Energy User Group.
Energy Technical Support Teams
The Energy Technical Support Teams will supply support to the Energy Users Group. Potential members include Sustainable Sarasota, the Energy Coordinator, Facilities Maintenance, and/or other agencies with technical knowledge to provide information on latest technological advances. They will review submitted energy conservation projects for feasibility and determining priorities.
Energy Accounting Support Team
The Energy Accounting Support Team will supply data support to the Energy Users Group. Members will include the Finance Dept. and staff that provide utility accounting in the user groups. The team will collect, compile and distribute energy usage information to the Energy Users Group as necessary.
Energy Education Support Team
· Develop on-going training and other opportunities to keep the issue of energy use in the forefront of employees’ minds
· Develop an incentive and/or rewards program for outstanding performance in reducing energy use by user agency/ facility
· Develop an incentive and/or rewards program for outstanding performance by individuals whose suggestions are adopted and implemented concerning how their facility/user agency or the County can improve its energy performance
· Consider modifying existing employee recognition programs to also include energy efficiency performance
Section 1 – Energy Management Action Plan
1.2 Energy Goals and Objectives
1.2. Energy Goals and Objectives
Energy Goals will be established yearly, represented as percentage reduction from base year or last fiscal year. Those specific goals and a record of progress will be included as an annual update to this report in Appendix G.
1.2.1. Electric
The following Electric Goals have been established:
· Reduce energy consumption and costs through increased employee awareness, user accountability, and energy efficient buildings, equipment and operation
· Utilize best practices to conserve energy and increase efficiency
· Design, construct and operate healthy, energy efficient buildings and infrastructure
· Control energy use and cost in new building construction
· Meet carbon neutral goals established in the 2030 Challenge
· Recognize and reward employee action in energy reduction
The following initial Electric Objectives have been established:
· Determine total energy use and costs for County owned or operated facilities and set up a system to track energy information for major County facilities
· New construction and major remodeling will comply with green building standards such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and the 2030 Challenge
· Benchmark energy use by building type utilizing national standard designations
· Define energy use per square foot for each building type designation
· Track greenhouse gases associated with electric production and utilization
· Reduce energy use with employee energy awareness and conservation training, technological improvements and retrofits
· Establish a comprehensive program providing ongoing energy management training to all County employees, and ensure continued awareness by all employees of their individual responsibilities toward energy conservation
· Develop and implement a recognition plan that rewards, among other things, significant energy saving initiatives
· Purchase only ENERGY STAR® labeled equipment and appliances
· Identify Energy Conservation Opportunities (ECO) and incorporate energy efficiencies into facilities and equipment based upon life cycle analysis
1.2.2. Automotive Fuel (Recommended)
The following Automotive Fuel Goals are being recommended:
· Reduce overall cost of fleet fuel use
· Improve fleet fuel efficiency
· Reduce pollution and protect air quality