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I am interested in assignments where I can apply my extensive experience in systems engineering, integration and test, mechanical design and technical management of aircraft systems.


03/2009 to Present: Legacy Engineering, LLC, Irvine, CA

·  Consultant. Assigned to Northrop Grumman, Rancho Bernardo, CA. Functioned as Test Coordinator for X-47B landing gear systems. Included in this responsibility was calibration of landing loads instrumentation, static testing, endurance testing, fatigue testing, and acceptance testing.

2003  to 2006: Consultant

·  Engineering. Assigned to Northrop Grumman, Bethpage, NY. Developed instrumentation and calibration plan for carrier suitability testing of the E-2D aircraft including landing gear and associated components. Assisted in the development of budgets and plans for KEI interceptor missile.

2001 to 2002: SpaceAge Control, Inc., Palmdale, CA

·  Environmental Test Engineer. Provided test and qualification support for development of specialized flight test data boom for high performance aircraft (BAE Hawk). Provided reports for all tests conducted.

1967 to 1995: Northrop Grumman Corporation, El Segundo, CA

·  1983 to 1995: Direct Report Manager. B-2 Flight Test Data Systems Engineering. Managed six organizations consisting of flight test instrumentation, laboratory test instrumentation, modification design engineering, data systems hardware design, software systems design, and static test. Group employed 165 engineers, scientists, and designers. Budget consisted of 2M man hours and $80M material. Government certified Cost Account Manager (“CAM”). Taught classes and co-authored manual for usage of strain gages to measure loads.

·  1967 to 1983: Instrumentation Engineer/Manager. Provided instrumentation and data systems support for various flight test programs including T-38, F-5, F-5E, YF-17, F-18, F-20, and B-2.


B.S., Electronic Engineering – Northrop University, Inglewood, CA

Certificate in Management for Technical Personnel – UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

Certificate in Systems Engineering – Cal Tech, Pasadena, CA