Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (B) | January 25, 2015
For all the Church; that we might learn from Jonah the prophet, and choose salvation rather than destruction; and, like the Ninevites, turn from evil ways, we pray:
Whether the kingdom comes in power during our lives or we face our physical death as those who came before us did, may we understand that now is the time of repentance, we pray:
That we may let go of the cruel comfort of sin, and concentrate more fully on what we gain in Jesus, who guides us to the highest good, who calls us to the kingdom of God, we pray:
That our own commitment to the dignity and worth of every human life shine forth in all our efforts and conversations, we pray:
For Baby Gino Pillsbury as he is enfolded into the Christian family and this parish community; may he and his parents, and godparents, and all of us be faithful always to our baptismal promises, we pray:
For Amelia Watson & Corey Henderson, married Saturday here at St. Michael’s; that they and all married people be for us a sign of God’s transforming love, we pray:
For Evelyn Gagne, who is preparing to die; for Phyllis Fremont, who has celebrated her 105th birthday; for all of those we have promised to remember, and for all of those in most need of our prayer,we pray:
For victims of human trafficking, and all whose dignity as human persons is violated by injustice, that we advocate for those in bondage, we pray:
For an increased understanding that our parish is where the Church lives; that we are a community of faith, of action, and of hope; that our parish be a place where the gospel is proclaimed and celebrated, where believers are formed and sent to renew the earth, we pray:
May all of our beloved dead, and all who have gone before us as friends of God, see the face of God, and join in an endless song of praise and thanksgiving for ever and ever: AMEN!
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (B) | January 25, 2015| ANNOUNCEMENTS:
[Sunday Morning] All are welcome for coffee and conversation downstairs in the social hall after the final hymn is sung. And volunteers to help with this Sunday project are welcome; please sign up at the Help Desk after Mass. We are also looking for new choir members, lectors and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist; nominations are being accepted at the help desk after Mass.
The parish council, finance council and parish trustees met last Monday. They encouraged a continuation of our discussions with Lakeview Christian Academy; they also suggested purchasing the organ from Bowling Green for $16,000; and the appointment of a committee to review designs for the eventual installation of the instrument here.
• Roast Beef Dinner: 11-3
• Catholic Schools Week -- See 2 Bulletin insert
• Human Trafficking Awareness Month @ St Michael's
You will find a parish staff member at the help desk in the gathering space today; stop there with any questions or comments!
And please remember: Visit us online at; like us on Facebook; and follow us on Twitter!
[At 10:30] This is Catholic Schools Week and we celebrate here our good work, our rich past, our bright future; if the principal, teachers, students and parents from our school all step into the aisle, we’ll first pray a blessing over them, and over all of us. Please feel free to ask any of us about our school.