Office 365 Email Tips
Quick Access– You can use the quick access bar to pin helpful tasks to the very top of the window.Help
Organizing Mail Folders – Create new folders and organize them like files.Help
Search Function – You can search for people, subjects, content, and attachments. You can use some filtering such as “from:jsember” or “to:jsember”. The former will show you all emails you have received from that email address and the latter will show you all the emails you’ve sent to that address.Help
Views – Using the View tab at the top out outlook you can adjust how your outlook looks. You can resize certain panes to make using outlook fit your needs.Help
Tags & Delivery Options- You can use the tags to assign Retention Policies (delete after period of time), mark emails read or unread, categorize them using a color schema, or create follow up reminders so you don’t forget! You can use the delayed delivery option and set up the email to be sent on its own however it’s important to note that the Outlook client MUST be running in order to send the email.Help
Address Book – If you want to send an email but don’t want to type out the person’s full email you can type in a part of it such as “Briggs” and it will return all the users that have that name. You can use any part of a person’s name. You can also create custom email lists. Say you frequently send messages to 6 people in your group. You can create a group called “Work Team” and outlook will interpret Work Team to send an email to those 6 people. Help
Junk Mail and Clutter – We’ve received many complaints about the new clutter feature in Outlook. Unfortunately, we cannot set up global rules to change how clutter works. Each user needs to disable it in their own mailbox if they no longer wish to use it. To better understand how clutter works here is an excerpt from Microsoft:
“Clutter looks at what you've done in the past to determine the messages you're most likely to ignore. It then puts them in the Clutter folder. Just keep using email as usual and Clutter will learn which messages aren't important to you. From time to time, Clutter might get it wrong. You can move the messages we've incorrectly identified as clutter to your inbox, and Clutter will take notice.”
If you don’t open or read your emails clutter will classify them as clutter.
Because so many people seem to be having issues with this, we made a video on how to disable Clutter, you can click the link below. You can also find the written instructions below:
\\data\Shared\Computer Services\DisableClutter.mp4
1.Go to the internet using your favorite browser (You can use Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Or Microsoft Edge) this will bring up the Afton homepage.
2.Click on the Employees tab
3.At the top of the list is Office 365 click it.
4.That will bring you to the login screen. Use your school email address (example ) and your password.
5.Once you’re signed in click on mail
6.Then click on the gear / cog in the top right of the screen, you will see a drop down menu and select options at the bottom.
7.Once you’ve done that there will be a list of options on the left. Find and click Clutter.
8.This will bring up the clutter options, you want to uncheck both boxes.
9.DON’T FORGET TO SAVE (just above on the left)
10.Once you’ve done that close your browser and Clutter will no longer move your emails.