Delton Founders Festival Committee

Delton Area Business Association Meeting

March 16, 2016

Present: Carl Schoessel, David Stoll, Dee De Field, Becky Kahler, Heather Flannigan, Jacquie Mc Lean, Drew Chapple, Jill Young, Linda Maupin, Travis Alden, Bob Goldsworthy

Pledge of allegiance was recited.

Introductions were made for Travis Alden’s benefit. He is the new President of Barry County Chamber of Commerce moving here from Manistee.

Secretary’s report: minutes from the February 17, 2016 meeting were approved after a motion by Linda and supported by Heather a vote by members present.

Treasurer’s report: Becky commented that annual dues are needed by the April 1 deadline.

Business discussed:

  • Travis commented that they are have an insurance bid going out and wondered if we needed support. The Founder’s Committee is separate and has insurance. However Delton Hometown Christmas needs insurance, especially for the Santa Run. Dee will send Travis a list of 2016 events so we can be included in the Chamber’s insurance bid process.
  • Founder’s Weekend – Activities have been established; event planning going well; FM Station was dropped due to a $6000 cost. The DABA members encouraged the Founder’s committee to stay the course and not give up on the FM station. Several fundraising ideas were suggested.
  • Hometown Christmas- Need to confirm dates of the Moose free breakfast for kids.
  • Movie Night Update – No update.
  • Dues for 2016-2017 – Letters and invoices to be mailed out.

New Business:

  • Liability insurance for special events – covered above
  • Delton Hardware is closing. Drew led a conversation regarding Barry Township assisting us with parking development.
  • Carl announced that the $1.6 State Aid discrepancy for the Delton Schools was reduced to $360K payable in annual $75K increments. This is great news and viewed as a success for the district. Carl also thanked the business community for all the window greetings for the Wrestlers. Also, both Girls and Boys Basketball teams made it to the State Finals.
  • Jacquie announced the Chamber will continue to move forward with the collaborative meeting with other Business Associations in late April. More info is forthcoming. She also reminded everyone of the Tech Trends 2016 event and the Barry Roubaix Event.
  • Travis talked briefly about the collaborative bicycling teams and our potential involvement as a hosting location.
  • Linda reminded everyone that this is the Gilmore Car Museum’s 50th Anniversary year and we will have several additional / new events.
  • Heather announced that she is moving from Delton Post Office and will be replaced by Ken Taylor.

Adjourned at 3:15

Submitted by Linda Maupin