Class Reserve Form
Processing time for ALL class reserves is 5 business days.
A completed Class Reserve Form is required for EACH item placed on Reserve.
Instructor Information
Last Name: / First Name: / Department:E-Mail Address: / Office Tel.:
Course Information
Course Title: / Course Start Date: / [mm/dd/yy]Course Number/ID: / Course End Date: / [mm/dd/yy]
Request Information
Item type: Journal articleBookBook Chapter or excerptOther / Other:Author: / Title (Article):
Title (Book or Journal):
Volume (Journal): / Issue (Journal): / Page Number(s):
Publisher: / Publication Year:
Edition (Book): / Call Number: / PMID:
Item Reserve Format:
Print [Reserve Shelf in LRC]Electronic [e-Reserve in Blackboard] / Item is available through RCS: YesNo / Item must be scanned YesNo
URL to Blackboard Class:
Copyright and Reserve
The LRC follows the Fair use provisions in the Copyright Act outlined above. In addition the Classroom Guidelines (1976) contained in Section 107, HR 94-1476, provide guidelines regarding “Multiple Copies for Classroom Use” and should be followed in placing materials on reserve:
- Brevity – A complete article of 2,500 words or less, or excerpts of not more than 1,000 words or 10% of the total work
- Spontaneity – The copying is done at the instance and inspiration of the teacher, and the timing between the decision to use the work for a course, and its actual use, is too short to allow for permission to be granted
- Cumulative Effect – The materials are used for only one course in the school. No more than 3 articles, essays, or 2 excerpts may be copied from the same author; no more than three articles or excerpts from the same collective work or periodical volume during one class term.
Electronic Reserves follow the same guidelines as for print materials. In addition, only students enrolled in the course have access to the materials. Faculty are responsible for:
Ensuring that materials placed on reserve are in compliance with the Copyright Law and the “Guidelines for Multiple Copies for Classroom Use”, outlined above.
- Obtaining copyright permission, when necessary, and sending one signed Copyright form for each item placed on reserve to the library. (For example: If you are placing an item not owned by the LRC on reserve for successive semesters, “Spontaneity” would not apply. Therefore, you will be required to obtain copyright permission from the copyright holder each semester you plan on placing the item on reserve.)
- Ensuring that only students enrolled in the course have access to reserve materials by limiting access to the class reserve link.
- Providing sufficient lead time (5 business days) to place materials on reserve.
- Picking up print material at the end of each semester.
I, ______(Must include original signature) have read the form and agree to follow the Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code) in placing these items on class reserve.
Submit completed form with the attached items for scanning or placing on the LRC class reserves shelf to the LRC Circulation Desk.
Rev. 05/2005 For LRC Staff only:
Item removed from reserve: Date: ______Rec’d. By (Faculty Signature): ______