Annual Report2016

Diversity Council Australia Ltd
ACN 006 898 406
ABN 64 421 748 342
225 George Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000
Phone: (02) 9322 5197

Copyright Diversity Council Australia, 2016- 1 -

Copyright Diversity Council Australia, 2016- 1 -



3.Chief Executive Officer’s report

3.Financial results

4.Our business in 2016

Unique research

Access to experts & curated resources

Inspiring events & forums

5.Key diversity areas in 2016

International Women’s Day: Women in the workplace: confidence gap or confidence trick?

#Words At Work: Building Inclusion through the Power of Language

Election 2016: Where do the major parties stand on D&I?

Leading companies get serious about building Asia capability

Future-Flex - Mainstreaming Flexibility By Design

The Economics of the Gender Pay Gap

6.Our people

7.Our Board of Directors

Copyright Diversity Council Australia, 2016- 1 -


Copyright Diversity Council Australia, 2016- 1 -

Diversity Council Australia (DCA) is the only independent, not-for-profit workplace diversity & inclusion (D&I) advisor to business in Australia and a leading voice on workplace diversity & inclusion.

In partnership with our members, our mission is to:

  1. Lead debate on diversity in the public arena;
  2. Develop and promote the latest diversity research, thinking and practice; and
  3. Deliver innovative diversity practice resources and services to enable our members to drive business improvement.

We offer a unique knowledge bank of research, practice and expertise across diversity dimensions developed over more than 30 years of operation.

We aim to improve D&I capability across Australian business.

DCA membership provides organisations with access to unique research, exciting events, comprehensive resources and unrivalled expertise across the diversity and inclusion spectrum.

  • Unique research

Receive premium access to our cutting edge Australian research with practical tools to drive business improvement.

  • Inspiring events

Attend free events exploring the latest trends across all diversity dimensions and providing access to a community of industry practitioners.

  • Curated resources

Take advantage of an extensive library of D&I resources collated in the members-only area of our website.

  • Access to experts

Access our team of experts for valuable guidance across all diversity dimensions to help you get the most out of your D&I activities.

  • Knowledge programs

Educate and engage your team on current D&I topics via our in-house workshops that are grounded in evidence-based research.

  • Show your commitment

Join existing member organisations who have enhanced their brand as an employer of choice and demonstrate your commitment to D&I through DCA membership.

Copyright Diversity Council Australia, 2016- 1 -


Copyright Diversity Council Australia, 2016- 1 -

DCA has a long and distinguished history in making telling contributions to the cause of diversity in Australia.

The quality of its work and the dedication of its staff, executive and Board have been a hallmark of the Council for over thirty years.

Nonetheless, I feel confident in saying that 2016 has been a watershed year for the DCA. Membership has grown significantly. Seminal papers have been written that have made their mark across Australia’s workplaces. The number of tailored training sessions and seminars for members have reached a very significant level. The DCA began completely refreshing its website and making substantial improvements to how it engages in the virtual world. We are in a strong financial position that will enable us to continue our strategy of growth and improved member services.

All this has been achieved for three reasons. First and foremost, the need to understand diversity and to harness its benefits has never been more apparent. Our members and partners understand that and have responded strongly to what the DCA can offer.

Second, the staff and executive of the DCA have been outstanding in their commitment and dedication. The leadership of our CEO, Lisa Annese, has been a standout in all regards.

Finally, the Board has made its critical contributions to governance and to providing a long term vision for the DCA. To my fellow Board members, those currently serving, and to Anna McPhee, Jacqui Abbott and Darren Fittler who have completed their appointments, my deep thanks for the difference you have made in 2016 and beyond.

David Morrison AO
DCA Chair

Copyright Diversity Council Australia, 2016- 1 -

3.Chief Executive Officer’s report

Copyright Diversity Council Australia, 2016- 1 -

DCA had another great year in 2016, both financially and interms of memberservices.

The release of our #WordsAtWork campaign on inclusive languagein the workplace was the first of its kind for DCA. We received a huge amount of media profile and definitely started a nation-wide conversation about language at work.

In another first, prior to the 2016 federal election, wesurveyed the major parties to inform our members about election policies that support D&I in the workplace.

In other research, we released Future-Flexto provide practical guidelines on how to implement and mainstream flexible work through job and work (re)design; new case studies on how organisations can build Asia capability; and, with KPMG and WGEA, a new study on contributors to the gender pay gap. We also consulted with members on changes to the Racial Discrimination Act and on superannuation, in response to two government inquiries.

It was a busy year for events coveringall diversity dimensions as well as new areas like cancer, engaging men, privilege and domestic violence. We introducednew CEO Roundtables where our largest members met with myself and DCA Chair and 2016 Australian of the Year David Morrison AO to talk D&I.

Demand for our knowledge programs grew and we introduced two new programs, oneon inclusive leadership and the other on Words At Work, both grounded in our research findings.

We also continued to provide one-on-one assistance to our members on all aspects of D&I practice, including responding to around 300 Ask DCA inquiries.

During the year, we surveyed our membersabout our services and they told us they value our research, website, events and publications. We are working on increasing awareness and use of key DCA services,as well as providing more practical D&I tools. As members have less time and are more saturated with news, we will also review the frequency and nature of our publications.

Use of the DCA website is growing,so we are investingin major improvements to this platform. A review and redesign of the site coupled with development of new content commenced in late 2016, ready for launch in April 2017.

On behalf of DCA’s Board of Directors and staff, I thank all members for their fantastic support of DCA, including the following organisations in particular:

Major partnership (including event sponsorship, hosting and other support) provided by:

  • Deloitte for providing us with office accommodation and IT support
  • Allegis Group, ANZ,Cisco, Gilbert + Tobin, KPMG and Xplore for Success.

Sponsorship of DCA’s research projects and events provided by:

  • #WordsAtWork Sponsor Aurecon
  • Foundation Platinum Sponsor, Norton Rose Fulbright, Platinum Sponsor, Telstra, and Support Sponsor, CIMIC Groupfor the Leading in the Asian Century report
  • Major Annual Diversity Debate SponsorNAB, Support Sponsors Optus and Johnson & Johnson, and Associate Sponsors BAE Systems and Boardroom.Media
  • Gender Equality Network Sponsor Clayton Utz
  • Building Workplace Capability for Indigenous Australia network Sponsor Lendlease.

Event hosting provided by:

  • Allens, ANZ, Aurecon, Australian Human Rights Commission, Caltex Australia, IAG,Medibank, NAB, RMIT andWestpac.

Finally, I’m pleased to report that DCA membership again grew strongly from around 300 member organisations at the start of the year to nearly 400 by year-end. This demonstrates that our research, expertise, resources and eventscontinue to provide value as well as influence the public debate and direction of D&I in Australian business.

Lisa Annese
Chief Executive Officer

Copyright Diversity Council Australia, 2016- 1 -

3.Financial results

The following tables outline DCA’s statement of comprehensive income and financial position for the 2016 financial year. These should be read in conjunction with the full Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2016, which are available from DCA. The main source of income for DCA is membership subscriptions and advisory services. Other income supplements the core business and comprises corporate sponsorship, research sponsorship and seminar & workshop revenue.

Due to an expansion in our membership revenue, coupled with ongoing cost control, DCA produced a surplus for the 2016 year of $437,776. This surplus greatly assists in returning DCA to a solid financial footing and provides the platform for further investment in member related benefits in the pursuit of DCA’s objectives.

Further detail in regard to the financial result follows:



2016 / 2015
$ / $
Membership, sponsorship and other income / 2,032,130 / 1,502,007
Business functions expense / (104,000) / (72,755)
Employee benefits expense / (1,031,994) / (871,798)
Depreciation expense / ($871) / (1,394)
Finance costs / -
Other expenses / ($457,489) / (387,702)
Profit/(loss) for the year / $437,776 / 168,358
Other comprehensive income / - / -
Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the year / $437,776 / 168,358


2016 / 2015
$ / $
Cash and cash equivalents / 887,864 / 468,410
Trade and other receivables / 195,133 / 172,575
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS / 1,082,966 / 640,985
Property, plant and equipment / 8,202 / 2,323
TOTAL ASSETS / 8,202 / 643,308
Trade and other payables / 112.657 / 67,965
Provisions / 68,966 / 135,617
Unearned income / 233,734 / 252,092
Provisions / 50,702 / -
TOTAL LIABILITIES / 465,789 / 455,674
NET ASSETS / 625,410 / 187,634
Retained earnings / 625,410 / 187,634
TOTAL EQUITY / 625,410 / 187,634

4.Our business in 2016

Copyright Diversity Council Australia, 2016- 1 -

Unique research


DCA works in partnership with members to generate cutting edge AustralianD&I research. Our members receive premium access to this research with practical tools to drive business improvement.

Our research agenda involved the following innovative projects completed or commenced in 2016 (for more information on the research, see section 6).

#Words At Work: Building Inclusion through the Power of Language

In June, DCA launched a new campaign call #WordsAtWork to promote greater understanding of the role that language can play in workplace cultures and the benefits that can flow from more inclusive language.

The campaign included a special campaign video featuring DCA Chair and Australian of the Year, David Morrison AO, alongside a guide to inclusive language. We also produced additional guides for members on inclusive language for specific diversity dimensions including cultural background, age, disability, Indigenous and LGBTI+.

Election 2016: Where do the major parties stand on D&I?

Prior to the federal election in July, DCA conducted a survey investigating the policies the major parties would be taking to the election that support D&I in Australian workplaces. The survey included questions about women’s workforce participation, domestic violence, pay equity, people with disability, Indigenous Australians, mature age workers, cultural diversity, LGBTI+ employees and flexible work.

Leading companies get serious about building Asia capability

DCA’s Leading in the Asian Century report published in 2015 revealed there is significant scope to better cultivate workforce Asia capability (or A-Cap) in Australian organisations. Following this report, DCA released a new series of case studies in August, in partnership with Norton Rose Fulbright and The Star Entertainment Group, to demonstrate how organisations can build Asia capability.

Future-Flex: Mainstreaming flexibility by design

In September, DCA released Future-Flex, a new initiative comprising evidence-based practical guidelines for HR and diversity practitioners and managers and team leaders, on how to implement and mainstream flexible work through job and work (re)design.

A partnership between DCA, the Retail Council, National Australia Bank, Allens, IBM, BAE Systems Australia and IAG, Future-Flex: Mainstreaming flexibility by design extends and deepens DCA’s Get Flexible!research which demonstrated how flexibility can be used as a business tool to improve individual, team and organisational productivity.

Future-Flex is a new way of thinking about workplace flexibility and is about more than just accommodating an individual’s needs – it is about re-designing work at a team or organisation level to maximise performance and wellbeing.

Advocacy with government and regulators

During 2016, DCA made submissions on behalf of members totwogovernmentinquiries with impact on diversity in the workplace (see our website for more information on DCA’s submissions):

Submission to Productivity Commission Superannuation Competitiveness and Efficiency

In September, DCA made a submission on the Productivity Commission's Superannuation Competitiveness and Efficiency draft report. The key points were:

  • The superannuation gender gap is a key issue for DCA and our stakeholders.
  • We have previously highlighted that there are inequities in our current superannuation system which leave women much less well-off in retirement than men.
  • DCA notes that the focus of this report is not about the gender gap in superannuation, however, we believe that the inquiry provides an opportunity for improving the outcomes for all members. To this end, DCA strongly supports those assessment criteria that will help to address some of the systemic issues that have a negative impact on women’s retirement savings.

Freedom of Speech in Australia Inquiry

DCA opposed any changes to the Racial Discrimination Act in its submission in response to the Parliamentary Inquiry on Freedom of Speech in Australia launched in November.

DCA surveyed its membership base of employer organisations and made a submission in December that supports no change to sections 18C or 18D of the Racial Discrimination Act or to the complaints-handling procedures of the Australian Human Rights Commission.

Advocacy with business

DCA’s CEO and its senior staff were invited to participate in or speak on D&I at many events, conferences and projects around Australia. Presentations were also made at many in-house member events and functions including for International Women’s Day and in areas such as unconscious bias, flexible work,inclusive language and women in leadership.

DCA spoke at several major events throughout the year including:

  • ‘Executive Connections’, NSW Public Sector Senior Executive Event
  • Women in Payments Symposium 2016
  • ‘Diversity in Leadership: A Global Story’, Engineers Australia International Women’s Day event
  • MBA Diversity Masterclass event, Executive Central
  • Roundtable discussion with Mellody Hobson, President of Ariel Investments and Chair of DreamWorks Animation, Mercer
  • ‘Business and the Syrian refugee intake’,the Migration Council, NSW Government and Business Council of Australia
  • ‘Empowering individuals & organisations to drive the advancement of women’, Public Sector Women in Leadership conference, Criterion Conferences
  • Asian Australian Leadership Summit, Liquid Learning
  • ‘Inclusion: Harnessing diversity to drive performance’, Institute of Public Administration Australia
  • Annual Diversity Business Lunch, Australia – Israel Chamber of Commerce
  • Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Conference,Employment Law Matters
  • Leadership in Diversity & Inclusion Forum, Konnect Learning.

DCA also supported the following D&I events through in-kind promotion:

  • Women World Changers, The Growth Faculty
  • Workplace Diversity and Inclusion, Employment Law Matters
  • Public Sector Women in Leadership Summit Series, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Canberra
  • Leadership in Diversity & Inclusion Forum, Konnect Learning
  • Federation of Gay Games International Gala Awards Dinner.

Judging of D&I awards

DCA’s CEO, Lisa Annese, was on the judging panel for the following awards:

  • The Philanthropy Awards
  • The Gender-wise Philanthropy Award
  • Community Organisation Award category of the 2016 Human Rights Awards.

Strategic alliances & partnerships

DCA continued to develop strategic alliances and partnerships on key diversity topics where we were able to extend our sphere of influence by partnering with other high quality, suitable organisations in the field.

The University of Sydney Business School, Work and Organisational Studies Advisory Board

  • DCA’s CEO, Lisa Annese, joined the University of Sydney Business School, Work and Organisational Studies Advisory Board.

Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA)

We continued to have strong relationships with WGEA through the Gender Equality Network, as we liaised closely on all aspects of gender reporting, alongside our members.

Advocacy in the media

In 2016DCA was very active in the media on diversity.

  • Early in the year, the appointment of David Morrison as 2016 Australian of the Year attracted significant coverage across all media.
  • Our discussion of myths on women and confidence at work that was our focus for International Women’s Day also received coverage in national media including the AFR and ABC TV News breakfast.
  • Substantial media coverage was also received for the#WordsAtWork campaign launched in June.
  • It was covered on all forms of media in Australia including radio, print, online and TV, and we received global coverage including in the New York Times, The Independent, Al Jazeera, Astro Awani and the BBC.
  • It was also huge on social media, trending on Twitter on the launch day and by a week later we had potential reach on Twitter of some 15,694,750 people. The campaign video has to date received in excess of 42,000 views, and substantially more views would have been received on various media websites which embedded our video.
  • Our examination of the major parties’ policy platforms on D&I also gained national media coverage in
  • Flexible working was the topic of media coverage throughout the year, particularly around Father’s Day where it pertained to father’s access to flexible working as well as from the launch of our Future-Flex research.
  • Our work with KPMG and WGEA on a report exploring the contributing factors to the gender pay gap was the focus of coverage later in the year.
  • Our Annual Diversity Debate on engaging men also attracted pleasing coverage.
  • Our CEO, Lisa Annese, is on the editorial advisory council for the website Guardian Sustainable Business Australia. In 2016, she authored four opinion pieces for the site - on women and confidence, on the gender pay gap, on flexible working and on the impact of miscarriage.
  • Regular opinion pieces also appeared throughout the year in other publications including The Huffington Post, Pro Bono, Third Sector magazine and the Australian Institute of Management’s magazine Leadership Matters.
  • DCA increased its efforts on social media. Our combined presence (with Lisa Annese) continued to grow on Twitter, and exceeded 5,000 followers and achieved considerable coverage during our 2016Debate where the debate topic was again trending on Twitter. Our Linked-In connections increased to almost 2,500 and our Facebook presence grew.

Visit the DCA website for more information on our news and coverage of DCA in 2016.