Year 9 ENH
CAT 3: Oral Presentation Comparative Task
You are required to select a common theme from the novel you have studied and the additional text (film, short film, short story, etc) that you have viewed in class. You then need to plan, rehearse and perform an oral presentation that compares how this theme is explored within these two texts. Your presentation needs to go for 3-5 minutes.
Planning work:
- Select your theme. For example, it could be ‘love’, ‘war’, ‘sacrifice’ or ‘identity’. Your teacher will help you do this in class. Write a definition of the theme in your own words.
- Create a bank of examples for all of the ways that theme is demonstrated in each text. These may be examples of settings, characters, events, symbols, etc. It may look like the table below:
‘Family’ in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / ‘Family’ in The Blind Side (film)
- Charlie is very close with his Grandpa and chooses to take him to the factory.
- The Bucket family is very poor but value each other above possessions.
- Veruca Salt is spoilt by her family so she fights with them.
- Michael does not have any family but is adopted in to one.
- For each text, answer the following questions:
- What do we learn about the theme in the text?
- What is the message about the theme in each text? E.g. ‘Family is the most important possession you will ever have’.
- Now begin to compare. You may wish to use a Venn Diagram to help you do this. Use the prompts in the following section to begin your comparison.
Task Structure:
How you structure and present your work is up to you. You may wish to use PowerPoint, Prezi or some other multimodal program. Whatever you choose, you must cover the following prompts in detail. You must also provide at least 3 major examples to support your ideas. These examples could be characters, settings, events, symbols, etc.
Part 1.
What is the theme you are exploring?
- How do you define and describe the theme?
Part 2.
How is this theme explored in Text A compared to Text B?
- What particular aspects of the theme does the text focus on?
- What examples of the theme do we see?
- Are there any similarities or differences?
- What differences can we see when this theme is presented in a film rather than in a novel?
Choose 2 pieces of evidence to compare from Text A and Text B:
- A character from each text that demonstrates this theme
- A symbol from each text that symbolises the theme
- A setting from each text that supports the theme
Part 3.
What do we learn about the theme in Text A compared to Text B?
- Is there a similar or different message about the theme?
- What does the theme reveal about human nature or life in one text compared to another?
Choose 1 piece of evidence to compare from Text A to Text B:
- An event from each text that supports the theme’s message
- A changein a character from each text that support’s the theme’s message
- A choice a character makes from each text that support’s the theme’s message.