February 17, 2017
3 p.m. Eastern Time
1. Announcements:
a. Open VA Optometry Staff Positions
- https://www.navao.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Open-Optometry-Positions.xlsx
- http://www.va.gov/OPTOMETRY/open_VA_Optometrist_Positions.asp or http://jobsearch.usajobs.gov/
b. VA Core Values and Characteristics (I CARE) http://www.va.gov/ICARE/index.asp
c. Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) http://www.diversity.va.gov/programs/pwd.aspx
d. Office of Resolution Management (ORM) – http://vaww.va.gov/orm/ (three related links: EEO Complaint Processing http://vaww.va.gov/ORM/EEOcomplaint.asp ; Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) http://www.va.gov/adr/ + VA Directive 5978; and Resolution Support Center http://www.va.gov/orm/RSC.asp )
e. Improve Your Customer Service Skills – TMS training coursework (https://www.tms.va.gov/learning/user/login.jsp)
f. 2017 David M. Worthen Award for Career Achievement in Educational Excellence
- Dr. Townsend comment. Please consider reviewing and nominating a worthy candidate for this award.
g. Exemptions to Hiring Freeze Memo
- Dr. Townsend comment. Optometrist and Optometry residents are exempt to the hiring freeze. This exemption will also not affect the promotions or special advancements within Optometry.
- https://www.navao.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Signed-Exemption-to-Hiring-Freeze-Memo-with-Exempted-Occupations-1-27-2017.pdf
h. Human Resources Management Letter - Federal Hiring Freeze
- This letter is to provide guidance on the Federal Hiring Freeze enacted on January 23, 2017.
- https://www.navao.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Final-HRML_Federal-Hiring-Freeze-No.-05-17-04-Dated-2-2-17.pdf
i. Same Site Telehealth SFT recommendations
- This memo provides guidance on those programs approved for store and forward capabilities, nationally.
- https://www.navao.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Guidance-on-Capture-of-Same-Site-Store-Forward-Workload.docx
j. VHA Directive 1405, Tracking Ill or Injured Transitioning Service members and Veterans Being Care Managed Using the Non-Primary Care Team Function in the Patient Centered Management Module (PCMM)\
- This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) directive establishes VHA policy on the creation and use of a Non-Primary Care Team in the Patient Centered Management Module (PCMM) to manage and track ill or injured transitioning Service members and Veterans receiving case management services.
- https://www.navao.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/VHA-Directive-1405-Tracking-Ill-or-Injured-Transitioning-Svcmems-Vets...1-27-17.pdf
k. VHA Directive 1011, Department of Veterans Affairs Liaison for Health Care Stationed at Military Treatment Facilities\
- This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) directive establishes procedures in the transition of health care of ill or injured active duty Service members, mobilized Reservists, mobilized National Guard, and Veterans as they transition from the Department of Defense (DoD) to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) system of care.
ii. https://www.navao.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/VHA-Directive-1011-Dept-of-Vet-Affairs-Liaison-for-HC-Stationed-at-Military-Tx-Fac-1-27-17.pdf
l. VHA Directive 1085, Smoke-Free Policy for VA Health Care Facilities
- This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) directive provides comprehensive smoke-free policy for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care facilities.
ii. https://www.navao.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/VHA-Directive-1085-Smoke-Free-Policy-for-VA-Health-Care-Facilities-2-8-17.pdf
m. VHA Directive 1225, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Outcomes for Inpatient Rehabilitation Units
- This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) directive provides policy regarding the recording and tracking of medical rehabilitation outcomes following comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation.
- https://www.navao.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/VHA-Directive-1225-PMR-Outcomes-for-Inpt-Rehab-Units-2-8-17.pdf
2. Optometry Service Field Advisory Committee - Dr. Brough – unavailable for comment.
3. Optometric Education Programs – Dr. Slagle
a. Dr. Slagle comment. The ORMatch deadline is coming up on Friday, February 24. Please send in your match/ rank order list before the deadline to unsure that it is received on time. The results will be due out March 6th.
b. There was good news that came out of the Learner’s Perception Survey put out by the Office of Academic Affiliations. Optometry received 98% overall satisfaction in their optometric education. This is significantly higher than the average within all trainees within the VA. The perception of the clinical skills for the clinical faculty in VA Optometry was 100%.
4. COPE Approved EES Coursework – Dr. Jensen
a. Dr. Jensen comment. They had their first meeting to design a short survey that will go out to all Optometry and Ophthalmology staff to find more ways to deliver accredited education within the VA.
5. Electronic Medical Records/Information Technology Issues - Dr. Ballinger – unavailable for comment.
6. Infection Control/Reusable Medical Equipment Reprocessing - Drs. Horn/Trout/White - unavailable for comment
a. One Source Document Site: http://onesourcedocs.com/member/index.html
7. Teleretinal Imaging Screening Program – Drs. Morris/Selvin – unavailable for comment.
8. DoD/VA Vision Center of Excellence & Eye Injury Registry - Dr. Barker – unavailable for comment.
9. TBI Vision Rehabilitation - Drs. Mandese/Peterson
a. Dr. Mandese comment. The next call will be the third Monday in March.
10. Low Vision Rehabilitation - Drs. Chan-O’Connell/Brahm – unavailable for comment.
11. Optometry Quality Improvement - Drs. Brough/Horn – unavailable for comment.
12. Direct Scheduling/Access/VA Systems Redesign - Drs. Cantrell/Varanelli
a. Dr. Varanelli comment. The next monthly call will be this coming Wednesday. If there are any questions or materials that need to be covered during the meeting, please contact Drs. Cantrell or Varanelli.
b. Dr. Townsend comment. Due to direct scheduling, he has noticed that some of the diabetic eye reminders have been falling short of goal. Diabetic patients still need consults and do not fall under the category of direct scheduling. Please use your teleretinal services to aid in fulfilling these diabetic reminders and getting those patients seen in a timely manner.
13. VA Optometric Research & Development – Drs. Fuhr/Mancil/Sullivan-Mee – unavailable for comment.
a. VA HSR&D Centers of Innovation (COINs) and Resource Centers: http://www.hsrd.research.va.gov/centers/
14. VHA Optometry Service Websites – Dr. G. Singh – nothing new to report.
15. VA Optometry Service Directory - Drs. Egusa/Lim/Dalton -unavailable for comment.
16. VA Residency Trained Optometrist Directory – Drs. Wang/Swift – unavailable for comment.
17. AFOS Report - Dr. Engelke – unavailable for comment.
18. NAVAO Report - Drs. Wong/Gustafson
a. Dr. Wong comment. Please log onto the NAVAO website and remember to renew your NAVAO membership. There are also many resources within the new design pages to explore.