Name: Date: Period:

Finding Joe Response Worksheet

Part 1

I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.” Joseph Campbell

1.  What can we learn from the parable of the Golden Buddha? What can be the “mud” in our lives? How do we chip away the mud?


2.  Why did Joseph Campbell think that stories from all over the world were so similar? Do you agree with Campbell’s discovery of the patterns found in humankind?


3.  Can you think of a famous book or movie that doesn’t fit the mold of the Hero’s Journey? You can earn bonus points if you can think of one that your teacher can’t tie into the Hero’s Journey.


4.  Which phase or phases of the Hero’s Journey do you think you’re in right now? Explain why you think that.


Part 2

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” Joseph Campbell

5.  Why isn’t everyone living the Hero’s Journey if it’s so simple?


6.  How can your good values help you avoid the “trance”?


7.  Why should we be careful what we accept from mainstream society?


Part 3

“Find a place where there is joy and the joy will burn out the pain.” Joseph Campbell

8.  Do you agree, or disagree with this quote: “Your life is the fruit of your own doing. You have no one to blame but yourself.” – Joseph Campbell Why? Use examples from the film to support your opinion.


9.  “Opportunities to find deeper power within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.” – Joseph Campbell Give a summary of a very challenging time in your life, when you learned a lot about yourself. If you can’t think of an example, do you think this is a false statement? Explain your reasoning.


10.  What are dragons? What do they represent in our lives?
