Sustainability Committee Meeting

Tues Oct 14 3.30pm

Present: DD, Rose, Barnaby, Gill, Elysia, Nathan, Luke, Kerry

1. National Recycling Month

On at the moment, school needs a proposal for what it will do to register with Planet Ark. We have bins & recycling bins in yard, as well as some composting bins. We need food scraps for the worm farms.

We would like to focus on separation of waste, have signs that need laminating but they are quite boring.

ACTION:Nathan to talk to Rod about holding a sign-making competition as part of Artist of the Month to make signs for what goes in which bin, and to remind everyone to recycle paper, cardboard, plastics etc.

ACTION:Kerry to pass on to Gill (via Rose?) contact details for the Southern Dandenong Landcare Group who have a badge-making machine for hire, Gill to find out details.

ACTION:DD to organise a recycling game (either sort out the rubbish or a bingo game) to be played during Morning Meeting.

ACTION: Different colour groups (houses) to be asked to take 10 minutes at the end of lunch on the day before bins go out to pick up rubbish and separate – DD to organise from next week.Elysia to organise raffle for small prize for those who take part?

ACTION:Rose to contact Shire about arranging a visit from Education Officer for recycling to the school (Kerry to pass contact to Rose)

ACTION: (Longer term) Find out if we have screen-printing set-up with view to organising design competition to design Sherbie GEMS T-Shirts – DD

2. Resource Smart

We have fulfilled most of the criteria, which should be met by Nov 7th. The meeting at Mater Christi next Weds should show us where everything fits.

ACTION: Sustainability blog on the website needs setting up – Rose and Barnaby to organise.

ACTION: See if we can link to or embed the data on SunSkool into the Sherbie website – Rose.

3. Energy grant

Still waiting on 2 quotes for LEDs, timers and pedal switches.

ACTION: Kerry to pass on electrician’s details to DD.

4. Communities for Nature grant

The $9915 we received will pay for the area behind the Swamp to be cleared over Christmas, to create a track leading to a gate in the paddock. In the New Year, the whole school will be involved in planting out 1200 seedlings (sourced from Southern Dandenongs nursery @ $1.50 each). CALM group to be involved.

ACTION: DD to check she’s put in for plants from Ribbons of Green for next year. (?)

ACTION: DD to find out details of water leaks tracking down company for the area by the chook shed

5. Community Garden

Shire sent documents about getting a community garden started behind the greenhouse.

ACTION: DD to think about involving VCAL and CALM students next year in getting this set up and propogation of plants as fund-raising, perhaps with view to selling at Spring Fete.