- What made you choose this article?
Example “It deals with tennis which is my favourite sport”
- Does the title of the article make use of any literary techniques such as simile, punctuation, word choice and so forth? If yes, use the space below to provide your answer.
Title here:______Name of technique/s______
Example:Title here:Is tennis just a sport for snobs?______Name of technique/s: rhetorical question______
- Explain how the technique/s used may succeed in captivating the reader’s interest
Example: “The rhetorical question encourages the reader to join in the open discussion
- Provide a summary of the article by using not more than 3 sentences
- Use three or more NOUNS to describe the main themes/issues at its heart
- ______
- ______
- ______
Example: inequality, sport, wellbeing
- Write down all of the new words that you have learnt followed by their definition
- Copy out a sentence from the article where the use of punctuation is more noticeable (for example, a long sentence punctuated by commas to list a certain number of features/ideas/opinions) and explainthe idea/thought or the feeling that is emphasised because of this particular use.
Example: “I am addicted!” – the short sentence ended by an exclamation mark lets us know how the person is extremely passionate about tennis.
- Find a linking word ______that is used in the article (they are usually at the start of a new paragraph).
- Now explain the idea/content introduced by this linking word
- Then explain the idea/content that was illustrated before the linking word was used
Example: linking word “But”
- it introduces a new paragraph where the author describes tennis as a newly popular sport
- the previous paragraph described tennis as a sport mostly for the elite (upper class)
- Identify one or more tones used throughout the article:
Example: tongue-in-cheek - sympathetic - informative – cynical - accusatory – defensive etc.
- Quote any examples of humour/irony/sarcasm used by the author
- Write down two words or expressions that you found particularly effective in communicating a given idea or feeling (word choice):
2. / Comment on effectiveness
QUOTE- I abhor tennis, full stop.
- Both “abhor and full stop” let us know how the author just cannot tolerate tennis.
- Did you spot any literary techniques i.e. metaphor, oxymoron etc.? Quote up to three examples and comment on the effectiveness of each one:
- Summarise the point/s made by the author in the conclusion (last paragraph or sentence) of the article :
- Are there any figures of speech/literary techniques in the conclusion that help emphasise the idea/s at the heart of the passage?
Quote / Technique’s name / Idea/s being emphasised