Waitlists for Classes
Department Policy
Waitlists provide a method to insure that potential students are served in an orderly manner when a class is full. When a class is full, a student may register for the waitlist for that class. When an opening becomes available, students will be taken from the waitlist, in order, to fill the vacancy in the class.
All waitlists are managed by the registration office. However, due to the nature of continuous enrollment, it takes cooperation between faculty and registration staff to make waitlists work smoothly.
Additionally, waitlists are maintained by item number, or class. Therefore it may require additional communication between teachers of the same level to most effectively manage waitlists.
Associated Processes
Adding Students to a Waitlist
Students should use the online registration process toregister for a waitlist.
When the student enters their item number, but the class is full, students should confirm that they wish to register for the waitlist. They do not need to pay the $25 tuition at this time.
In the event that the online registration process does not work:
Students currently enrolled in orientation: The orientation instructor should fill out a blue transfer form, clearly marking “Waitlist” at the top of the form. This form should be sent to the registration specialist via campus mail.
All other students: The student should fill out a paper registration form. The instructor or dean should write, in red pen, “Place on waitlist” in the Comments box located in the lower right corner of the form and sign. This form should be sent to the registration specialist via campus mail.
Moving Students from a Waitlist to Enrolled in Class
Facultyneed to monitor their class enrollment and contact registration when openings become available. Instructors will email the registration specialist how many spots are available and which item number they teach. The registration specialist will call the next student on the waitlist and mail the student a print out of their schedule. The instructor should retrieve the student folder from the Waitlist Folders crate in the Building D staff room. The instructor should also contact the student to notify them to begin class.
When the student begins attending class, the instructor should direct the student to pay the $25 tuition at the cashier window in the Registration office within the first week of attendance.