Gravic Talent Bank Employer Survey
You have been identified as a user of the Gravic Talent Bank. Please help us to evaluate and improve our services by answering the questions below. Using a pencil or black ink pen, completely fill in the bubble(s) you selected. Please fill in marks like this: not like this:
This form is a sample form for use with Remark Office OMR®. For more info visit:
Copyright © 2018, Gravic, Inc. This form has been provided as an example only. You are free to modify this form for your usage.
Gravic makes no express or implied warranty that this document will be fit for a particular purpose.
Section I – General Information
1. What is the zip code at your location?
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2.What is the primary form of business at your location?
Manufacturing and/or Mining
Transportation, Communication, and Utilities
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate
3.How many employees do you have at this location?
Less than 25?
More than 25?
4.What services have you used? Fill in each bubble, that applies.
Searched job seeker resumes? Go to Section II
Posted job openings? Go to Section IIl
Section II – Searched Job Seekers Resumes
- Have you interviewed any job seekers found through the Gravic Talent Bank?
No Yes
How Many? Example: 5; Darken then
/ /
6.Have you hired any job seekers found through the Gravic Talent Bank?
No Yes
How Many? Example: 5; Darken then
/ /
7.Would you use the Gravic Talent Bank again?
No Yes
8.Please fill in the bubble with your overall satisfaction with the Gravic Talent Bank?
Extremely Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Extremely Dissatisfied
Section III – Posted Job Openings
9.Have you been contacted by a suitable number of qualified job seekers since posting your job openings with the Gravic Talent Bank?
No Yes
How Many? Example: 5; Darken then
/ /
10.Have you interviewed any job seekers that found your opening(s) in the Gravic Talent Bank?
No Yes
How Many? Example: 5; Darken then
/ /
11.Have you hired any job seekers that found your opening(s) in the Gravic Talent Bank?
No Yes
How Many? Example: 5; Darken then
/ /
12.Would you post your job opening(s) in the Gravic Talent Bank again?
No Yes
13.Please fill in the bubble with your overall satisfaction with the Gravic Talent Bank?
Extremely Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Extremely Dissatisfied
Section IV – FOR ALL USERS (searched Resumesd and /or Posted Job Openings):
14.Are you satisfied with the level of service provided by Gravic Works! in support of the Gravic Talent Bank?
Extremely Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Extremely Dissatisfied
This form is a sample form for use with Remark Office OMR®. For more info visit:
Copyright © 2018, Gravic, Inc. This form has been provided as an example only. You are free to modify this form for your usage.
Gravic makes no express or implied warranty that this document will be fit for a particular purpose.