Understanding Art ARH 1000 Section #2132/ 2133/ 2134
Online Instruction
Spring Semester 2018
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Welcome to ARH 1000, Understanding Art. This Course is designed to guide you through the principles of art and design, to become familiar with different art mediums and studio practices, as well as learn to critically look at and analyze artworks. By learning the vocabulary of art, you will hopefully come away with a greater appreciation for visual elements that you experience on a daily basis.
Name:Jonathan Barnes
Email: *** Please email me through MyCourses***
Office and Online Chat Hours:Office Hours Monday/ Wednesday 1 PM - 3:30 PM, Thursday 9 AM- 12 PM
Out of Class Support-I am in my office quite a bit more than this, feel free to come by my office, call me, or email me through MyCourses. If you need help please let me know before you get too far behind, I want you to be successful in this course.
Office Location:Clearwater Campus, Crossroads Building, CR 153 (inside CR 154)
Instructor Web Page:Jonathan Barnes' instructor page
Name: Dr. Jonathan Steele
Office Location: Clearwater campus, Crossroads Building, CR 154
Office Phone Number: 727-791-2699
Name:Jonathan Barnes
Office Location:Clearwater Campus, Crossroads Building, CR 153 (Inside of CR 154)
Office Phone Number:727- 791- 5997
WEBSITEURL:Jonathan Barnes' instructor page
Course Description: ARH 1000, Understanding Art (online version) is an overview of the artappreciation using the MyCourses delivery system. In other words, instead ofmeeting face to face, we will explore this class through a series of onlinelectures, exercises, tutorials and puzzles. This is an entry-level coursestructured to help the student understand the visual arts including painting,drawing, printmaking, crafts, architecture and photography. The student willgain an understanding of the various mediums, how artists work in theirstudios, how to appreciate a museum of gallery visit, and how to place art in itscultural or historical context.
Art can move and inspire us. It can change perceptions and enrich the humanexperience. In this course you will learn to express ideas in response to variousartworks. Through videos and exercises, you will gain an understanding andappreciation of the artistic process and procedures. You will be in the studiowith painters, printmakers and ceramic artists. All in all you will have anextraordinary experience learning the richness of great artworks. Enjoy.
Course Goals: Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
1. The student will analyze the elements of visual language by:
- a. Identifying two dimensional elements of design in both theory and application.
- b. Identifying three dimensional elements of design in both theory and application.
2. The student will explain the dynamics of visual form by:
- a. Defining vocabulary related to principles of two dimensional and three dimensional design.
- b. Describing the interaction of media and the principles of design.
3. The student will differentiate between the various modes of seeing in the visual arts by:
- a. Discussing naturalistic, expressive and conceptual modes in the visual arts.
- b. Discussing the process of perception of visual works of art (actual versus virtual observation)
4. The student will analyze the content of visual form by:
- a. Discussing the relationship of form to content.
- b. Identifying and discussing the content of a specific work.
5. The student will create a scholarly document related to art history by:
- a. Conducting research on a chosen topic.
- b. Analyzing research findings.
- c. Developing an outline of the information to be presented in the final product.
- d. Integrating knowledge gained from the classroom discussions and readings with research findings. e. Adhering to the elements of style as defined by the professor.
6. The student will compare and contrast different cultural ideas in art by:
- a. Visiting cultural venues such as:museums, galleries, outdoor art shows, art studio openings, in order to experience artworks in person.
- b. Writing about artwork in a cultural venue, including a critique of the artwork and how the elements of design are used.
Course Objectives: The primary objective in Understanding Art is to teach the student how to be aknowledgeable viewer of Fine and Applied art. The vocabulary of Art andDesign will be explored first. Building on this vocabulary, the student will studythe various mediums both 2d and 3d. Cultural and historical references will bemade about the artwork. The student will, by end of course, be able to discussa piece of art and compare and contrast several pieces as viewed in a museumsetting. The course will satisfy a part of the General Education WritingRequirements.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: Dev Level 2 Writing met or satisfactory score on the SPC placement test.
Availability of Course Content – you may work ahead in this course, however the final exam and final exam review do not open until their scheduled time.
Other Critical Course Expectations –the testing for this course is done online.
Required Textbook: Gateways to Art, second edition
Publisher Information: Thames and Hudson (Norton) ,ISBN 9780500292037
Recommended Text or Other Reading Material: none
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This course is designed to be welcoming to, accessible to, and usable by everyone, including students who are English-language learners, have a variety of learning styles, have disabilities, or are new to online learning. Be sure to let me know immediately if you encounter a required element or resource in the course that is not accessible to you. Also, let me know of changes I can make to the course so that it is more welcoming to, accessible to, or usable by students who take this course in the future.
If you have documentation of a disability or feel you may have a disability:
St. Petersburg College recognizes the importance of equal access to learning opportunities for all students. Accessibility Services (AS) is the campus office that works with students who have disabilities to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations. Students registered with AS, who are requesting accommodations, are encouraged to contact their instructor by the first week of the semester. Students who have, or think they may have, a disability (e.g. learning disability, ADD/ADHD, psychiatric, medical/orthopedic, vision, and/or hearing), are invited to contact the Accessibility Coordinator (AC) that serves your campus for a confidential discussion. To find your AC for your specific campus, please go to the college-wide Accessibility Services website:
If you rely on a screen reader for accessing this course, please let the instructor know. Here are three important items about this course in relation to screen readers:
- You will need to be able to disable popups in your internet browser
- There are links are available to view as text (power points)
- Alternate assignments are available for Module 1 composition assignments and Module 5 museum visit
Course Dates:1-8-2018 to 5-4-2018
Drop Date:1-12-2018
Withdrawal Date:3-21-2018
1. Have access to a computer with high speed internet connection: NOTE thereare computers available for students on all campus libraries and learningsupport centers.
2. Please purchase the text, Gateways to Art
3. Familiarize yourself with procedures
4. Please allow sufficient time to read the chapters, do the exercises andpractice quizzes and study the vocabulary.
5. Plan our enough time to write the midterm paper, and make sure youwrite it on the correct topic! Also please plan accordingly for the Museum Visit paper. I will not extend deadlines on quizzes and other assignments. It is your responsibility to complete these tasks on time. Be aware that since this is anonline course, you may havetechnical support issues. Please make sure that yoube proactive if you run into an issue and contact me immediately.
View the college-wide attendance policyincluded in the Syllabus Addendum.
Attendance is required- you must complete every assignment. Since it isdifficult to catch up if you fall behind, it is important to keep up with thereading and assignments. Your paper, test, quizzes and puzzles will act asyour attendance. St. Petersburg College requires that we submit attendanceafter the first 2 weeks of class and at the 60% mark. When a student isreported as inactive or inadequately participating , a “WF” grade willautomatically be administered. Faculty can no longer withdraw a student fromthe course. If you must drop for any reason you must submit the paperworkyourself before the 60% mark to receive a grade of a “W”. This grade will notimpact your GPA, however a “WF” will equate to an F, so please keep this inmind if withdrawing from the course.
Grading Policy- 13 quizzes worth 15 points- these are weekly., 4 Interactive composition assignments worth 10 points each, 1 final exam worth 50 points, Introduction dropbox/discussion worth 15 points,Writing assignment worth 25 points, Museum visit worth 25 points.
Late work is not accepted, please note that assignments are due on Sunday evenings at 11:30 PM.
Required Interaction – introduction discussion post and response are required. The expectation of the student is to complete assignments, assessments, writing assignments and the exam prior to the due dates.Please check your email and course notifications on a regular basis.
View the Online Student Participation and Conduct Guidelinesin the Syllabus Addendum
View the Academic Honesty statement
SPC has outlined expectations for student behavior and interaction for online discussions, email, and other forms of communication. View the Netiquette expectationsin the Syllabus Addendum.
The instructor of this course may require use of as a tool to promote learning. The tool flags similarity and mechanical issues in written work that merit review. Use of the service enables students and faculty to identify areas that can be strengthened through improved paraphrasing, integration of sources, or proper citation. Submitted papers remain as source documents in the Turnitin database solely for the purpose of detecting originality. Students retain full copyright to their works. Review the Turnitin Usage Agreement. Students who do not wish to submit work through Turnitin must notify their instructor via course email within the first seven days of the course. In lieu of Turnitin use, faculty may require a student to submit copies of sources, preliminary drafts, a research journal, or an annotated bibliography.
The Student Survey of Instruction is administered in courses each semester. It is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of performance improvement.
View the MyCourses Minimum Technology Requirements
Students should know how to navigate the course and use the course tools. Dropbox-style assignments may require attachments in either Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf), so that they can be properly evaluated. If an attachment cannot be opened by the instructor, students will be required to re-format and re-submit an assignment so that it can be evaluated and returned with feedback.
Keynote Files are Not Acceptable
Minimum Technical Skills:
Using internet, email, uploading files, saving files, Microsoft Word or equivelant, Microsoft Power Point.
MyCourses tutorials are available to students new to this LMS and are located at the beginning of the course. Most features on MyCourses are accessible on mobile devices, although you will need touse a computer for quizzes, tests, and essay assignments.
View the MyCourses (Brightspace by Desire2Learn) Accessibility Statement
View the MyCourses (Brightspace by Desire2Learn) Privacy Statement
Technical support is available via theSt. Petersburg College Technical Support Help Desk