NHSPA Summer Workshop Scholarship Application 2010


Address:______NSAA Class: A1 A2 B C D

______Your e-mail:______

Publication: Newspaper YearbookHome phone:______

Adviser:______Adviser e-mail:______

Staff Position 10/11:______Grade 10/11: 9th 10th 11th 12th

Desired Workshop Track:______Have you attended before? yes no

If I am awarded a scholarship, I will attend the Summer Journalism Workshop July 29-Aug. 1.


applicant’s signatureparent’s/guardian’s signature

Please submit an essay that discusses the following:

  • your school’s program and its staff
  • your experience so far in journalism at your school, explaining the type of training you’ve received so far, and any staff positions you’ve held
  • the impact being involved in journalism has had on you
  • your goals in journalism for next year, and how your attendance at summer workshop will help you achieve them
  • since scholarship money is limited, please explain why you may be the best candidate to receive this scholarship
  • any additional information that you think might help us make our decision

Please submit a brief recommendation from your adviser that discusses the following:

  • why he/she thinks you qualify for this scholarship, including your past performance, future goals, and financial need

To submit your essay and application, please use one of the following methods:

  1. e-mail a PDF of this cover sheet, your essay, and your adviser’s recommendation all in one e-mail (though perhaps as separate attachments) to
  2. mail your application, essay, and adviser’s recommendation in one envelope to

Courtney Archer

1901 Butler Ave

Blair, NE 68008



Application will not be considered if any part of the application package

arrives after the deadline date

All applicants will be notified of the scholarship winners selected

by Friday, May 28, 2010 by e-mail or by phone if no e-mail is available

February 5, 2010

Happy Spring, Fellow Advisers!

Cathy Davis and I would like to remind you that now is an excellent time to solidify your recruiting efforts for the summer journalism workshop, July 29-Aug. 1.

We hope you are actively encouraging your students to make time in their busy summer schedules to attend the workshop. All of our nationally acclaimed facilitators have agreed to return, and we are once again offering an Editorial Leadership track for the week. The price of the camp has been raised to $300 to help pay for this extra track, and this price includes instruction, room, and board. We are no longer offering Sunday seminars. Registration materials are available on our website. But as a reminder, these are the tracks we’re offering:

  • Journalistic Writing
  • Newspaper Production/Graphic Design
  • Digital Photography
  • Yearbook Production
  • Convergence
  • Editorial Leadership

This year we are able to offer two $100 scholarships per class (A1, A2, B, C, and D) and 1 full $300 scholarship for the winning T-shirt design for a total of 11 scholarships. We hope that you will take advantage of these scholarship opportunities for this summer.

Thanks to the tireless work of webmistress Marsha Kalkowski, updated camp information, including the scholarship application and registration materials, are available on the NHSPA website. Our website address is

Feel free to contact either of us for further information or if you’re interested in a counseling position! And remember, advisers are always welcome to attend any and all sessions during the workshop free of charge. We can get you a room and meal card, also, at a nominal fee.

We know it’s difficult to get your overscheduled and overachieving staff members to find time in their busy schedules to come to the workshop, but we’re confident that no one will benefit more than you when your staff returns next fall full of great ideas, enthusiasm, and confidence that they can make their publications better than they have ever been. We’re really counting on your support.


Courtney Archer, Co-DirectorCathy Davis, Co-Director

Elkhorn High SchoolHastings High School

Workshop e-mail address: